#this is all one big cluster of speculation and wishful thinking but due to hsm 2 being present in s4…
We saw the HSM 2 Troy/Gabriella and Byler side-by-side last year.
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And, due to being on a Disney-related trip with my brother and his girlfriend recently while HSM music blasted in the car (courtesy of his girlfriend), I thought back to the above and started thinking about what other potential HSM references would be great to get in s5.
Specifically from the third and final film soundtrack.
Just Wanna Be With You:
So the HSM 2 reference we got for s4 was Troy and Gabriella splitting up for a bit after some bad miscommunication (to sum it up simply). From HSM 3 we have “Just Wanna Be With You,” the couple’s concluding romantic song for the series. And it’s so, so sweet and what Mike and Will deserve to communicate to each other. But more than that, there’s so much of the song that just fits the dynamic they have had from the start! A dynamic that we on this tag know so well!
Read some of these lyrics and just envision Byler TwT:
“We're being pulled
A hundred different directions
But whatever happens
I know I've got you
You're on my mind
You're in my heart
It doesn't matter where we are
We'll be alright
Even if we're miles apart
All I wanna do
Is be with you, be with you
There's nothing we can't do
I just wanna be with you, only you
No matter where life takes us
Nothing can break us apart
You know it's true
I just wanna be with you”
“You know how life can be
It changes over night
It's sunny then raining
But it's alright
A friend like you
Always makes it easy
I know that you get me
Every time
Through every up
Through every down
You know I'll always be around
Through anything you can count on me”
I have… so many feelings about this song for Byler. Something I love is that Troy and Gabriella are in love with each other and the song establishes they are friends too. We all know that’s one of the best parts of Mike and Will’s relationship: their friendship!! Their friendship will be at the core of their romance! And just ‘understanding/getting each other and falling back on each other’ and being in each other’s minds and hearts… It’s everything they have but deserve more of too! In truly getting to be together as friends and more than friends!
Not to mention life changing overnight, ups and downs… but they have the ability to make things easier on each other (when subtracting miscommunication and societal norms getting in the way, Mike and Will are able to open up and lean on each other in ways they can’t with anyone else). And what is all Will wants to do? Play DnD with Mike in his basement for the rest of his life. He just wants to be with him 🥲
Also just… IMAGINE getting anything resembling sequences like this for s5 Byler:
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(Fanfic balcony wishes)
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(This is while they are singing “I just want to be with you”)
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(And this lil scene involves playing around with paint; I can’t dEAL!! The vision is there and it’s so precious!!!)
In conclusion: more HSM Byler would be very welcomed!!!!
The Boys are Back:
This is me wanting to be spoiled with OG Party scenes. But seriously though!! This song works for the Party! The whole song is about Troy and Chad thinking back on their childhoods and reliving the pretend games they played as kids—like detectives, spies, and superheroes. We even get a flash of their younger selves!
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You can spin some of the lyrics to meaningfully fit the context of the Party (but unlike playing pretend games as kids and teens, the Party’s DnD games keep manifesting into reality). Some of the best ones include:
“Take it back to the place when
You know it all began
We can be anything we wanna be
You can tell by the noise that
The boys are back again
Together making history”
“Here to change the world
To solve the mystery
Fight the battle
Save the girl…
No one can stop us now
We’re the ones that make the rules”
Of course they’re [now] all back in the same place everything began, Hawkins (more full circle relation). Changing the world in the way ‘classic’ heroes do: solving mysteries and fighting battles (both Vecna-related + Will’s painting), but also saving/helping save [Max]. I believe the victories in each example will come because the ‘rules’ (Vecna’s ways of order) are going to be flipped and fought against.
More to be said here but the above speaks for itself. Overall, the main thought is our boys are coming back together again and will make some history. The song is framed as confident and assured, as if a big bad will be overcome. I love the thought of this for the Party!
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And this one, I feel, fits Mike the most. In HSM 3, this song is about Troy feeling torn about what to do with his life after highschool: go with a basketball scholarship his father has always forced on him or a Juliard scholarship he didn’t apply for. He’s having an absolute mental breakdown trying figure out what he’ll do, a big emphasis being that he wants his own personal choice without feeling forced one way or another. Not to mention, worried about being separated from Gabriella as she got accepted to a college far away from either college option he’s being presented.
With lyrics like these, it’s not hard to associate them with Mike at all (too many feel so on-the-nose too):
“Voices in my head
Tell me they know best
Got me on the edge
They're pushin', pushin', they're pushin'
I know they've got a plan
But the ball's in my hands
This time is man-to-man
I'm drivin', fightin', inside of
A world that's upside down”
“I don't know where to go
What's the right team
I want my own thing
So bad I'm gonna scream
I can't chose, so confused
What's it all mean
I want my own dream
So bad I'm gonna scream!
I'm kicking down the walls
I gotta make them fall
Just break through them all
I'm punchin', crushin', I'm gonna
Fight to find myself
Me, and no one else
Which way, I can't tell
I'm searchin', searchin', can't find a
Way that I should turn
I should, to right or left, it
It's like nothing works
Without you”
(This next part is just… scarily beyond fitting)
“… the clock's running down,
Hear the crowd getting loud
I'm consumed by the sound!
Is it her?
Is it love?
Can the music ever be enough?”
Truly… do I even need to explain that? Any of this for ST context?? Mike not only trying to find himself but trying to fight for it… all this on-the-money Vecna and Vecna’d correlation… Not to mention the part about wanting his own ‘dream’—as if dreams already aren’t a huge theme in ST! There’s just so much in the realm of possibility with “Scream”!
Let me put emphasis on this scene too:
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“A world that's upside down
It's spinning faster
What do I do now
Without you?”
If this were a reference for a Mike scene… god just think of the serious angst this could entail. Especially if Mike and Will got separated or during Mike’s Vecna’d scenario (playing upon his fear of losing Will all over again). In some version of the UD, physical or metaphorical, perhaps in a situation that has Mike trapped and stuck, yet he is mustering the power to fight back despite being overwhelmed! So, so many possibilities with what we know, especially with a focus on Mike’s mental health in mind.
I swear if I see anything resembling the above scene, lyrics, or anything from this sequence in s5 for Mike, I will lose what little mind I have left.
Troy is even wearing the number 14 on his jersey!!!!C’mon!! It’s right there all gift-wrapped for us!!!
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