#this is about you james this is about you eizen
sammysatto · 2 years
shout out to my two friends on tumblr who tag me in posts and i get to find them like their little treasures all for little old me. like little washed up messages in bottles that i find at my feet. to put it romantically. 
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
For the ship chart, I'm gonna give you one ship that I wanna hear and one that you wanna talk about so: CaptainSerpent and EiRoku
CaptainSerpent (animated!Jafar x OUaT!Hook):
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The weirdest matchup that I never thought was supposed to work only to find out it was actually destiny from day one? I dunno, it’s like the RedHatBlackHat of QAGA. I can feel how much passion you put into them, and I’m still reeling from the battle in the last chapter when everyone thought they were getting it on because they act the EXACT same way in battle that they do in the bedroom. I read and loved a PWP of them, which means mega OTP. It kinda makes me sad that they each come from a different adaptational “set” of Disney characters that means they have a “canon” counterpart - we have not one but two actors playing OUaT Jafar now and good ol’ animated James Hook, but animated Jafar/Hook is - well, it’s GOOD, because pretty much all rando Disney villain crackships are good, but it’s not great - and OUaT Jafar/Hook lacks the fun factor. So when I say we need more of it, I’m saying so wistfully because this one’s almost harder to put together than RHBH (almost) due to that little hitch, and...and I want people to understand that if you swap up the two Disney character sets, you get some truly AMAZING combinations, INCLUDING THIS ONE. Also, I actually like Hook now when I didn’t at all before and I think that was Jafar’s fault and so now you’ll occasionally see gifsets of him on me blog (except sorry GA, I have to tag him K*llian on here because I have a separate tag for James and I don’t want a repeat of the FINN INCIDENT) when before I was like “Oh, him? Yeah he sucks” but no now he’s in the crackship of the century and. Please give me more of Jafar pretending he’s above love and then freaking out because his disaster pirate got punched into the floor again. This ship is the epitome of “Cleans your stab wounds while calling you a dumbass”
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DID NOT EXPECT TO ACTUALLY FINISH AN 83-PAGE LONGFIC ABOUT THEM (I lied before when I said it was 85, I just saw the number wrong, but 83 is basically 85 in fic terms) AND YET HERE I AM. From the moment they SPOKE, I was shipping it. Almost literally every scene of them gave me new subtext, and if you don’t ship them, you have to AT LEAST acknowledge how good of friends they are because the rivalry! The quiet drinks after the rest of the party has gone to bed! The beetle argument! The fact that Rokurou made Eizen THREE COINS to try and change the Curse tide because he knew the first two would self-destruct somehow! This is also one of those ships more easily described as “He’s a dumbass, but he’s MY dumbass” (look, it’s not an explicitly shippy interaction, but I will also never get over when Eizen was explaining the flesh-eating coral on Manann Beach and Rokurou just goes “So that’s why it tingles when I touch the coral” and Eizen doesn’t respond but you KNOW he’s just sitting there going “How the hell are you still alive you idiot”). Though that isn’t to say Eizen isn’t secretly a complete and utter dork because he IS. I AM LOVE THESE PIRATE/SWORDSMAN HUSBANDS SO MUCHHHHHHHH
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