#this is a response to jadzio btw
fadebolt · 6 months
Ok, I feel like it would probably be nice of me to respond to this
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Yes, he/him are absolutely my correct pronouns, I just don't really put that anywhere (unless I'm forced to), because I frankly don't care about which pronouns people use for me (which is why I've also picked any/all alongside the he/him in the SC, btw). I would probably correct others if they assumed I was a she/her, but I'd honestly find that more charming and funny, and not really insulting or offensive.
This is partially due to my native language not having any gendered pronouns whatsoever, but also, I feel like this recent obsession with putting pronouns everywhere is getting a tad weird (Especially when people walk up to a live stage and mention them while introducing themselves... like dude - we all know what men and women look and sound like, don't y'all think this is just a bit redundant? Feels like it'd be enough if just the they/them-s were the ones to mention it, once it would naturally come up)
Don't take this in a negative manner though, the post was real sweet, and I know this is coming from a place of kindness, which I wholeheartedly appreciate. And there's absolutely no need to edit anything - everything is perfect as it is, and seeing it all made me real happy.
Though if any of you end up accidentally misgendering someone, and that person starts a giant fuss over it - then please by all means send me to them. Or just tell them yourselves, that your pronouns are 'symbol of perfection'/'my lord and savior', and it's gonna be offensive to you if they don't use these. (Though I always wanted to pull that on a conflict seeking narcissistic jerk myself xd)
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