#this got long af ill do brit in her own post
yakumtsaki · 2 years
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GUESS WHO’S HERE AGAIN. Seriously wtf is the wolf’s problem, why does he constantly show up in every lot except the one I want him to, GOD. 
Anyway, let’s get this update rolling cause I wanna get back to the main house at some point, it’s unreal how much time I spent on the spares, I really didn’t expect them to be such a shitshow. We begin with Melody and Gunther, who remain shockingly, disgustingly happy:
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I’m not kidding when I tell you guys that Gunther hasn’t rolled a single cheating want his entire time with Melody. Loyal king! 
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So Melody is in like her 100th LTW, she became a Mad Scientist while married to Daniel, then she became Hand of Poseidon-
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-then she became a World Class Ballet Dancer (wtf lol)-
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and finally she became an Ecological Guru! We stan a Renaissance Woman.
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She also earned 100k without having it as an LTW, but whatever, it counts!
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Melody also got to live her dog dreams as we adopted Lulu and she had 4 puppies with Benny..
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..whom I named after painters since Gunther is an art ho:
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This is Dali, Pollock, Frida, and Vincent! Unfortunately, as evidenced by Lucy Hanby’s presence, Gunther’s weeaboo house is not meant for this many pets, so we kept Frida and sent the other 3 to live with Angel and Wulf so we’ll be seeing them later (these dogs are the. WORST).
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Finally, Gunther grows up in this iconic ‘leather blazer + boxers outfit’, when I tell you guys I lold for 5 min-
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-and then Melody comes home from work, finishes her 5th LTW (I can’t remember what it was) and grows up in the same outfit! CUTE
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And they lived happily ever after, ignoring their kids♡
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We switch to Daniel, who’s.. uh.. not doing great. He had to get a job because it was Melody who was bringing in the big bux, and between that, taking care of JuJu and taking care of his 50 cats, he’s perma exhausted. 
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He’s also rolling depressing fears such as above, thankfully between his kid interactions and his cat interactions he’s always plat. I did change his LTW from Golden Anniversary to the Journalism one because honestly I don’t think he would remarry anytime soon, he’d be focused on JuJu plus he’s bound to have some trust issues :(
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The blows just won’t stop coming, as Roux, the last of the original Komei cats, passes away💔 End of an era.
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-So you see, June, sometimes a family is a Daddy and the kids in one house, and the Mommy in a different house with Uncle Gunther! -But why is Mommy with Uncle Gunther? -Beats me, honey.
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Despite the traumatic divorce, JuJu remain absolute units, I can’t believe their skill points-
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-and Daniel remains the best sim parent I’ve ever had, I can’t believe Victoria and Komei produced him. 
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Then at other times, I can believe the Komei part.
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I just want him to be happy instead of talking to his trees :(
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-Ok, Jul, so we agree that Dad needs a serious relationship yesterday? -Absolutely, Jun, before we know it he’ll go from talking to the tree to marrying it. 
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-Nana, we have a cunning plan to get Dad a girlfriend, I need you guys to help us make Lucy attractive to him!
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-Aww how cute you are when you’re not SHITTING EVERYWHERE
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-Lucy, I couldn’t help see you hugging Sisi! I didn’t know you were a cat person! -Beats those goddamn dogs at your brother and your wife’s place! I still can’t believe he dumped a star like Brittany, I mean she was in the Monty Farms Orange Soda commercial!  -It’s been not great talking to you.
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Dan greets her and the first thing she does is admire him, AWWW
-Let me just tell you, Daniel, it’s a true honor to meet you, you’re a legend in the Crazy Cat Lady community! 
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Ya, that figures lol.
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We invited Tara over for a date the next day (after a much needed makeover) and things escalate..
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..QUICKLY. I didn’t remember Tara is a family sim too, I thought she was knowledge, this is perf ♡
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It’s JuJu’s birthday, which Melody shockingly attended, I legit thought she might not come-
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-also in attendance, Sugar, with his face blurred out so we can do the big reveal of his teen face in the main house.
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June is FUCKING ADORABLE. She looks so much like Melody from the front, but from the side..
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June celebrates her birthday by immediately kissing Sugar, who is.. her uncle Jojo’s grandson, so her cousin, once removed? If only we lived in the time period Sugar gets his clothes from, this would be fine, sorry Jun! 
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Julian grows up right after and is also INSANELY ADORABLE. The first thing he does is hug June, I cannot, just like when they were bebes♡
-Huggle? -Huggle huggle!
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With the kids about to leave for college, Daniel married Tara-
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-and promptly knocked her up! I didn’t want more kids but I felt bad for Tara because having a married family aspiration sim with no kids is borderline cruel. And how did Tara repay me for my kindness??
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..FUCKING TWINS. DANIEL WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR SPERM. Anyway, welcome to the world, Cleo and Cecilia aka CC!
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Daniel finished his Journalism LTW and got this insane bonus:
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When he’s not raking in the cash, Daniel as always enjoys living in the nursery.
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Big surprise, the spawn of Daniel and Tara Kat won’t leave the cats alone.
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We legit have so many cats now with Tara’s added three that the lot was flashing pink and JuJu had to fuck off to college early, but they’ll be living with Sophito and Sugar in the UUU Greek house so we’ll see them again soon!
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And Daniel grows up! 
-I think I did pretty well :)
You did great, baby! We just need to get you some grey eyebrows pronto.
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And he lived happily..
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..and lagilly ever after! :’)
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