#this game quite likes the albedo and aether duo huh
ac-liveblogs · 3 years
The Snowy Past, Act I
Well, I for one love this whole “Paimon randomly decides she wants something and an event just happens to kick off” model. It’s not jarring at all.
Even I admit this is nitpicky, but we’re seriously trying to work out how to preserve food in a world where people have ice powers.
“Albedo is NOT the kind of person that would just ignore you if he’s in a bad mood!” yeah, he’s ACTUALLY the type to just walk away and leave you without warning if you annoy him
Wow, it has been awhile since we last saw Amber in any decent capacity. I think she cameo’d briefly in Eula’s quest, but she hasn’t done anything substantial since the prologue, I think.
omg, teucer, where’s your hat
Eula is not the one to lecture someone about being too formal when speaking to others. It’s... strange that she’s showing some self awareness about it now given that she was unable to do so in her quest, even if she gives a decent enough justification for it. Also, the Lawrence stuff... really happened far too long ago for me to be able to take it seriously. It also comes across as strange when the rookie adventurer partnered up with her seriously has no idea who she is and is totally fine teaming up.
I’d also like to make a crack about Fischl ditching an event because she had something else to do again... and man we forgot about Albedo quick!
Albedo is kiiiind of a bitch these days. Which, I will be honest, is a massive improvement. But Paimon makes it impossible to have a natural-sounding conversation between her voice acting and her clunky, forceful dialogue completing overtaking the Traveller’s role in any conversation. That Paimon gets the bulk of dialogue with people that are pretty ambivalent about her but supposedly extremely close with you is not to this game’s benefit. I couldn’t tell you what your dynamic with Albedo is supposed to be, really. Also, we sure forgot about Amber quick!
and man does this game condecend to you sometimes. is it really searching for footprints if the map tells you where to look AND there’s an arrow pointing at them...
You know, I’d thought Paimon’s completely random insistence on the Traveller learning to paint was just extremely clunky dialogue, it was actually extremely clunky foreshadowing! 
god, what do the fatui even do in their spare time. the hell are these guys getting paid for. 
Wow, Albedo just sprung his backstory on you out of NOWHERE. It wasn’t even relevant to anything that was happening, he just decided to dump it on you and didn’t even tell you why it mattered that you know. Issue being that you’ve met Albedo a grand total of four times in this game, and you didn’t spent a lot of time with him except the first, and suddenly you’re the only one he trusts with this amazing info about himself, apropos of nothing? When I predicted that MHY wouldn’t even bother trying to work backstory info into the game in an interesting way bc it was already revealed in stories, I wasn’t expecting to be so dead on.
“Let’s meet back up in a couple of days!” is turning into a bad joke. We have an imposter on the loose attacking children. You want to compare in a few days? Even if I didn’t work in childcare, I would be losing my shit trying to apprehend this jackass. 
Honestly, I appreciate that Genshin is trying harder to write event narratives, but they’re still not any good at it. Or consistent characterisation. Or exciting storylines. I can’t help but feel that Albedo has a lot of potential that’s being squandered in this game, and I know if he were written more competently I’d absolutely adore him, but Genshin makes him about as interesting as toast. 
The worst part of this game is that there’s solid ideas here, but they clearly can’t stick the execution. I guess I should just be glad they’re not pulling a Xiao/Lantern Rite scenario and we’re actually addressing any of this stuff at all.
god the event shops suck in this game!!! fgo seriously spoils me. at the very least can they implement infinite currency farming????   
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