#this fandom kills me with how quickly they'll drop a person for the sake of popularity too but lol
rebelcliche-archive2 ยท 1 year
it's wild to me that people will insist that it's ok for you to take breaks from rp and for you to ship what you want and that you don't have to be chronically online bc they'll still be there! buuuuut then you take a break from rp or you pop online to post ooc a little or talk about a ship you like and the next thing you know, the same people who insisted that it's ok for you to put your mental health first have dropped you. so which is it? are you allowed to take breaks and have people not forget about you, or do you have to be online constantly so people won't leave you by the wayside?
and don't get me started on how stupid i think it is that people feel like in order for others not to drop them they have to kiss ass. you shouldn't have to shower someone in attention / compliments for them to want to be around you bc if they are like that, they aren't worth keeping around.
but all this to say: treat your rp partners good. don't be a fucking dickhead or alternatively, don't feel like you have to suck their toes in order for them to like you. if they're gonna stick around they will. but either way: the rpc needs to do better with not dropping someone like it's hot just bc they have to take mental health breaks or need to step away from his hellscape of a fandom for a bit.
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lesbianmichelmishina ยท 7 years
People you always meet in Town of Salem
The Harambe: They might not actually be CALLED Harambe, but their name will always be something which grabs attention. Donald Trump, Justin Bieber and Edward Cullen, among others, are other names for this one. Lookouts, Jailors and Protectives might want to head to their house night one, because they'll probably be targeted. God help you if they're the Veteran.
Mr T.P. On Me: They have info. Maybe they're telling the truth, maybe they're NE, maybe they just have no tarnation clue what they're doing. Either way, they want the Doctor and Bodyguard to drop everything and jump on them because CLEARLY the evil roles are going to want them dead.
The Fandom: This is more than one person. Members of The Fandom all have names themed on the same series. Maybe they're in a party, or maybe one picked a fandom name and the others followed suit. Keep an eye on them, because if they're on the same side they may well start working together very quickly. Because really, if you're McCree the Investigator and Reaper's in town... who else are you gonna check night one?
The (Not-So) Smart Guy: Whoever this is, they know what they're doing. They raise good points, they sort through info efficiently, they have great hunches. They're probably the Jailor, and they should shut up before they get shot.
The Role-Hater: This person hates their role, but they don't want to get penalised for leaving. Can they just be killed, please? Could be a Jester. Could be a Veteran. Could just be someone who's unlucky, because no one goes for the guy who's literally begging to be killed.
The Jestervestigator: Wow, this person found two Mafia and the SK! Town Investigative confirmed for - oh, they were the Jester. You better pray you don't run into one of these. Nobody likes them, especially the Jestervestigator themselves.
The Troll: They put swastikas in their will. They managed to get their slurs past the censor. They say purposely offensive things in the lobby then change their name to avoid being caught. What a sad existence they must have. Report and move on.
The Quiet One: Have they said anything at all the entire game? They're always evil, except when they're the Jailor.
Mr YOLO: Vet-baiting! BG-baiting! Day 1 Mayor reveals! Publicly daring the SK to stab them! This person doesn't care, they just wanna tarnation flummery up. If they're actually successful, they're awesome, but they usually aren't.
The Friendly Killer: "I can kill Mafia for you!" Protip, Neutral Killers, this never works.
Day 1 Survivor Claim: This person will loudly and obnoxiously remind you that they are the Survivor and want to be left alone. Usually get killed just to shut them up. Aren't usually actual Survivors.
The Trolling Amnesiac: "An Amnesiac has remembered that they were an Amnesiac." Haha, funny, now let's move on and - "An Amnesiac has remembered that they were a Serial Killer." OH FOR TARNATION'S SAKE!
The Best Player: Well, they think they're the best player, anyway. They think it's obvious they're Town and will get very angry at anyone who even dares to question them. Nothing that goes wrong for their side is their fault, even if it was. Don't be this guy.
Crouching Werewolf, Hidden Arso: Is the Neutral Killing AFK? Nope! Either the Serial Killer's on a murder break, the Werewolf's watching the nature channel at home to avoid suspicion, or the Arsonist is pretending to be a Survivor and desperately hoping to be ignored. Catch them and feel bad for them. Lose to them, and freak the tarnation out in dead chat.
The YouTuber: Holy flummery, is that who you think it is? These guys actually do tend to be good players, to be fair. It's just that everyone likes to target them because they stand out once you know who they are.
The Turkish Guy: Not as common these days because they have their own server now, but sometimes you'll still see Turkish in the English servers. Don't judge them, they're as likely to be as good at this game as any Western player is. That is to say, they're just as terrible as we are. Have Google Translate open if you see them, it helps.
The Black Cat: Awww, the SK was jailed or escorted night one. How sad for them, but at least they recognise they don't have a chance. Let's just lynch and move on. Might turn into the Friendly Killer, but on occasion...
The Four-Leafed Clover: ...they'll be a really, really lucky Jester. A Four-Leafed Clover can also be an Executioner turned Jester who was attacked at some point, but only outed as immune once they become a Jester.
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