#this could’ve been two different fics since my hc for how he tells martin the second time is very different from the first
disaster-fruit · 3 years
Quick Father’s Day special (??
Oxiosa suggested “Mmmh maybe Lu telling Tincho he's pregnant? He found out some days ago but wanted to break the news to him on father's day since it was close anyways?”
Posting here because it’s not good enough for AO3
CW: transmasc character, pregnancy. NOT omegaverse/mpreg
Luciano stared at those two little lines for god knows how long.
Though every time he did the test he had his hopes up just once again be met with a negative result, he could never be ready to fully process it when it finally did come out positive.
They had been trying for almost a year, to the point that it almost felt like they'd keep trying forever. They did everything right, followed every instruction - scientific and superstitious. Luciano had stopped his HRT, was eating right, keeping track of his cycle, lighting up candles for the Virgin Mary. Martín kept his phone in his back pocket and, since finding out tight jeans could get in the way of his part of the process, had abandoned half his closet for the time being. They tried night after night, following weird fertility-boosting positions they found on the internet in every crescent moon. Yet, month after month Luciano took the same test, his heart heavy in expectation, and every month the same single line appeared in that godforsaken test.
They were almost losing hope at this point. They had decided to make a baby the old-fashion way because adoption was taking so long, but there was no guarantee it would work. Luciano’s body had changed and wasn't ideal for it, and he wasn’t that young anymore either. From every angle, they were at a disadvantage, and the months of negative tests had only served to prove that this just wasn't for them.
Well, not anymore.
Luciano bought a second test, just to be sure. Two lines, very clear. It was happening.
He had to tell Martín. He had been more nervous than Luciano about the entire thing, sitting alone in the room they had been waiting for the baby that didn't come, staring at the ceiling until Luciano would find him there and come up with an excuse to distract him. He couldn't blame him: Martín wanted to be a father, and Luciano did too, but the odds seemed against them.
Once he fully registered those two blue lines in the test, his first instinct was to run to his husband, announce the news loudly, throw himself in his arms and kiss his face in glory.
Unfortunately Martín wasn’t home. Or fortunately, because a second later Luciano had a much better idea.
Their parents were coming over for lunch on Sunday. It was Father's Day, a family moment, and Martín had mentioned to himself how ironic it was they’d spend a father’s day with no prospects of being fathers anytime soon. There was no better day to deliver the good news.
He kept the two pregnancy tests hidden and did his best to act natural once Martín got home. Refusing wine took some convincing acting, but Martín didn’t seem to suspect a thing, not that night and not a moment until Sunday.
When the day finally came, Luciano woke up already half excited, half nervous for that moment. It was their first child, was there a right way to say it? He stared at those two lines again, trying to find in them the courage he needed.
Martín was preparing their lunch in the kitchen. He looked cute, softly humming a song as he peeled potatoes on the table for his family recipe. Luciano walked in, with the test in his pocket, trying to not give anything away.
— Hi, Tinho. Need any help?
He raised his eyes for a second to look at him, with a small relaxed smile.
— Not really, I’m fine. But if you want to cut some onions I’m not complaining.
Luciano chuckled, walking behind him to settle his hands over his shoulders.
— Yeah, I can do that. But first...
— First what? — Martín raised an eyebrow with a smile, misunderstanding his mischievous tone.
Luciano covered his eyes with one hand and leaned down to whisper in his ear.
— I have a surprise.
— Really? — Martín asked in interest.
With his free hand, he gently took the potato and knife from Martín’s hand, without any resistance. In their place, he put the pregnancy test and uncovered his eyes.
— Happy Father’s Day. — he whispered, throwing his arms around his shoulder.
Martín was staring at the test.
— Is this-
— Uhum. — Luciano didn't let him finish. Instead, he kissed Martín everywhere he could reach, his neck and his hair and his ear, letting him process his shock.
His silence was almost talking too long when suddenly it broke out in laughter. Martín stood up and took Luciano in both arms, hugging him with his entire body, making him spin.
— Finally! I knew it would work! — he announced, kissing Luciano's face in joy. Then, he dropped to his knees to kiss his stomach, his whole face glowing in happiness. — This is wonderful, I-
— I thought today was the perfect day to tell you. — Luciano ran his fingers through Martín’s hair, smiling down at him.
— Wait- How long have you known?
— Just a few days. But hey, isn't that a nice gift?
— It’s the best gift. — he kissed his stomach again a few times before getting up to kiss his mouth. — We have so much to do, we have to tell people and go to the doctor and buy baby clothes! And pregnancy clothes. Baby books, furniture! We need to paint the room-
— Calm down… — Luciano laughed, pressing his hands on his cheeks. — Your enthusiasm is adorable, but you do know we still have nine months to go?
— No! — Martín held him up again, kissing any skin he could find. — I already love this little thing here more than anything in this world!
— Well now I’m jealous. — Luciano teased. — Put me on the ground so we can finish lunch. Though this is kinda perfect timing, we can give my dad the good news today and he won't even notice I didn't buy him a gift. Certainly grandchildren are better than new socks.
— Oh, right. — Martín put him down, clearly having himself forgotten about the lunch with their parents. — God, how am I supposed to think of potatoes now?
Luciano chuckled, caressing his hair.
— I’m sure you’ll manage.
Martín nodded but instead of going back to his task, he brought Luciano close for another kiss, slower and calmer but not any less excited.
— I’ll make it work. — he kissed Luciano’s forehead before pulling away. — Happy Father’s Day.
— Happy Father’s Day.
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