#this concept is going to melt me into goop someone needs to scrape off the concrete. like gum melted onto asphalt in mid july.
dirtytransmasc · 9 months
Stop cause the image of Criston helping Alicent with soothing Aegon down because he’s crying. She’s so young and she’s already pregnant with Helaena and its just all so much. So Criston picks up Aegon and rocks Aegon back and forth until he falls asleep
Oh my god…
Criston always be the father that her children needed. He’s there for it all. When they’re born and when they have their first day of school and are nervous. He’s THEIR dad!
Got carried away lol!!!
he would have this kind, soft voice, no malice or ill held in it, no sickly sweet pity, just a clear want to help, and she's just so tired that she hands over her firstborn without thinking twice about it.
he takes the little thing in his arms with such care and delicacy, the boys head gently cradled in one hand, making it look oh so tiny, his body tucked carefully to his chest. he's smiling and cooing at him the instant they touch, gently rocking him, making him soothe a bit.
he looks at Alicent like a dad reacting to meeting their baby for the first time, his eyes full of pride and love and adoration. he's met the baby before, but this is the first time he's held him, the first time he's truly understood just how perfect he is. Alicent made this little thing, and he loves her for it, for being so strong for so long. he's worried all this time, wanted to help her, to take on the little tike and give her a much needed break, and now he has to make her understand the very honor it is to even hold the babe.
he'll use a gentle hand to wipe away Aegon's tears, the soft touch soothing his crying until it stops completely. only then does he sit down, not too close but not too far from Alicent, knowing she needs a break and some space to calm herself, but that moving the babe too far away would only stress her more. he rock's the wee thing back and forth, back and forth, smoothing his hair and tracing over his teeny tiny little features with his thumb. just as the baby starts to fall asleep, he wraps him in his white cloak, his heart nearly melting when Aegon nuzzles his face into his armor, huffing softly at the warmth that radiates from it.
he'd spend hours holding the little thing, watching over his queen as she too slept, pulling her down against his shoulder, an arm around her to spare her from the rooms chill. both of his loves would be safe and well rested if he had any say in it.
he had sworn his heart to his queen the second she spared his life, a debt he could never repay, but now? now he swore himself to her and her children, he just had to, something in her heart decided it, and no amount of logic could sway it. he would always protect these two, from anything and everything.
just before he too could start to doze into that familiar space any warrior would know, resting but alert and on guard, he felt Alicent take his hand, pressing it to her belly, letting him feel the kick of the little babe inside. make that three, he would protect all three of them, and any more kids that would follow.
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