#thinking of him with one of those rattling around his waist all the time 😌
magistralucis · 4 months
Headcanon that the current Solemnace crew all have Waist Inventory™, taking after their overlord, who still carries his curios in this manner despite also having free access to such things as dimensional pockets and tessarect labyrinths. We know the Huntmaster canonically carries his trophies like this, and since Sannet apparently fashions his writing implements out of his own necrodermis, it doesn't sound too far-fetched that he might keep field notes and the like in a similar fashion. Ashkut could have a chronomancer prod there or something. The possibilities are endless
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I bet he'd be delighted by the concept of a fanny pack
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Hi, Ro😌❤️I love the new hospital drabble😌❤️
And I also had a good laugh reading that Ari had a hard time trying to explain why he called her his wife in the hospital🤣🤣
Though... it couldn't be the only time that Ari sneaked behind her back and called her wife, no?👀👀👀 like he can be all possessive and claiming when he needs to be😩🤭
Warnings for some spice. I mean, whoops again, gang 🥵😩 I have no one to blame but myself. OH NO. THIS SUCKER IS GETTING THE MATURE LABEL. WC 1.2k
3 x Ari Faked It + the 1st x It Was Real, a terribly titled Bedrock and Blueprints drabble
The hospital was a pretty special circumstance because the nurses weren't going to let him see you if he didn't lie, however, Ari becomes a bit notorious for not correcting anyone who calls you 'Mrs. Levinson.'
Your friends at the bar ask him how 'the misses' is doing when you're not around, and that very small thing usually brings a smile to his face. For a while, Ari thinks to himself that it's just the equivalent of saying 'your girl,' and he just moves on with the conversation.
A reservation for a nice dinner he takes you to on your birthday is under his name, and the woman leads you to the table with a simple "right this way, Mister and Misses Levinson."
Since it's just the hostess walking you from point A to point B thirty feet away, Ari hardly thinks it's worth the time to explain that you two aren't married...and you don't mention that either.
That gets him thinking. Would you take his name?
The idea rattles around in his brain, popping up randomly in between bits of chatting, but he never says anything out loud.
Of course, Ari's in love with you and you're in love with Ari. He loves you and you love him, and he knows that. But you don't...discuss future things with him much because you're trying not to scare the chronic nomad off. It took enough nudging (and then straight-up fighting) to get him to move into a house he was already building for you for fuck's sake.
And yes, Ari is still the type of man who would panic and run to the bar with José and Dimitri if you started talking about wedding things like guest lists and themes and flowers. He's not there, and he doesn't enjoy that even if it's you. He simply isn't that man.
The idea though...
That idea of saying you are his wife is different. That's not a possession in the physical sense. He's never wanted much in the way of 'stuff,' and he didn't put much effort into keeping his family around once he joined the military. Marrying you would not be a big deal to him in terms of ownership.
Nope. What strikes Ari deep in his gut is that you'd claim him as your family, you might want him bound to you in that way, and you might be his permanent home.
Something about that makes Ari feral, and on the way home from your dinner, the instant he pulls his keys out of the ignition, Ari slides across the leather seat and pins you to the door with a hot and heavy kiss.
When you finally convince him it'll be more comfortable to exit the vehicle, he doesn't let you get far, hoisting you up against the side of the truck until your arms stretch over the lip of the flatbed. That shiny little skirt you wear gets pushed up to your waist, and Ari fucks you right there in the dark driveway.
Happy birthday to you indeed.
Um, so then there's the time Ari will never, ever speak of to anyone other than you ever.
Maybe a month or two after you find out you're pregnant, Ari's boss's boss has a big party at a large corporate space the company just completed. The Big Boss's wife thinks you and Ari are married, and again, because it's an unnecessary conversation to have with someone you may never see after that night, you two nod and smile and move on.
There's so much drinking at the party which, of course, you can't partake in. It's not that you aren't having fun and meeting interesting people, but...
Let's put it this way: you are extremely horny during those months after the morning all-day sickness subsides, and Ari is not drinking in solidarity with you. What the hell else are you gonna do but find a random small room to pull your panties down just far enough for him to sink into you from behind? Is he supposed to stop himself from using one hand to support your faint baby bump? Is he gonna not use the other to furiously work your clit? Is he supposed to deny you two orgasms while he gets to watch you pinch at your bigger breasts from over your shoulder?
He's not a monster, so, yeah, he does all those things. He hasn't gotten the chance to figure out how to propose for real, but it works as a really intense turn-on for you, apparently, to hear him praise you as 'Mrs. Levinson' even just once when he whispers for you to be quiet. He does not actually care if you stay quiet, for the record. He kinda just wants the excuse to say it. If he's not mistaken, that made you come pretty fucking hard. Noted.
All in all, he is very courteous of the space, makes sure none of his cum drips out of you before replacing your panties, wipes himself with his handkerchief then pockets it so there's no trash (or evidence), and other than your hands braced on the wall at some point, nothing was touched. Also, Ari thought it was maybe the hottest sex of his life.
He is not, however, going to tell anyone that.
Out of necessity, you two don't spend much money on your wedding. It's a small (we are talking intimately small) Jewish ceremony followed by a huge backyard party with friends. It seemed more important to purchase Ari his coveted grill instead of investing too much in the pomp of a wedding. (Additionally, you couldn't really spend on even a small wedding until after getting a car fit to transport a baby, so Ari sold his beloved truck--to José, thank goodness--and you bought a bigger vehicle with a backseat. You are reluctantly driving now, but it's mainly in case of emergencies. The ultimate plan is for Ari to buy the truck back from José since his friend is also saving for a nicer car himself. It's all very tidy.)
The grill though! Ari's ecstatic. Now he can cook all sorts of stuff for you and little Rachel, your daughter, named after Ari's mother. Rachel, of course, can't eat anything from the grill yet, but that just gives Ari time to master his skills.
If the ceremony had been bigger, you two would have had the yichud--a bit of time together alone before leaving with your guests--but Rachel wakes up from a completely dead sleep in José's arms to demand attention...and you've got to get home to start cooking.
So it turns out that Ari doesn't have any chance to really converse much with you until Rachel is busy being passed around the guests outside and the food is all served. Dimitri is entertaining everyone by leading in lawn games. Ari takes his moment to steal you away to the bedroom.
He's not emotional he's extremely emotional, but he makes sure the first time he ever calls you Mrs. Levinson for real is while tenderly making love on your wedding day.
Well, the first time on your wedding day because there are a few more times after your guests leave and Rachel is put to bed. Just saying.
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Ya know, I have never written any 3+1 or 5+1 fics... Huh. Didn't realize that until now.
Still have zero chill and posted anyway. So sue me, I like reading people's reactions as soon as possible...
Hope you enjoyed this bit of spice, and thank you for reading!
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