#think i'm happy with the design for squilf too
cicadagaze ยท 1 year
Squirreldaisy ivypool and Dovewing?
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MAN these were so so fun to design..... the black ear tips and manes run strong in the fire fam btw
I already drew them in these poses/with these expressions, but now that I think about it... I think they'd maybe be a little less like how they are in canon. I think Daisy and Squilf would be very protective of them, and not allow anyone to take away their happiness. the whole ordeal ofc would still be stressful, but I'd like to believe that they maybe would be a little better off.
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f0xfangs ยท 2 months
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GREY CAT DRAWING CHALLENGE ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ except with my favourites instead because i'm a rebel *โ \โ 0โ /โ *
design notes and transparents under the cut!!!!! <3
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IVYPOOL AND DOVEWING MY BELOVEDS <333 i think they both got done so dirty with their characterisation past just their main arc (and even within that arc tbh) but i can't help but love them
ivypool to me is the smaller of the two (they are both giant though) and a lot less fluffy, but when they were younger they had basically the same huge ass eyes and looked suuuper similar apart from colour- then they both had crazy growth spurts and dovewing got fluffy! i wanted to keep them sharing a couple of design elements to reflect this, so their eyes are both rounded and i kept ivy's ear scars and fluff round too. this is her after the great battle, but i ignore all of her writing after that because. no <3
ashfur is so hard to visualise for me!! i wanted him to be real spiky and this is how i see him looking as a young warrior, before anything happened with squilf. i also give him a dark leader's star- i visualise my leaders with a white/lighter mark on their forehead so it feels like foreshadowing to me to give him that blaze.
needletail is another favourite!! my design has alopecia and is missing quite a few patches of fur so her pelt looks quite spiky, and her tail has lost most of its fur as well. in general i see her having not a lot of fur anyway, kinda like a lykoi?
dovewing's design is pretty conventional but i've always been so mad at how the books treated her, especially in terms of her leaving thunderclan and later joining shadowclan?? i love that she makes choices she knows are right for herself and i just wanted her to look happy and confident :)
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