soulreflectiontarot · 2 years
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Today’s a quick Monday morning pull. Please take what resonates and leave the rest. The cards used are from The Soul Reflection’s Twin Flame Oracle by Nadine Swiger. (For those interested, they are available on our Etsy store). . Things may be moving at a slow rate at this time. Or the opposite may be happening. You may find yourself in the middle of a whirlwind and you are having a hard time catching your breath. Patience is the key at this time. All is working out for you, but you need to get through this trying time. Your loved ones love you back and send you love and support!! Thing will even out at a pace you are more comfortable will soon! Hold on! . . . #oracleoftheday #twinflamereading #dailyreading🔮 #patienceisavirtue #thiswillpass #thingswillmoveforward #loveisallaroundyou #lovingthoughts❤ #soulreflectionoraclecards #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoracle #twinflaneoracle https://www.instagram.com/p/CjiIxSWstO_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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