#they're not really worth photographing but i also finally got the hpmi slippers (one bb and one mtc pair)
crehador · 5 months
package day! it's nuis nuis and more nuis this time (plus misc but all smic)
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first the asanuma cover issue of seiyuu animedia aka the only thing i was originally going to buy lol
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it's a lot bigger than i thought it would be and the pages are all thick like a proper photobook, asnm's warumono-san photoshoot is fucking glorious in its entirety and there are soma and shoutan spreads in here too (which is written on the cover but i was too asnm-focused to even notice until i flipped through)
got two copies to potentially cut one up for poster-making but... idk if i can bring myself to do that, might just keep a spare lmao
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the family grows!! and by like a lot lmao
ew02 nuis have finally been obtained, and yes i got the new ones that i said were ugly (it was like an affectionate sort of ugly!)
i still need to get clothes for the 15cm fanmade ones, they're absurdly adorable (more stiff than i imagined, in a good way) but completely naked. so photo gets cropped here for now lol. did pick them up a... familiar-looking jacket they can share in the meantime though
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ichiro cosplay jumpscare! not for wearing, will see if i can somehow incorporate it into a nui house/nest area
(just to be fair to the two blorbos i picked up a set of samatoki cosplay bracelets too lol)
anyway. most of the nuis are new but the orig design ichinui and samanui are dupes because......
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these new ones have bones! and beef. with the original originals. but. surely they'll start to get along soon......
i thought a lot about getting just the bones and doing the surgery myself but honestly i don't have the heart to cut them open. or the skill lmao. so luckily managed to find a listing for bone-in ones
grabbed a bunch of clothes for them too
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and love them, holy shit they fit so well. if i can find this shop again i might buy more next time
(they're too cute for me to change their clothes now... will get around to letting them try on the other outfits later)
last but abso-fucking-lutely not least FOOD CRIMES GEORG HAS BEEN PROCURED
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been on the hunt for these stands since the designs first came out tbh, candyapplegate will never die. to me. ichiro what is the matter with you
(the stands are TINY but i love them to bits)
so yeag the "just two magazines" order became very much. not that lmao. there's also a postcard that deserves its own post so i'll get to that once i clean everything up
think i finally have enough nuis now <- guy who has 2 more on preorder for this month lmao
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