#they're not being very subtle about being a vampire tho
duskbats · 2 years
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eden became a vampire & moved to moonwood mill for the drama.
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denwritesandcries · 5 months
YJS Headcanons | | body types
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Pairings: Yellowjackets x fem!reader
Summary: Okay so, I was thinking about body types so I could add details to my Shauna fic, really small things like skin marks and other stuff and that made me think about the other yjs too. I'm not used to writing headcanons, but here are a few that I couldn't get out of my head.
Word count: 1,9k.
Content: my personal headcanons, cursing, suggestive, fluff, insecurities, hurt/comfort, recent pop culture references so i guess modern!AU??
A/N: This is so random and specific I don't think anyone will read it but I wanted to write it so badly.
English is not my first language.
shauna shipman
- I think Shauna is the most athletic of the girls, since in the first episode it’s said that she is the fastest on the team. Not necessarily thin; she is solid. Solid and warm. A warm wall seeking your touch all the time.
- She would always try to keep one hand on you and every time she touched you, her skin would be scalding hot, as if she barely needed gloves in the winter and only wore them because you told her to.
- Big spoon! She likes to wrap her arms around you and let her body wrap you completely when you cuddle or sleep together, her weight relaxing against you.
- Shauna is strong, like really strong and she knows it, her arms and legs are toned from training and she takes advantage of this to tease you at any opportunity, carrying things for you willingly (your backpack, shopping, whatever, she would be exactly like the *aggressively moves all groceries to one hand to hold yours* meme), rolling up the sleeves of her flannels ‘cause the muscles stand out, pressing you against walls/counters or simply carrying you during makeout sessions and nothing you do will take away the smug smile on her lips – well, barely nothing.
- She would also wear tank tops and shorts frequently just to make you nervous and receive compliments. It's ridiculous ‘cause she really thinks she's being subtle (she isn't).
“Shaunie, you sure you don’t want a jacket?”
“No, I’m good like that.” She's not, but she won't admit it.
“It’s raining.” You insist.
“The cold doesn't bother me anyway.” She shrugs, but leans back against you, placing her chin on your shoulder.
You snort, “Sure thing then, Elsa.”
- Shauna has a happy trail! Little baby hairs going up to her navel where she melts into a puddle when you caress her, goosebumps covering her skin in the same second.
van palmer
- I believe Van has rough hands from her goalie gloves! They're always warm even if the rest of her body isn't ‘cause of the constant movement – she expresses herself a lot with her hands too. She likes to run them down your sides just to see how your skin crawls, sometimes she does it out of nowhere just to scare you because she thinks it's funny.
- I think her skin is very sensitive, the kind that's full of moles and burns easily in the sun – you're constantly reminding her to put on sunscreen, but it's no use – she loves it when you trace patterns on her spots before bed or when you're bored somewhere.
- Her skin being so sensitive also means that hickeys and scratches are really hard to hide on her. She doesn't mind, in fact she seems to enjoy it a lot, you catch her a lot of times watching the marks spread across her shoulders and neck as they take days to disappear. That doesn't stop her from teasing you tho.
“It's been a week and there's still a purple mark on my neck. What are you, a damn vampire?” She mocks.
“Nah, you act like you wouldn't love me to be your Edward Cullen.”
She lifts her chin at you, “A leech then.”
- She has a belly and is very proud of it! She says it's the best for defending the goal and that it makes her fall to catch the ball less painful; She'll flex her muscles like a gym athlete when she's changing playfully just to seduce you (it works every time). She loves it when she lies in your arms after a bad day and you squish her tightly, it helps her calm down.
- She also has a happy trail, but she is too ticklish, like really ticklish. Many of your makeout sessions end up interrupted by her giggling when you drag your hands too softly under her shirt, she prefers firm touches.
- Van definitely has lots of small scars spread across her body from accidents over the years, that little weirdo (affectionate).
nat scatorccio
- Nat is as pale as a ghost, it would be impossible not to notice when you made her blush for any reason. She would try to distract you so you don't pay attention to it, but it wouldn't put off anything.
- The dark circles under her eyes are extremely pronounced, both due to her paleness and the heavy makeup she wears, so you always know when she's had a bad day or simply hasn't slept enough. She will complain incessantly about you making her stop and rest, but she will always do what you ask.
- I truly believe that she has lots and lots of moles all over her body, especially on her back.
- Some are bigger than others, large spots on the skin and she pretends that her heart doesn't warm with the fascination you have for them, but the prominent red face says everything you need to know.
“They look like small constellations, Nat," you sigh dreamily, hands soft on her naked skin, “Man, I wish I knew a single shit about stars so I could name them.”
“I’m shirtless in front of you and that’s what you’re thinking about?”
- I think she would have a lot of acne, especially on her face from sleeping and forgetting to take off her cheap makeup often, you would have to do a skin care routine together for her to really start taking care of it.
- She definitely has a tattoo scar that she got from one of those shady professionals before she was eighteen and didn't take care of it properly. You almost freaked out when she showed it to you out of fear that it would get infected. In the end she ended up with a weird drawing and a skin failure, but for Nat it was totally worth it, she says it makes her look like a badass (it's definitely not just because you kiss the mark every time you see it).
lottie matthews
- Alright then, let me tell you, this girl is FREEZING from head to toe. No matter how well she dresses up, her whole body will remain strangely cold, which worries you at a certain point, so what better way to keep her warm than to have her glued to you like a koala all day?
- She would place her cold hands on your neck just to bother you and then smile innocently when you took them in yours to rub them and blow warm air on them. That smartass.
- Lottie is tall (at least a lot taller than me) and I think she would have a lot of growth marks, you don't grow like that as a teenager without some.
- Light streaks on the back, hips, legs and thighs that would vary in tone over time. I think she would have the habit of hiding them so that people wouldn't comment, wearing long stockings with her skirts at school parties.
- She would be so flustreaded if you showed that you liked them by running your hands up her inner thighs, scratching her back gently to feel the smooth texture of the taut skin. It makes her feel so loved.
- She has sun spots on her face, around her eyes and cheeks. You think it's so beautiful that you could admire it for hours, anywhere, but you usually do it in bed in the morning.
“Are you watching me sleep, dear?” Lottie mumbles as she wakes to find you giving her a love gauze.
“Hm-hm,” you deny quietly, “‘Not watching you sleep. I’m watching you.”
jackie taylor
- Now, Jackie would have stretch marks and be completely insecure about them. The girl needs constant validation about everything that concerns her and you better give it to her, she just wants to feel loved.
- Marks on her hips and chest that most of the time wouldn't even be visible, but she would still remember they were there. You run your hands down her sides as gently as possible and she will have tears in her eyes as you snuggle, heart warm.
- Your support helps her feel more comfortable with her own body over time, but she still wants compliments every day and will give you hints ‘til you comply with her requests.
- Jackie has freckles! This is actually one of the things she likes most about her face, the trail of dots around her nose and eyes. She’ll melt into a puddle on the floor if you start to kiss them one by one, but will lose patience if you decide to count them and stop the act of leaving wet kisses on them. She's not very good at waiting.
“Babe!” She whimpers.
“Just a second, sweetie, I’m almost finishing.” You continue, a look of pure concentration on your face, muttering “35, 36, 37…”
“No.” She says, hand grabbing the collar of your t-shirt and pulling you against her, “Come back now.”
- Jackie isn't necessarily icy, but she gets cold very easily and isn't shy about asking for your coat or jacket when you're together. Your girlfriend is a princess, better treat her like one. She'll squeeze her body against yours in bed and steal the blankets to stay warm.
- She has spots on her arms! Hundreds of light spots on the outside of the wrists to the shoulders, it's almost imperceptible, but so cute. Make sure to always let her know how beautiful she is.
misty quigley
- I think Misty has acne scars on her shoulders and cheeks, little red dots spreaded. She don't mind it most of time, but can be very insecure about it.
- She would be really suspicious if you just showered her with compliments out of nowhere just ‘cause you think she’s upset, so acting is better. Actions speak more to her.
- Place soft kisses on her shoulders, gently bite her cheek so she rolls her eyes in that nervous way she does. Make her feel beautiful as she is – because she is.
- She would be so pleased with you spoiling her that she would pretend to be sad about it a lot of times just to get your attention, she is an evil little genius. It’s captivating.
- She has freckles too! Little dots on her face so lightly that you only see them when she takes off her glasses, but they are there.
“I kiss you everyday, how did I never notice your freckles before?”
“Oh, I don't know.” She shrugs innocently, “Maybe you should take a closer look, baby.”
- She thinks she's so smooth but in reality she's a mess, the girl can't pick up social cues to save her life.
tai turner
- Okay so, Tai is the type who takes the football really seriously and works hard to win and to do that she would try to stay in shape as much as possible. I can easily imagine her doing extra training sessions and her friends teasing her about it, ‘cause Tai, it's a high school team.
- Because of this, I think she would have stretch marks on her back and calves, light fine lines that stand out against her dark skin. These are marks of her effort, so she shows them with great pride.
- She gets very smug and her skin crawls when you run your nails over the marks on her back.
- Tai is strong, strong enough to break someones leg on the field (sorry not sorry allie) and will show off for it whenever she gets the chance. She likes to wrap her arms around you from behind and lift you off the ground when she's passing by.
- She has sun spots on her face and arms! You think it's so cute, but if you say something silly and cheesy about it she'll roll her eyes and tell you to stop embarrassing her.
You sigh, “You are so, so pretty, Tai.”
“And you are so, so lame.” She echos, “...Come here, let me kiss you.”
- Happy wife, happy life. Always make her feel appreciated, she deserves it.
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dragon-kazansky · 4 years
Hi! I love your works! God you portrait Dracula perfectly! Thank you for that! My idea is probably out of his character tho, but I was thinking about what would Drac do with a depressed reader, although reader is kind and caring anyway, even if they're not in the mood or just don't care about anything? I thought about maybe for The Beast inside Dracula such behaviour of a human would be challenging and strange? The philosophy behind all this, like being good despite doesn't give a damn
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Dracula had always found you interesting. From the moment he met you he was intrigued. There was something about you that was different from the others and it took him quite a bit of time to work out what it was.
You were a kind person. You were always polite and sweet to people you met, but behind closed doors you were different.
Dracula hadn’t noticed it right away, but it did dawn on him that you were behaving oddly sometimes. Usually when you thought no one was looking. Dracula was always looking.
When you were in the room with him he humoured you. When you smiled, he smiled back. When you made conversation, he would join in. Through out it all he couldn’t comprehend why you closed yourself off when alone.
There was some worry for you.
One day, uh, evening,  while you sat alone in your room, he entered without knocking. He was intent on finding out what was going on, for he just couldn’t understand.
You jumped when he made his entrance, Dracula not being very subtle about his presence in the room. Usually he lurked within the shadows, moving far too quickly and quietly for you to realise he was there, until he made his presence known.
The vampire moved to kneel in front of you, his face blank from expression.
Dracula was a master as hiding his thoughts and feelings from his face, when he wanted to be.
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed, love. I always notice.” He said.
You were, quite genuinely, confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh, I think you know.” He brought his hands up to yours, his thumbs running along your warm skin. “I need to understand you.”
“Understand me?”
He met your gaze, his face still blank of expression, but for just a moment, a flicker of emotion would pass through his eyes.
“You’re such a wonderful, brilliant, kind person. You seem to put others before yourself and you always seem so bright. That is until you think you’re alone.” He moves his head to the side just a bit. “When you’re alone, nothing seems to matter. You don’t seem to care.” He searches your eyes for any sort of answer.
“It’s nothing.”
“Ah, but it’s not nothing. It’s everything.” He shuffles as close as he can to go, looking at you with a soft gaze. Emotion seeps onto his face. “What’s on your mind? You can tell me anything.” He spoke softly.
You sigh.
“It’s so hard for me to talk about.”
Dracula would frown slightly, getting up and sitting next to you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into his side.
“Take your time, but I want to know.”
“I’m depressed….” You said softly, not looking at him.
Dracula fell silent for a moment, but he didn’t move. His hand began to rub your arm gently, he moved his head to it rested on yours slightly. He was thinking.
“I see.”
“You don’t have to do anything…. I’ll deal with it on my own.”
“No. No, don’t do that.” He used his other hand to lift your chin, making you look up at him. “You never have to do anything alone. Whatever you need, whenever you need it, all you have to do is ask.”
You felt tears welling up in your eyes.
He pulled you even closer to him, wrapping his other arm around you. You allowed yourself to cry into his chest.
“Sh, my love. No need for tears.”
“I’ve never had anyone say anything like that to me.” You whispered, trying not to make a mess of his shirt.
“Well, you have me. Help me help you.” He presses a kiss to your head. “I may no be an expert, but I will do anything within my power to support you, love.”
You hiccoughed.
“Come now, rest up. You’ll tire yourself out.”
Dracula would stay in that room with you for however long you needed him. He would hold your hand, hug you, being you anything you required. He never wanted to see you upset.
Depression can be lonely, but with Dracula around, it was far from it.
@awyr @fandombeehive @charmed-asylum  @sigynbandraoi-blog@procrastinatingmurder  @sitkafay  @misfitgirlwrites
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nocherryblood · 4 years
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Hey! Just a couple of random drawings here!I'll list all the ideas and explanations behind these drawings here:
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1) Idea: Will is sick (Mason's come down with it too- and by how close Mabel is to him by trying to comfort him, she'll get it too... aww), the Gleeful twins (they're about 10 or 11 here) refuse to go to bed (which may or may not have been down to a dangerous mix of Mabel Juice and Smile Dip), Bill refuses to leave his twin until he's better so he let himself into the mansion, and Kill's playing the big brother card and refusing to leave too, instead deciding to settle down on Bill's head to watch it all. :) Ah, bliss. So, what does Stanford do? The only thing he can, drug them into submission begrudgingly read them a bedtime story about a few "adventures" he's had. Oh well...
2) Idea: Stanford and Fiddleford find one of those novelty character photo stands, and stick their heads in the holes to take a photo for a laugh. The end result is two quite weird looking "disney princess " photos.
3) Idea: Vampire Will! I'll run through what's happening in each Still!
(Top left) Will is blood-starved (which is when he's either refused or unable to get, blood) and goes crazy trying to get some. He still manages to looks cute to me in a way. And yes, when he gets mad, he goes red, just like his twin! Aww! (But don't laugh, he's thirsty and it looks like you're next...)
(Top right) Will feeding off of someone, but they've been fed from many times before... can you guess who it is (Hint, look at that "tattoo"...)?
(Left middle) During one of the times that Will is blood-starved, he walks to Dipper's college dorm (crossing through a portal to get to Gravity Falls- thankfully, DipDop is out that evening; the two of them "share" a dorm in college, even if Bill doesn't actually go to classes, he's just there to spend time with his Pine Tree), stumbling a little. Bill smiles, just happy to see his little bro, and lets him in without even questioning it (and here we see the very rare thing called "Bill's innocence"). Will asks him for a hug, saying only that he felt a bit lonely so he came to see him, and Bill accepts straight away, going in for the hug. But he's horrified to see Will's face flicker from sad to lust (FOR BLOOD. FOR BLOOD!) for just a second, but before he can do anything, Will's already bitten him several times in just a matter of a few seconds (vampire speed + vampire magic + demon speed + demonic powers = run the hell away from that OP b*tch). Bill staggers back, falling to the floor, and although Will tries to "switch back" to himself, he can't, and getting a taste of (demon) blood didn't help. The end result is... well... Bill ends up losing a heck of a lot of blood, there is one very surprised Pine Tree who comes home in the morning to find Bill passed out on the floor, and one very drunken Will, who drank way too much (especially because it's demon) blood, and it has an effect like being high/stoned or being intoxicated, it just depends. That was a fun morning.
(Middle right) Someone forcing Will's hunger to grow by smashing a vial of angel blood in his face (which by the way, tastes irresistible to him), which can be used to lure said vampire-demon if used in the right way... A smear of angel blood here on a victim and a smear of angel blood there on a victim, aaaaannnndddd... it'd be enough to send him reeling; poor victim :( And no, they (a normal victim at least; 'angel blood' victims don't stand a chance) won't get turned, they'll bleed out unless someone helps them out, because there's a special venom that Will has to inject with his fangs if he wants to turn someone... so don't think you have a chance of survival, unless:
A) He manages to get himself back and decides to help you out
B) You're a child- because Will will NOT attack children, no matter how much he wants to. There has been only one time (he was forced to by Fidds and Ford for an experiment), and he had to be left in the basement for a week before he calmed down...
C) You find him another victim quick enough (of all the three options, this is the one with the least hope- so say goodbye now while you're at it)
(Bottom right) Will's coffin! It's white, with his name written on the front in black letters written on it in cursive (though as he grows 'older', he does prefer a less 'curly' font, but at first, he likes to stick to his old style of writing- from when he was just a demon). He doesn't have to sleep in it, he can sleep in a bed-, which he does do at first, but he finds it safer in case he accidentally wakes up to find the sun's rays glaring down at him... which won't hurt him exactly, but it's not exactly the nicest feeling either...
(Middle) Blood-starved Will...
Will: "I'-It's [the restraining belt] a little t-tight, Bill. Could you t-take it off, p-please? It hurts...."
Bill: "I know Blue, I-I'm... sorry... but I can't... It's not... It's not..."
Will: "It's not... safe... is it?
Bill: "Oh, Will... No... If course it's safe, I just-"
Will (distorted): "WELL THEN WHAT, BILL?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? I'M STARVING!" *grabs bars, shakes them, growls*
Bill (quietly): *backs away* Will... this isn't you... St-stop it...
Will (quietly): *backs away into 'cell', sniff* Bill...?
Bill: *looks up*
Both: *run to each other, hug through bars*
Bill: "I love you, Blue..." (AS BROTHERS!)
Will: "What's happening to m-me, Bill...?"
Bill: *runs hand through Will's hair* "I don't know, Will..."
Both: *crying profusely*
Backstory time! (This could change a little, in time, but here's the rough idea-)
Well, at first, no-one thinks that being bitten by a rogue vampire is going to affect a demon that much...
At first the signs on Will are subtle, like becoming more and more sensitive to sunlight and tending to stay away from more people, unless he trusts them or knows them well... but he was fine.
Soon the signs become more severe, and he develops a sort of hunger eating (that pun tho...) away at him, and his senses are starting to get overwhelmed. But he was fine.
All in all, for first few months, Will can pretty much (mostly) just try to ignore the signs, just blaming it in being stressed rather than everything else. He could still serve under the Gleefuls (especially Stanford and Mason, hint hint ;)) without them noticing too much; the only people to noticeably be worried about him were Dipper and Mabel (Pines), and his brother- whom he was allowed to visit every once in a while. So things weren't exactly alright, but he was fine.
Until his bite marks disappear...
One Friday evening, after a particularly draining show (in which he had to use quite a bit of energy), Will is set to serve the evening tea. At first, everything is fine, and he barely notices anything is wrong.
But just as he walks into the dining room, a sharp pain pierces his neck, causing him to shriek, fall, and drop the dinner plates all over the floor. He quickly attempts to get up to clean it up, and Mason tries to help him too (if only to mock him at first), but before he can leave a snidy remark and walk away with a smirk, Will grabs his hand.
The blue demon switches back and forth between himself and the fledgling merging with him, letting go of Mason's hand as he tries to stay in control. He has visions of blood running down the walls, making him panic and feel like he's drowning, and then feeling like he can't breathe.
Flashes of consciousness of him feeding on Mason (whilst the poor boy frantically struggles to get away from him) phase through the visions to him, but ultimately, he cannot stop it. He "wakes up"on the floor, with Mason bleeding out by the wrist next to him, before Mabel rushes to help Mason. Will sees Stanford approach him, and Ford drags Will up by the collar, and down to the basement, locking him down there. He observes Will from a distance- from a camera in another room- before he begins to notice Will losing himself as he soon tries to get out as his vampire side lets paranoia about being trapped, set in. Will essentially goes "feral" banging on the bars, baring his teeth/currently-lengthened fangs, growling, hissing, rocking back and forth, pounding on the walls... you get the message. After a while, Stanford decided (even though he would usually just let Will suffer) to try to anathetise Will, before eventually just giving up and filling the room with narcotic gases to make him sleep. After a couple of coughing fits, Will finally passes out, and Stanford comes in, resolving to typing his arms next to him with an enchanted belt, so that Will can't free himself, no matter how hard he tries. He also puts a special collar on him, like a shock collar but it can also administer small amounts of the narcotics, if Stanford so wishes. So, with done, he lets Will sleep until the morning, just waiting to observe his actions... And so, when Will is denied/refused, or unable to obtain blood or energy (because he can feed off of people's energy too, it's just not a effective and fills the hunger for much less longer) then that, is when he is blood-starved, so he'll probably anything just to get some, though let it be said, the longer he has to wait, the greeider he'll become. There have been numerous experiments between Fidds and Ford, to see how long will could actually go for without attacking someone whilst blood-starved, unbeknownst to poor Will :(. But regardless of that, the record if around 2 hours and 1 minute...
(If you have any further questions, ask away!)
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