#they were even in a movie with 'GVC' o' Devo even though he was only there for like five minutes with his funky friends
So if Tumblr wasn’t enough of a “hellsite”, I just had the one-two punch of 1. learning that people are abbreviating “Global Village Coffeehouse” (which I’ve seen around a few parts of the ‘net in recent times) as “GVC” (which, as a Devo associate, was extremely disorienting at first) and 2. seeing the album art for the album Third Eye by Redd Kross categorized as such.
As someone who has seen Steven Shane McDonald do kung-fu Jesus kicks in the air with the Melvins one time, and even if you have not had that stellar privilege, it’s pretty obvious that their whole thing was, like, garish 70s glam-rockadelia vomit. (“Rockadelia” is probably not a real word, but they’ve got long hair and bell bottoms and awful patterns so that’s what I’d summarize that whole thing as.) They’re not, like, the Panera logo. You wouldn’t call, I dunno, Deee-Lite “global village coffeehouse” because they were all about peace and love or whatever. It’s basically historical revisionism to feed a current viral trend (with a bunch of unselfaware posts about how social media sucks oh so ironically peppered in between) and it’s dumb! Looking at graphic trends and how they evolve is interesting and can be a fun time. But why can’t people just...I don’t know...do their own thing without getting forced into easily sortable ~aesthetic~ categories?
I’m not really “into” Redd Kross but this song is good:
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