#they reject the reality of a camilla without a palamedes
sofipitch · 3 months
Nona the Ninth explores the question of "what would you be like if X hadn't happened" because that's what it's doing, when Palamedes and Camilla are wondering if Nona is Harrow or Gideon they are thinking this this Harrow or Gideon if they hadn't been born on the Ninth. And a bit of Kiriona's meanness makes me wonder if this crueler version is in some part because she is God's daughter (like I think a lot of her anger at the events of the past few months informs a lot of her attitude however how much is also an interesting question). But at the end of the day no matter how clearly you can picture that parallel future, Alecto only as Nona, all the characters honestly, you can't go back, there is no rewind button, the only way to always be Nona is to die. Which is what Gideon did, she died as Gideon, loved by at least her mother and Harrow (as her cavalier), she died as Harrow's hero cavalier whom Harrow would always be thankful for for the rest of her days, and then was torn back into a reality that denies her all of that
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