#they just got delivered within the last couple of hours and since she wasnt awake for the notification i thankfully remembered
"Benadryl tiiime" *accidentally dumps out like 20* "oh shit not that many. That's how we meet the shadow man and im not down for that tonight"
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This isn't pee.
Part 1: Congratulations Part 2: Im having your baby Part 3: Plum Sized Part 4: Kicks and Catch Ups
The next few months flew by. You and Harry were anxiously awaiting the baby’s arrival. Now that you were down to your last few weeks before the due date, things were coming together. You had spent the last two weeks finishing the nursery and piecing together all of the furniture. Well, Harry had done most of the work there but to be fair, you could barely walk without waddling and bending down was just not an option. Luke had come over to help as well and Harry had been grateful. He wasn't the best at following the instructions to properly build things. The nursery was finally complete though and it looked amazing. The crib, the changing station, the rocking chair, all of it out and ready for the baby. Hell, you were ready for the baby. You hadn't slept in weeks. You sat in the rocking chair, rubbing your belly and thinking back to the other night. You had only managed to sleep a few hours, but luckily Harry had been by your side the whole time.
*You rolled onto your back with a small groan. Nothing was working, you were overly tired, frustrated, in pain, and hungry. You were so uncomfortable you actually wanted to scream. Your stomach was massive, a giant lump sticking into the air and because of that, no position in bed was comfy. Literally not one, your back hurt, you hated sleeping on your side, your stomach was clearly not an option, and Harry was curled into a tight ball which meant no cuddles. On top of not being able to find a position to sleep in, you never slept more than an hour at a time. Tonight especially, you had been experiencing braxton hicks contractions most of the night, some of them leaving you in tears. You placed your hand on your stomach and could feel her kicking around. Figures, I go to bed and youre wide awake but the minute I get an ultrasound youre curled in a ball sleeping. You could feel her tiny feet pushing through the skin of your stomach, giving you butterflies and a smile. There was just something so strange about feeling a baby kick within you, and while it was strange it was a beautiful part of pregnancy that you would for sure miss. But of course, right now you just wished she would sit still and go to sleep so maybe you could also get some sleep as well. You winced in pain as you felt another contraction come on. You were focusing on your breathing when Harry rolled over concerned. “You okay babe?” he asked, his voice extra deep with sleep. You held up a finger and sat up, trying to breathe through the pain. He held your hand and rubbed your back anxiously. “Should we call the doctor and go in to get everything checked out? How regular are your contractions?” He was beginning to panic. 
You took a deep breath and squeezed his hand while attempting a smile. “I’ll be okay....ohhh....Dont call the doctor....they are just Braxton hicks....” You breathed deeply and continued holding his hand. After a minute the contraction seemed to have ended and you no longer felt like you were about to push the baby out, you fell back into your pillow. “Ive been having Braxton hicks all night. Seems our little one is extra active and pushy tonight.” you laughed rubbing the massive belly. Harry lifted up your t-shirt and smiled. He pressed a couple kisses around the belly and then one to your lips. “Youre incredible, have I told you that before?”
You laughed and nodded. “Not that I wouldn't take it again though.” 
He kissed your lips, “You, (y/n)” another kiss, “are the strongest, most incredible woman” his lips were pressing against yours longer this time, “I have ever met and there is absolutely no one else in this world I would want to make this amazing little human with.” As he was finished the kiss you felt another contraction coming on and you whined in pain. Harry sat next to you, pulling your body against his chest. “Breathe babe, it’ll be okay.” He sat there doing your pregnancy breathing exercises with you as you waited for the contraction to end. 
“Ahh” you groaned holding onto the stomach and leaning your head back against Harry’s shoulder. “This....this “ you stopped and let out a long breath. “This is a good one.” Harry rubbed the stomach and sat with you until it was over. You looked at him with tears, “I hate this part of pregnancy.” The lack of sleep was defntitly setting in and you were feeling all kinds of emotions.
Harry sighed and kissed your cheek as you scooted back to your pillow. He got up, walked to the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with a cup of tea. “Maybe this will help” he smiled and climbed back into bed. 
You sipped on the tea and felt a big kick. “Ohhh.” you grabbed Harry’s hand and placed it on your lower stomach where the kick had been. You felt another kick in the same place and Harry’s face lit up as his hand moved so slightly. He loved feeling the baby and talking to her. It was one of his favorite things to do. If it were up to him, you would be shirtless all the time so every kick the baby made could be recorded. One of your favorite things of course had been watching him during the ultrasound when it did a full kick. His mouth had fallen open as her little foot moved on the screen and on the stomach. 
“That was a good one.” He smiled and kissed the spot the foot had been before replacing his hand. You moved his hand to the position you were feeling small kicks, your hands on top of his. You could feel the kick through his hands which wasnt surprising considering the amount of movement the little one had been doing all night. You yawned and Harry smiled sleepily. “Ready to try this again?” You nodded and he flipped the light off. This time, you were on your side, resting the belly on a body pillow so that it was supported a little more. Harry was cuddled up against you as the big spoon, his arms wrapping around you, his chin nuzzled into your neck. His soft breathing went down your neck, sending goosebumps all over your body. You breathed in his sweet smell and smiled. His warmth was helping you, just as it even when you weren't  pregnant. Harry always seemed to be your answer when you were having trouble falling asleep. He was so perfectly cuddly, warm, and sweet. Now was no exception to that, your eyes drifted closed and you breathed a sigh of relief for the first time all night. 
Your sleep did not last long. After a few hours of sleep you felt a sharp contraction and sat up immediately sucking in a breath and turning on the light. Harry shifted again and blinked tiredly. “Another one?” he asked concerned again. “Maybe we should go in..”
“No......” you let out a deep breath. “I’m okay......”“Are your sure love, this seems a little much..”You nodded breathing trying to breathe through the pain. 
A few tears dropped down your cheek and Harry wiped them away with his finger. He sat up and slowly massaged your belly, gently pressing and rubbing the soft skin. “Shh little one you need to sleep now” he whispered against the stomach. You felt the baby move a little more and he continued on slowly rubbing the belly top to bottom. “Baby your hurting mommy, I need you to sleep so she can sleep too.” He pressed a kiss to your stomach and your breathing slowed as the pain did. “That’s a good baby....daddy loves you...” Your eyes were fluttering closed as the pain was leaving your body and sleep was taking over again. Harry hadn't stopped though, he began to softly sing, “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey, you’ll never know dear, how much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away.” It was working, you could feel her slowly settle within you, no more kicking, flipping, or shifting. “You are my sunshine baby, and while daddy is so excited to meet you, you need to stay inside there a little longer preferably with a little less pain to mommy...”  Harry rubbed the belly a few more times, but you were already falling asleep again just like the baby. He kissed your cheek and continued to hum to the melody of the lullaby and whisper to the baby.  You smiled and listened to the endearing things he was saying to the little one. Harry did this most nights, told the baby he loved it, how amazing it was going to be, and how he couldn't wait to meet it. You loved it, all of it. How supportive he was, how excited he was, and you were excited to see him as a dad.
“I love you” you whispered without opening your eyes.
“I love you too.” Harry pulled you close to him and continued rubbing the belly until you had fully fallen asleep. He then drifted off as well, his head on yours, his hands on the baby. *
Harry had definitely fully stepped into daddy mode. He was always hovering over you making sure everything was okay, bringing you water or food, checking your heart rate, the baby’s heart rate, and asking about contractions. He was paranoid that he was going to miss you going into labor and delivering. He had woke up crying one night from a dream where he had missed the delivery of the baby and since then, he was glued to your side. It was very rare you had time alone to yourself like you were having right now. You rocked back and forth and smiled. It was crazy to think that 9 months ago you weren't with Harry and didn't know you were pregnant. Now? The two of you had managed to work out a lot of the original problems and your relationship was stronger than ever. 
“There you are.” Harry smiled. “I brought you some water.” He sat on the rocking chairs footstool and handed you a cup. 
“Thanks” you took a sip and watched him look around. “It looks good.” you noted.
“It does. Think the little one will like it?”
“Yeah I do..even tho the little one will be sleeping with us for the first 6 months probably..”
“Really?” he asked.
“Thats a long time...”
“Well yeah but the baby is going to need us a lot at first..I mean they will need fed every few hours...then need diaper changes..we aren't even going to get any sleep probably...”
“But what about you know..us time...”
You laughed, almost spitting out a mouthful of water. “What about it?”
“We cant do it with the baby there. And if the baby is there for six months..”
“Why not?” You interrupted. “The baby will be asleep and won't even notice or be aware of what's happening. Plus, I think it may be a bit of time  before we are ready for that again. Personally I don't want another baby right away and I know that all of these parts are going to have to heal before anything gets stuck up there.” Harry’s face twisted in confusion.
“Like how much of a break?”
You smiled and leaned forward kissing him. “I don't know Haz, but I’m sure we will be okay.” Harry frowned. You had to give it to him, right now your sex life was kind of killing it...even though you had a massive stomach and a baby inside of you, your hormones kind of made everything better. It was the one side of pregnancy that had really boosted your morale. Although the last week had been fairly uneventful for you and Harry due to the contractions and pain you had been experiencing.
Harry suddenly stood up and held out his hands with a smirk.“I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?”
“Mhm...” He grabbed you and helped you up, before gently pulling you out into the hallway. 
“What kind of surprise?”
“You’ll see..”
“Harry...I hate surprises..”
He laughed and walked you into the kitchen. He sat his laptop on the table and grinned opening it up. “The little one is due in a few weeks..so I figured we should probably get out of the house while we can. I rented us an airbnb for the weekend... and its beachfront.”
“Really?” you turned and looked at him with a hopeful smile. “Just us? In a beach house? All weekend?”
“Yeah, no fans, no paparazzi, no family, no friends. Just us.” You smiled and kissed him over and over again. You had been craving some beach time, and some time away from everyone else. You loved your family, and Harry’s family, and Luke, but it had been a lot. Everyday someone came over to check in on you and Harry. They brought new baby stuff, enough stuff that the kids closet was already full. Your family and Harry’s family stopped by asking about the baby, how you were feeling, and to give advice. They all had their own ways of raising kids and you weren't sure you wanted to follow either exactly. You and Harry had become a little annoyed with the overwhelming surge of people in your home everyday. The only time you were alone with Harry was at night. You either slept or had sex. Not a lot of time to talk other than that. You were starting to realize how little time you had to appreciate the things you and Harry did alone. You wanted to savor every minute you could get with Harry before the baby came. You wanted to secure your relationship. The beach house would be a perfect time to just enjoy the last few days of being a couple without a kid.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Now I already packed our bags so get in the car.”
“I have to pee...”
“Oh my gosh..”
“Hey its your fault you know. You put the baby in here and it’s the one pushing into my bladder every five minutes.”
 Harry laughed and nodded to the bathroom. “Fine. Fine. Hurry up, I’ll grab you a snack for the car.”
You smiled sweetly and winked. “Have I told you how much I appreciate you...”
Harry laughed and shook his head, “What do you want?”
“A sandwich...with peanut butter...and honey...and bananas...and maybe some of those mini chocolate chips..” you grinned and blew him a kiss.
“Youre lucky I love you.”
“I know...” you called while walking into the bathroom.
After peeing, you walked back into the kitchen with a groan. You had some pain and some slight contractions but nothing too serious. It was just really uncomfortable. Harry looked at you with a concerned face. “Youre not going into labor are you?”
“Good because the beach house is kind of far from your doctor and I was really hoping we could have some time just me and you.”
“I’ll be fine. It’s just uncomfortable being this big all the time.” You looked down, the baby had finally dropped, your stomach following with it. Your stomach was massive and made you look like you were about to give birth to twins, so there was really no comfortable way to get around or do things. “This baby has a few more weeks left anyways.” 
He smiled and helped you into the car. “Okay as long as you say so.” The drive was kind of painful. You had to pee every hour, your stomach had been tightening the and contracting the whole drive, and you could not get comfortable in the seat. But, after almost 3 hours of driving and 3 bathroom breaks, you arrived at the beach house. It was beautiful, a small rental sat right on the beach with a nice patio overlooking the water. Harry dropped your bags inside and then looked over at you with a grin. “Want to go for a walk?”
You nodded sticking your hand out to him, he grabbed it, kissed your cheek and walked out to the white sand, kicking off his shoes. The two of you took your time, making your way down the beach, hand in hand. You kicked sand at him and laughed, he kicked water at you in return. You watched the birds, looked for shells and sat by the water as the sun set. “It’s beautiful.” you leaned your head on Harry’s and felt him nod. 
“Just like you.” You nudged him and smiled. He looked over and kissed you softly, his lips lightly hovering over yours and laughed deeply. “You are so tempting, god (y/n).”
You laughed and shook your head standing up. “Come on...I need to pee again.”
“Again? Dear lord woman you just went like 20 minutes ago.”
“Well our child keeps kicking me in the bladder plus maybe I just want an excuse to get you inside...to bed.” you winked and turned away.
“If you wanted to take me to bed all you had to do was ask.” Harry laughed and followed after you. “I hope after this one is born your bladder goes back to normal.”
“It probably won't.”
“That would be a real shame.”
“Would you still love me? Even if I have to pee every hour of the day?”
“Of course. I still love you now don't I? Plus that would just prove you gave me the best gift of all time.”
You smiled and continued on the walk back to the house. You had managed to make it to the patio door when Harry tripped walking up the stairs. You stood there laughing at him, while trying to make your way to the bathroom at the same time. All of a sudden a warm liquid made its way down your legs and onto the patio. “Harry.”
Harry shaking off his hands from falling looks down, sees the liquid and freezes. “Babe..you really couldnt wait to make it to the toilet?”
“Harry.” you repeated looking down.
Harry walked over to you and looked unsure of what to do but laughing so hard he had tears falling down his cheeks. “You actually peed your pants. I really cant believe that.” You smacked his arm and he froze looking at you again and trying not to laugh. “Do you want like a towel or something..maybe you could just jump in the pool..”
“This isn't pee.”
“No. Don't pee in the pool, I’ll get you a towel just stay here.”
“Harry.” you say again more urgently. “This isn’t pee.”
He looks at you, his mouth dropping open and his face confused. “What?”
“My water broke.”
“My. Water. Just. Broke.” Harry stood there trying to understand everything and you were getting frustrated that he wasn't doing anything.. “Harry I’m about to go into labor.” Tears were in your eyes, you were so far from the hospital, you didn't have any of your things for the hospital, and you didn't even know how long you had before the baby was ready. Harry looked at you, saw the tears, and took a big deep breath.
“Okay. Okay. Calm down babe. Everything is going to be okay. Okay. What do we do? Do we drive back? Are you having the baby now? Should I call someone? Should I call a doctor? Should I call an ambulance? Should I-” Harry was talking faster than you had ever heard him talk and you could tell he was panicking. 
“Harry. Get everything in the car. I’m not having this baby without my doctor.” You waddled towards the car. “And get me a towel...in case I leak more..” Harry nodded and started moving quickly. He threw the bags in the back seat, tossed a towel in the front for you to sit on and jumped in the car. You looked over at him anxious. “Start the car.”
“I don't have the keys.”
“What do you mean?!” You nearly screamed. You were already holding back tears and one slid down your cheek as Harry watched. You took a deep breath, rubbed your stomach and looked over. “Harry. Go find the keys.” He jumped out, returning minutes later with the keys. 
“Found them! They were-”
“Harry I don't care. Just drive. Please.” You were starting to have contractions. You gripped the handle in the car and groaned in pain.. Harry looked anxiously over at you, rubbing your leg with his free hand. 
“Lets go have this baby.” He said with a smile.
So kind of a random chapter but the baby is almost here! Any bets on if its a boy or girl? One part left in the Pregnancy Series :) Hope you enjoy lol xoxo
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