#they fart glitter n cupcakes so like
castorfell · 2 months
I have a thought about the Trolls babies, so we see Tiny Diamond born and he is already walking and talking, later in the same movie we see this with a country Troll born and immediately doing chores, we also see Cooper born already walking talking and his iconic laugh.
originally I thought that these three trolls were exceptions to the rule with baby Poppy in the first movie as the baseline rule of she can't walk she barely talks and acts like a regular human baby BUT
What if Poppy was an early baby, like for Trolls an egg has been in the hair long enough for a fully matured hatch where they will be able to walk and talk even if they still have baby tendencies (as seen with Tiny Diamond) So Poppy may have been a pre-mature hatch which is why she was more like the regular babies we as humans know.
Yknow what I actually completely forgot about like, every other instance of baby trolls that weren't Tiny and Poppy so I rescind any previous statements n opinions abt trollings. This franchise has a surprising amount of characters being born on-screen.
So yeah I guess most baby trolls really DO just hatch out the egg already sentient and cognitive and able to do chores and sing and dance, it's just POPPY who was different. She came out the egg still mushy brained.
It would explain why she doesn't remember Viva. Viva says that she was there when Poppy was born. The word "born" being used specifically here is a bit confusing because I'm not sure if it referes to the moment a troll egg physically manifests from what I assume to be the sheer force of love felt between more than one troll (Guy Diamond excluded, that's a discussion for another time) or the moment a troll egg actually hatches. Viva also comments that compared to current Poppy, baby Poppy the last time she saw her was "teensier and weensier" which is either just how Viva describes baby trolls in general (she fun like that) or a literal comment about how baby Poppy was possibly smaller than other baby trolls. Maybe both. Probably both.
Her birth likely happened close to the day of the last Trollstice and pop village escaping Bergentown since Chef was already aware of her existance.
Tldr; Poppy was a pre-maturely hatched baby, that's why she looked ugly (affectionate). Do with this information what you will.
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