#these were so fun to make akdjajd
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soulcalibur characters as textposts: part 1
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imbeccable-writes · 3 years
You don’t have to do them all, but I’d love to hear about 8, 16, 23 aaaaand 25! :D
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
yes!!! I write what I want to read! I'm my own target audience and I have Big expectations!!!
16. Tried anything new with your writing recently? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
does breaking the fourth wall count? because I've been doing that so so so much in Separated and I normally steer clear of that if the media itself doesn't do it lmao.
and I suppose all the angst is new? like, I've written sad things before, but not at ALL to the extent Separated is going. I'm honestly kinda.... impressed? I guess? By all the Pure Sadness I'm writing into it, because low-key? Did not mean to do that akdjajd
Like, in the discord server I'm in, someone recommended my fic in this chat called "fic-recommendations" (which is like, aaaaaaaa), but they put triggers on it saying that it was dark, with minor character death. And like, when I first read it, I got kinda defensive like what no my fic isn't dark its just sad what are you- but then like, I started thinking about it more and I actually thought about what I was putting the kids through and like- yeah no, dark is totally an accurate way of describing it akdjakdjsjs
Then there's Between Friends as well, which is just a plotted smut fic with plot, and I've never like, seriously written smut before so! new genre for me, I suppose lmao.
23. What's the story idea you've had in your head the longest.
So I had this idea back in 2017 when I was first getting into My Hero Academia, about this older izuocha fic about the internet and shipping and how Izuku was being shipped with Ochako (among others) online, and he absolutely Could Not Handle It because he was, you know, head over heels in love with her! And like!!!! I actually wrote it! Like, start to climax, I wrote the whole thing. But I never got around to finishing it! And I just let it sit there for a year or so and then I came back to it, rewrote parts, then let it sit and waited, then just rewrote the whole thing once, then let it sit and on and on. I have separate docs with the title of the fic "original" and "new". The whole thing is probably disproven by canon by now. I'll probably never finish it. It haunts me.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
none of it.
KIDDING. kidding.
anyway, uhhhh, probably writing the scene(s) that were the reason I wrote the fic in the first place! and like, not the lead up to the scene, or the consequences on the scene, JUST the scene itself. (And even then its iffy, because sometimes I just... fantasize about the scene I want to write, but don't actually put effort towards figuring out what happens down to the detail, which makes writing the scene all the more frustrating). But yeah, it can usually be very satisfying finally writing the scene I've been the most excited for!
For Separated, it's the reunion scene 😭. Lads I can't fuckin wait!!!!! ohhh its gonna be so so so so so good guys.
thanks PB!!!
Fun Meta Asks For Fic Writers
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imbeccable-writes · 3 years
GASP! How about P, S, V! About animaniacs and/or the hero academia :D
I'll do both because I am extra!!!
P. Are you what George R. R. Martin calls an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan your story in advance or how much do you let the story unfold as you go?)
I'm much more of a gardener than an architect, but in the way a gardener may plan where the seeds are planted and then let the flowers grow as they need with the necessary care and love. And by that I mean, I have a basic, basic plan usually when I go into fics - like, a specific idea I want to get across, or a specific scene.
For instance, Separated was born purely on the "what if the kids were split up when Salazar invaded" idea that I had had swimming in my head around the new year. I dunno what EXACTLY put the idea in my head, but it was a combination of Once Upon a December and multiple, multiple instances of people being like "don't ever, ever, ever separate the Warners" (where I was like, "but - but what if we DID?")
I don't outline or anything, because most of my fics are oneshots based on prompts. Separated is the first multi-chapter fic in a long while that I fully believe I'll be able to finish because I'm just so excited for it. Back when I published the first chapter is when I started thinking about what exactly I wanted to do with the kids. I knew I wanted Wakko to have a great time and Dot to have a bad time and Yakko to be in the middle. Like I've said before, Mai was supposed to die in the chapter she was introduced in, about a week after Yakko was dropped off there. It was supposed to be a kind of "wake up call", if you will, for him, as a kinda "don't you dare get comfortable here", but of course it didn't end up that way. It just became a way for him to basically relive the worst thing that had ever happened to him, except this time, he's not going to let anyone else in and comfort him again. He already made that mistake and he's learned his lesson.
ANYWAY. Most of the specifics developed during writing, like the food trauma in chapter three and the drawing in chapter 5. By the time I'm writing the next chapter, I usually have a solid idea of what I want to happen, but it's never written out in a clear concise manner - it's all just scenes in my head waiting to come to fruition.
Like, the thing where Wakko tries to shape his body into looking like his sibs? At first, I just had the vague idea of him talking to himself in the mirror, all happy that he had found a way to reconnect with his "siblings". Or with Mai's death, all I had really was just the image of Yakko on his knees, several dozen feet away from a stage, looking absolutely devastated, and also the whole "he snuck out using his toon powers to try and save her" thing. (God i wish I could draw so so much, because I have a VIVID image of that scene in my head and I WISH I could draw it for you all to see and break your hearts like it breaks mine every time it pops into my head 😭)
Anyway, all this to say is that I don't plan a thing, I am flying by the seat of my pants and have a fic held together with duct tape, angst, and The Reunion Scene That Plagues Me Every Time I Close My Eyes. :)
S. Any Fandom tropes you can't resist?
Fake Dating. I eat that shit up.
Fix-It fics :)
just... the whole, "I realize the author has made a decision (to make all their characters straight and cis), but given it's a stupid as decision, I've elected to ignore it" thing fandom has going for shooting every even barely likeable character with a Gay Beam akdjajd. That's not really a trope as it is people in a group collectively deciding to project onto a bunch of lines and colors, but it never fails to make me laugh.
Explicit Found Family. Give It To Me.
Group chat/social media fics! some people are just so so so creative with both of them, especially the later, and it just tickles me pink every time
I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones off the top of my head!
V. A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fics?
Okay, for Animaniacs, I dunno what it is, but I really love Rita and Runt, and also Mindy and Buttons. Like, as characters. (Rita and Runt's segments were fun, but Mindy and Buttons' got repetitive and honestly, I didn't like seeing Buttons get beaten around all the time lol) I dunno just!!! I like them!!! I think they're neat!!! They've both got a cute relationship with their show partner and I dunno!!! They deserve more I guess akdjakdjs
For My Hero Academia, it's a little harder, bc I only read fics about Izuku, you know? akdjajs he's my BOY, like my MAIN boy, and if a fic isn't about him or one of his relationships, then I've lost interest akdkakdks. That said, I feel like there are a lot of characters that could vibe well with him that we rarely see! Like, Kirishima and him have very similar Sunshine Energy and they deserve to work together more. And him and Eri are!!! So cute!!!! PEAK found family potential there. And same with Kouta too! The first kid he saved (and adopted)!!!! I miss that little shit head lmaoooo.
Basically just; anyone that could mesh well with Izuku in fics SHOULD, and the fact is, Izuku meshes well with everyone because he's just so incredible, and everyone deserves to have a Life Changing Adventure with Izuku lmaooo.
Thanks so much PB!
Send me in some letters to ask questions about my fics!
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