#these gay vampires have a fucking chokehold on me i swear to god
penironi · 1 year
sorry guys im gay vampire posting again but hear me out
what if nandermo’s happy ending is in both of them choosing mortality and growing old together?? 
consider this; guillermo’s plan throughout the entire series is to become a vampire, its showed that he had a fixation on vampires since child hood, plus being nandors familiar for 15 years (and leaving him multiple times for anyone who promises to turn him faster), then as a last ditch effort going to someone he knows will do it (derek). he is so dedicated to this that even despite finding out he is genetically a vampire hunter, knowing his family hates vampires and he might not be able to see them again if he turns (which we know is gonna be hard for him considering he seems to be relatevely close with them at least enough to put together a dinner party and to give them money the second he gets some) so if guillermo comes back to the house as a vamp nandor- who had been kinda been keeping guillermo there by hanging the prospect of becoming a vampire over him like a cat- is going to freak the fuck out for 2 reasons:
1. he wanted to be the one to turn guillermo, on his home soil (though he will probably never admit it again)
2. guillermo doesnt need anything from him anymore
im sure theres also a few other things that the vamps would have an issue with like “who the FUCK turned him" and “vampires never turn familiars especially ones that arent their own” (since it seems like familiar poaching and taking familiars from their masters for consumption or otherwise is pretty taboo) but i think that derek being the one to do it makes both of those kinda obsolete (it also seems like the vamps are a lot less dedicated to vampire culture rules after their whole council arc and killing vampires thing in s3). but whats probably gonna throw nandor for a loop is that guillermo is gonna come back. we all know he will weather its to pick up his things or say goodbye or decide he wants to stick around after all at some point he will and nandor will open the door and have the most horrified look when he finds out. nandor has been on the pursuit of love and happiness for as long as we’ve seen him. hes tired of immortal life and misses the thrill of living. you see this with the human camp thing, with trying to find a wife and deciding that was too hard to he used jinn magic to resurect his old wives but then that wasn’t good enough so he enchanted the shit out of his chosen zombie wife to make her a shell of her former self and then seeing how happy guillermo and freddie are decides to turn marwa into a clone of freddie? this man is desprate. its clear that nandor doesn’t enjoy the vampire lifestyle anymore, its boring sitting in the house all day and hunting at night, enter guilliermo- van halen vampire hunter, beat the shit out of you in a fight multiple times, never know if hes gonna be there the next day, de la cruz. guilliermo makes immortality exciting to nandor, but now that guillermo has no use for nandor anymore he probably will leave right? do everything he wants to now that he’s a vampire. nandor is freaking the fuck out and has (1) jinn wish left... 
so every time this show has a path that i think “yeah that makes sense” the vampires tend to to the complete opposite path. nandor has a lack of understanding for other’s feelings but in recent seasons its gotten better, however it would still make perfect sense that nandor would use this wish incredibly selfishly- but hes gonna fuck up. It would make absolute sense for mr. the relentless to try and wish guillermo a human again so he could have him as a familiar and turn him the way he wanted to turn him but maybe hes going to wish for something a little less specific, maybe “i wish guillermo would stay and not leave” or something like that because this is the happiest hes seen guillermo! hes thriving as a vamp and its all hes wanted for as long as they’ve known eachother. Heres the thing, I think that the spell is going to make nandor a human- a human in need of a familiar. 
hijinks ensue: guillermo (who actually had no idea what to do now that he is a vampire, the whole dedicating your life to getting something and now that you have it what is there to do?) decides to take nandor as a familliar and effectively switches roles with him (i think collin is indifferent, lazlo is amused, and nadja is just confused- plus vampire rules they dont wanna turn him since he’s TECHNICALLY a familliar + its really fucking funny). he promises to make nandor a vampire again and he fully intends on it- but hes gonna have some revenge labor first. something happens and guillermo has to save nandor AGAIN from something or other (maybe nandor, sick of guillermo treating him the way he treated guillermo, decides to reverse uno on him and leaves, maybe he goes out to find a vamp who remembers and will turn him but gets himself into trouble with some creatures who probably want to eat him)- and i think this might be where they realize they kinda need eachother. guillermo asks nandor if he wants to be turned back, and nandor really thinks about it. on one hand he misses being powerful as a vampire, having the strength and skill to defeat anyone and his coffin and such- but he also tried a cheezeburger for the first time! he ran from monsters, cooked and cleaned, felt his heart beat and his brow sweat and he felt alive! on the other hand, guillermo is realizing that being a vampire isnt all that he thought it would be. he misses food and the sun more than he thought he would, he misses his family who would try to kill him the first time he saw them. he thought he would see the world or find a community but the thing thats made him the happiest is showing nandor how to be a human. nandor refuses, or at least asks to wait a bit longer so he can try more things as a human- and guillermo agrees, promising to wait eternity for him. 
sorry for the brain vomit hope this makes sense to somebody
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