#these are mainly affirmations for myself because denial hits hard but I think its just important for Therians especially sun/ contherians
iamtheneighborskid · 9 months
It is totally okay to not be involved with your kin type or even therianthropy for a bit, it is okay to return to it for a week then go back to your life as always. It is okay to realize that you were in Denial about your therianthropy and that it wasn't a phase. Its okay if sometimes your triggers don't always trigger your mental shifts. its okay if you're confused, if you're questioning being a Therian again after so much back and forth. I promise you that you are valid, Therianthropy does not have to be a big thing in your life and you don't have to think about it 24/7, it doesn't mean that you suddenly aren't a Therian. Therianthropy is a part of you, even if it's small or even if it's large. You are still a Therian and you are completely valid <3.
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