#there's also some stuff abt dteam solo stans I wanted to talk about but they're not fit for here
dweamsy · 3 years
   It’s been repeated so many times especially on mcyttwt about how there’s no unproblematic person or unproblematic medias but I think people clearly don’t actually understand that or actively have that mindset, and not only in the mcyt fandom but just the internet in general.
  I think most people who are saying that are only have mcyts in mind when they’re saying it, and I think they’re acknowledging to make themselves feel better about stanning these people. Because mcyts mistakes and their past are more highlighted and more known because they’ve got threads written on them and the mcyts in question (talking about Dream Team/fboys here specifically I don’t keep up with other mcyters) actually acknowledge those mistakes and address them and apologizes for it = more people know about it. People including their stans are more aware that they’ve made these mistakes and have said insensitive things in the past. And that’s why they’re the ones labeled problematic
  When in reality you know, this applies to everyone and everything.  That’s why I found it silly when people mcyt stans only feel bad about their mcyt interests, or when former stans moved to other fandoms and then become a whole mcyt anti and drag them for the mistakes (especially if they’ve defended those mcyts when they were still a stan LOLLL that must be embarrassing for you) when their new fandom isn’t unproblematic either in fact sometimes worse.
  Like…. Kpop groups with a shitload of cultural appropriation or insensitive jokes. Celebrities like music artists or actors there’s been plenty who’s done ca as well, or remain friends with actual pedos and racists, or portray their characters incorrectly. And you know I used to think this “nothing is unproblematic” thing only applies to real people but they apply to fictional medias too. Like, even if fictional characters can’t do anything wrong because they’re fictional, the people who create them could be problematic. Sooooo many authors literally so many are terrible people even if they write good books.
  And even if the creators of these fictional medias isn’t on social media and they seem alright, you can find problematic aspects in their medias. I love Game of Thrones and ASOIAF but they’re definitely created with male audience enjoyment in mind and how they portray a lot of minor female character sexually or make HUGE age gaps relationship have romantic implications. A lot of fantasy authors low-key support incest and horrible age gaps relationship and it shows in their works. The big Marvel actors have made insensitive comments, Chris Evans is openly pro-military brooo. My favorite series, although the author haven’t done anything wrong as far as I know, I can tell from reading it he’s a bit sexist with how he potray his female characters 💀
  Like these fictional characters can’t do anything wrong obviously, but the people who play them or create them might. And of course you can apply the “separate art from the artists” mindset, but even if you do if you watch those medias(piracy excluded) or buy them, you’re still giving money to the problematic people who created them. Or if you run fan accounts or make fanworks for them you’re still promoting them in a way. In fact I think I’ve actually lifted or financially support problematic creators who make fictional content more than I have supported not-unproblematic mcyt ccs by watching their stuff in cinemas or getting other people to watch or read them. (not saying it’s something I’m proud of or that it’s a good thing btw)
  And I think the majority of people don’t understand or aware of this. It shows with people outside the fandoms who act like mcyters are the pinnacle of all evil but then they run stan accounts for celebrities or creators or fictional medias that are objectively A LOT WORSE. Or what even more annoying, ex-mcyt stans who stop stanning and then turn to other stuff (sometimes not even less problematic than most mcyts) and act like they’re morally superior for being able to stop stanning.
  Now I’m not saying these people need to drop their interests. There’s faults in every super popular fandom and you’re only going to be miserable in life if you’re looking to only enjoy something that’s completely unproblematic and morally perfect. But I wish people would stop being annoying hypocrites. You’re not superior for enjoying one thing and actively hating something when they’re both very similar. It shows that these people are just incapable of critical thinking when they actively talk about and support something that is not-unproblematic but acts like mcyt fans are the spawns of satan.
  (Also not saying that mcyt is better than other fandoms btw they’re definitely not and this whole post isn’t meant to be defending them although I’m aware it can come across that way)
  Another thing is that I wish people (only a small portion of people do this and only on twitter as far as I know but they’re people I see regularly so) stop feeling bad about liking these mcyts. Like I know they use “no person is entirely unproblematic” to make themselves feel better for liking mcyt. You’re not a bad person for liking mcyt 😭Obviously it doesn’t make you a better person either, but some people genuinely makes themselves feel miserable thinking they’re supporting only mildly good people and if not because of their hyperfixations or whatever they would want out. Goddamn it’s not fun seeing people hating on their own interests.
  I think some mcyts the Dream Team especially are not bad people. I think they’re good, they’ve actively tried to be better more than most famous people I’ve seen and been fan of, and they’ve created a community that’s although sometimes terrible, are a good change in the gaming community. Like the gaming/twitch community have been horrible and actively promoted actual harmful ideas. The DSMP community as toxic and stupid as it is sometimes, it’s better than let’s say—Pewdiepie’s, or just the general gaming or twitch community. Them and their fanbase are bringing good changes for this side of the internet, and you shouldn’t feel like an evil person for liking them, just like how you wouldn’t feel like an evil person for liking Rainbow Rowell’s books or for liking Twenty One Pilots (both who I think are worse than mcyt, Dream Team specifically. Also not saying this makes Dream Team saints btw I DON’T THINK THAT AT ALL)
  I don’t know where I’m going with this I guess people (me included btw) should be more critical of their interests and especially don’t feel morally superior for liking certain things over the other. You’re a loser for watching Minecraft as much as you’re a loser for stressing about how much streams a music artist got and you’re also a loser for making fancams of animated children characters 💀 It’s online fandoms we’re here to have fun and giggle a little bit everyone need to relaxxxxxxx
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