#there's a yeild sign you fuck
The stupidity and self centered carelessness of drivers on the road fills me with a simmering violent rage
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fawnnbinary · 2 years
yoooooo Hairbrush Geralt is making me Feel Things!!
listen ok i got my dad’s Big Jewish Curls except my dad doesn’t know shit abt his hair bc he wore it close cropped most of his life, and my mom tried her best but she has lovely pin-straight Swede Hair so i was straight up in my 20s by the time i learned ur not supposed to use a hairbrush on curls. WHICH MEANT that my whole childhood/teenhood/young adulthood my goofy ass was convinced my hair type was Frizzy and that’s just all there was to it. i assumed i’d just grown out of the ringlets i had as a baby on account of i was probably being Blighted By God.
picture me, 12yo, braces, freckles, buffy the vampire slayer t-shirt, american idiot in my walkman headphones, hair cut in a straight line right under my chin, parted down the middle, brushed out into just the Poofiest mess you ever did see. straight out from the top of my head in a perfect diagonal line. Triangular. i spent middle school cosplaying as a fucking yield sign.
geralt brushing out his curls…the almighty FWOOMPH that would inevitably result…jaskier’s look of abject horror (bc his oldest sister has a head full of corkscrew ringlets and he learned EARLY what Was and Was Not acceptable hair care)….chefs fuckin kiss miles you have given us a beautiful gift for our Brain Rotations
-eskel anon
NOT COSPLAYING A YEILD SIGN… I am very pleased to have drawn something you connected with like that and to give you Brain Rotation material khfgfkjgh but also:
you 🤝 Geralt looking like this 🔺
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wonderlandmind4 · 2 years
My friend texted me to tell me this…I didn’t know there’s a whole fan base of, um, how do I say this lightly, gen Z’ers, who have claimed Harry Styles as their “little secret” since “2020” and are worried about him “blowing up” famous after he performs at Cochella……
😂 oh babies. Oh sweet sweet babies.
I didn’t suffer through a grueling, what I dubbed, 1D Hell Week in Orlando with zero sleep for him to be considered a “little secret”
I didn’t endure almost being knocked off a dock in Miami by paps for Harry to be considered Gen Z’s “little secret” 😂 or sit in a movie theater, or rush to a concert in 2012.
I didn’t suffer through the scary NEAR ACCIDENT INCIDENT of One Direction’s van/driver in Orlando because the driver didn’t know the rules of a YEILD SIGN for him to be a little secret 😂 (true story)
My friend told me these newer fans are claiming to be OG’s. Honeys….
Jam to “woman” then come talk to me. Catch that little tiny note Harry sings in the last chorus of “Moments” from 2012 THEN COME TALK TO ME.
Please take this post lightly, as I am mainly making fun of my own experiences I went through during the beginning middle and end of One Direction of which Harry Styles started in back in 2010.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Any thoughts on a cupidlighter? (cupid-whitelighter) What kind of powers they might have? Like, would they develop new hybrid powers? (Orbeaming? Lol)
Okay. So. i actually think about the differences between cupids & whitelighter relatively frequently (i can say at the very least more frequently than any normal person) because in my next gen fic we have both cupitches and witchlighters, and while we already have a basic 411 on a witchlighter hybrid because of paige, chris, & wyatt, we saw really next to nothing on how cupids function as they were only in a total of like eight or nine episodes. but it’s established cupids are a different species and while cupids & whitelighters share some powers with similar functions (both have a form a teleportation & of sensing), i think the ways they tap into these powers is completely different. broad strokes, if a whitelighter and a cupid switched bodies, they would have trouble beaming/orbing respectively, because it would require a different set of skills/mentality.
so let’s start with whitelighters bc we’ve got a little more lore on them to start with. they are a species completely ruled by logic. there are clearly A Lot of rules in place for whitelighters, ranging from general “don’t fall in love with your charge” to the hella specific “don’t eat on the job, wear you formal robes to meetings”. we literally get the quote “a whitelighter who's controlled by his emotions is useless.” so uh. yeah. that and they clearly serve a higher power (the elders), and to displease them is to have your wings clipped. now, we could get into some speculation here bc while the elders are a higher council of whitelighters the do act as the guide/leaders of all users of white magic, no matter the species. so like we could say that what a whitelighter should have originally been was one who was always compelled to do good and help others and they initially operated off their basic instinct, and then the formed a casual system you know assigning charges to make sure every witch/future whitelighter was receiving the guidance they needed, and then that grows into this and this grows into that and we see the elders rise as the beacon of good magic, the moral compass to guide the world (and who better to watch over good magic than beings who are literally hand picked due to their amazing capacity to do good?). but now it’s sorta a uhh what’s the word you know that thing where something feeds off its own energy and growing bigger and bigger because every time you’re doing it your building off your last iteration and nothing’s really driving you to do it at this point other than the fact you feel like you need to improve the last phase into a bigger and better phase it’s very cyclical and i swear there’s a colloquialism for it but i just can’t put my finger on it Anyway it become a that situation where the elders are the leaders of the magical community so they need to be presentable and they need to be dignified and they can’t be a clownass bc then it seems like the elders as a whole are clownasses (which i aint saying anything butttttt) and because of all this whitelighters as a whole, over the centuries, turn away from that sort of intrinsic emotion based free form sitch and become a much more rigid and structured people. because of this, i think powers such as orbing is really guided by a more logical approach. they think of a location, and they can go there. it’s very much done with the mind. sensing is another whitelighter ability that has become less and less attuned to emotions. a whitelighter can sense when their charge is in trouble, but we really don’t get any other emotions. however, they can easily sense if there are people in a room, or if a being is evil (note: i know in the s5 opener when piper was kidnapped by necron leo’s like “all i’m sensing is courage” but my counterargument was that was not a normal emotion, that was a magically amped up backfire of a spell that suppressed other emotions and completely flooded one’s system with courage, so i don’t count that really. i would also add, as piper and leo share a very deep, very strong bond, it’s also likely that leo’s ability to sense piper is a lot higher than it would be with any of his other charges).
so now let’s jump to cupids. we have barely any canon on them (which i love), and what we do have i might very well ignore. (there’s a cupid judge?? all cupids are dead babies????? i’m..... yeah i’m not doing that.) the way i see cupids is as beings of love, who are very much ruled by their emotions (the real water signs of the magical world). we know from coop that beaming itself is about emotions, not logic. you can’t think of a place to get there, you feel it (which is why piper and leo kept fucking up their beaming destinations in the finale). when they sense, they sense love, they sense hurt, they sense fear, they sense caution, they sense hope. it’s not a physical thing, it’s not a mental thing, it’s pure, raw emotions. also just while i’m on the topic the way i think cupids work is that they’re just straight up vagabonds, they wander the earth just looking for instances to spark love, there’s no rhyme or reason to it. (like leprechauns how in canon “are like bees, they pollinate the world with luck.” it’s implied they don’t have charges/specific assignments to do with their luck, they just go where the vibes take them. that’s how i like to think cupids work. like love isn’t about reason or logic, so the way they operate shouldn’t be grounded in reason or logic). as far as a higher power they have to answer to, i don’t think that would come from within the cupids. i think while there is a vague social structure base off how long one has been a cupid for, there’s mostly just a sense of fraternity that links them all together. the higher power they answer to is the elders (who honestly i really don’t think they engage with the cupids like At All especially with their focused belief that logic and discipline should be the standard they just really don’t like the loosey goosey energy the cupids have. it think when they called coop bc they felt vaguely guilty for completely shafting her love life was probably the first time they reached out to the cupids in about a century or so).
So. now that i have talked extensively about both species, let’s get into what a cupidlighter would actually look like. for starters, the birth’s gonna be a scandal. romeo and juliet two households both alike in dignity a wild love affair a this a that the other it’s gonna be the talk of the whole magical community. and there are so many questions because how will this child age? which being would they elect to become? what powers will they have? so on and so forth. so two answer my own questions: a whitelighter was once human, and can become human again. it’s established immortality is a gift. i think cupids are naturally immortal (sidenote i think coop had to petition the elders to grant him the ability to age, which they weren’t too keen on bc they’re like dude we already let you marry a witch what more do you want and coop’s like .....to not watch my wife grow old without me??? and they’re like ughhhhhhh but then leo catches wind of this and orbs up there like heartless motherfuckers?? coop’s love for phoebe is pure don’t subject them to this horrible curse???? jesus christ aren’t you supposed to be the good guys? stop and think about your actions for like 90 seconds you callous fucks??? and the elders are like 😐😐 okay coop can age. and like the younger whitelighter are like can we talk like that? and the older ones are like nooooooo that’s a leo thing they like cannot kill him). so, in conclusion, i think a cupidlighter would age like a mortal, but at an insanely slow rate (think like asgardians to humans in the mcu. but like. maybe not that slow). what will they become, a whitelighter or a cupid: i think they would be raised/trained in the ways of both, and then once they’re like in their twenties you know they’ve been alive for almost a century they would probably settle and decide what they will act as, which really depends on who they are as a person (but let’s be real it’s gonna be cupids who wants to serve those stuffy ass elders with their suckass playbook). as to what powers they would have, i am honestly going to say All Of Them. because there’s no witch in them there’s no concept of a dominant/active power. so they just like. can do it all. (and hell yes to the orbeaming which i am definitely looks like orbing but instead of a blue light and tiny white orbs its a pink like with small ass lil hearts 💞💕). so the teleportation magic would fuse into a new power and the sensing would fuse into just a superior version of sensing, they can heal like a whitelighter they can manipulate time like a cupid they just. they get everything. But. a lot of the powers have different triggers than they normally would. i would say orbeaming would definitely be a more difficult form of teleportation to master than orbing or beaming on its own. i think the time manipulation, which should be ruled by the cupid half, would end up having a more whitelighter trigger, meaning they’re going to have to figure that one out on their own because the cupids don’t know how to teach it to them and the whitelighters don’t have that power. so while they really have a long list of powers, mastering them is much more difficult than it would be for any non-hybrid.
and if i’m doing a bonus round (and i’m Always doing a bonus round) here are my thoughts on a cupitchligher. so we’ve got a couple options here a cupitch was a relationship with a whitelighter a witchlighter has a relationship with a cupid a cupitch and a witchlighter have a relationship a cupidlighter has a relationship with a witch. i think i’ve covered all my bases. i also think all of these would yeild a great range of magic results, but the baseline common traits would be like 1. good person, like an incredibly good person bc they have the whitelighter instinct to help people in need the cupid impulse to spark and nuture love And on top of that the witch’s need to protect the innocent. bro you’ve got such a good person on your hands. and then 2. their witch powers would be amplified by their other halves. okay so you’ve got a tribrid so you know they’re already going to be strong but this is like a merphoenichaun where all the sides are magical but like,, unrelated, this is three sides working in absolute harmony to amplify one another. a witch’s powers come from their emotions and the cupid side helps boost that and the whitelighter side not only adds its own extra punch but it also works to hone it through the inherent discipline that has become ingrained into whitelighter dna.
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nautilusopus · 5 years
☠ (angry/violent headcanon): all ff7 playable party members
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Aeris heals often enough that sometimes people forget she spent most of her life in the slums defending herself with a steel pole she absolutely knows how to use. She “made” said pole herself by demolishing a YEILD sign when she was ten and just kinda kept it ever since. Meeting Avalanche resulted in a lot of “that doesn’t seem right but I don’t know enough about stick-fighting to dispute it”, followed by actual lessons from Yuffie (who has the most formal training out of everyone and complained about everyone’s form) and actual repairs on the thing now that they had the resources. Everyone winds up pitching in at least a little something to the YEILD stick and by the end it’s been rebalanced, is collapsible, and has been given a proper handle that you can even cram a couple materia into in order to channel magic directly through the metal. 
They leave it with her in the lake, because it’s the closest thing they have to burying her somewhere where she’d be nearby all of them.
Barret has the absolute best self-control out of any of them, because he has to, because he has a fucking gun grafted onto his body. He yells a lot because that is all he can risk doing. For someone as physical as he is in general, not just when he’s angry, it took a lot of getting used to. Getting an actual arm that wasn’t constantly in gun mode did a lot to ease tensions between himself and Reeve (though not completely erase them, since kidnapping and whatnot).
Cloud clams the fuck up when he’s angry because he consciously considers himself “incorrect” for finding fault with people he actually likes and unconsciously worries actually telling someone off is too close to being a giant asshole the way he was when he first joined Avalanche. Instead he just bottles it up and stays weirdly quiet for days at a time until it explodes at some random bystander. And then someone has to pay his bail and whether or not the previous incident was his fault or not, this one certainly is. 
It’s really frustrating to deal with his actual problems too because he shuts down as soon as anyone directs anything remotely like anger in his direction, and then they have to waste a bunch of time working around the PTSD and abandonment issues before they actually get to tell him he fucked up and he is responsible for what he did and it was a shitty thing to do and he needs to get his ass in gear. 
Cid goes to anger management classes when all is said and done and everyone’s pretty stringent about making sure he attends every one. HIs default is loud so people know he’s actually pissed when he lowers his voice to a reasonable volume (still swears just as much though). 
Nanaki is never taken seriously when he gets angry despite being a 500+ pound apex predator after they learn he’s like 15 basically and that just makes him madder. It’s an actual issue that they need to have a serious talk about at some point. Especially now that they’re used to seeing him showing up with dead animals in his mouth. 
Reeve started taking self-defense lessons in hand-to-hand combat from Tifa and Vincent since everyone just shares knowledge as a matter of practicality. He’s kind of old at this point but he’s got the whole discipline thing down pat, and he’s extremely dedicated to practising. It’s a better mid-life crisis activity to have than pilates, at least. 
Tifa also clams up when she’s angry but is socially aware enough to consider herself in the right at times, and will get just a teeny bit passive aggressive. Not that anyone notices, she puts a little too much emphasis on the “passive”. In that respect she’s kind of the only one that still takes Nanaki seriously. 
Vincent never seems to get angry and it’s a little weird. Like Barret, maybe it’s because he needs to keep the whole demon thing in check, or maybe it’s because he’s just lowkey annoyed so often with everyone and everything there wouldn’t be much of a point. 
Yuffie technically has the most formal combat training out of everyone, given she had access to the best tutors and martial arts experts Wutai had to offer since the age of 3 (Followed by Tifa and Vincent, tied at 9 years each). Coupled with the emphasis Wutai placed on passing strong magic through bloodlines and a required knowledge of military tactics and forgeign diplomacy drummed into her, she’d be the most hyper-competent one in the party if she weren’t 16 and also fucking stupid. It’s no wonder she gets along so well with Cloud and Nanaki.
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thenyghtlyfe · 4 years
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Lordly Titled:
Understood, explained, and deciphered as the following contractual agreement meeting the total request of the Initiater;
"The Libertine Limitless Life Lock Link of Loyalty, Love, Lust, Labor, Lucrum, and Lifetime Lifecycles-partnerships in Lifestyle and way of Laws" existing as a "Contractual Agreement" to "willingly" and "willfully" make the "Free Choice" to "Sacrifice" then "Relinquish" ones "Self-Being-Self-Soul" only to "Offer Up" and "Barter Off" his/her "Energy Of Exist" and "Energy To Exist" ones "State Of Existing" thy "Eternal Existence", that which is retained as ones "Life Right" bore as the "Birth Right" to all beings including her/him the "SECOND LIBERTINE SEVEN" referenced as "You" the "Soul Barterer" and "Soul Barteree" the "Lead Initiater" choosing to beget "The Bartering Process" seeking to partake and engage in "The L7-2nd-L7-7S" contract forgoing as "The Bartering Process" which has "Powers" only to "Unite" such as to "Bond,Bind,Sync,and Seal" all those "Bartering" contingent upon and subject to the "Pre-Initiation" of "The Initiates Notice to Seek Contractual Engagement by way of The Bartering Process" which are "The Only Two requirements Demanded to Engage The Bartering Process"
- "The complete and total explonation of The Bartering Process followed by confirmation that all was Understood Contractually before undertaking any part of The Bartering Process.
- "The complete and total explonation of ("The Only Recognized Bartering Asset or Substance of Value") able to be Bartered.
"The L7-2nd-L7-7S" or "The Bartering Process" is Non-Engagable and Uninitialiable without the above to requirements be meet, being as they are by DEMAND...."Both Bartering Parties Only Asset" clearly understood as being "The Only Recognized Bartering Asset or Substance of Value" that which is short hand defined as the "Complete" and "Whole" of the "Initiator" and "Accepting Initiates" literal "Self-Being-Self-Soul" totally including and definitely not limited to "Ones Soul", "Free Will", "Free choice", "Life Right", which is "All Of The Living Essence, Source of Being, Life Force, Living will, Existing Freedoms, and All Rights highlighting the vary Right Of Choice" as "The Only Accepted, Acknowledged, Actually, Literal, and Factual Version or Form of Legally/Illegally Binding Tender or Natural Goods of any Being Born, Considered Pure, Above the Labels of Law, Tittled Legal Good of Legal Tender even if Labeled Illegal or otherwise elsewhere, "The Only Recognized Bartering Asset or Substance of Value".
Met with Equal Parts and at Equal Value with an Enterniy of Union, Bound, Binded, Synced, Sealed, Stayed, and Sacred in this life and the next, A unity yeilding, accepting, and subject to submission to the first Libertine Seven, Dominant Chosen By subordinate, Second Libertine Seven, given Rights to all powers to Dom... Their will, Their way, Their word, Their choice, leading, loving, nurturing, providing, protecting, and caring for the Initiating sub chosing to love her Dom more than subs-self... Embodiment of The Bartering Process which two souls Enternally Embrace...
-Tell me what you want.. real shit... Tell me what you want me too do... How and when you want me to do it... Nothing is off limits... Real life.. I'll do it like no other.. but be careful because you would be agreeing to being my soul bound slave... I'll get and give you whatever or wherever it is... But understand if you want to come back to me... What I tell you to do is the only choice you have
-See you have shown me you are not innocent.. naive... Or ignorant... You can and will choose to be evil... Meaning your "mistakes".. may actually be acts of deception.. manipulation.. or trickery... Not saying I believe you to be that way with me.. I don't believe you are evil in anyway.. but your life experiences and connections and instilled that nature in you as a choice... And made you combative verbally.. mentally.. and physically... I can't having you being that way.. definitely not with me
-And family are who and what I live and die for
-Your asking to love me and me to love you... You are asking to live and die for me and me for you... Your asking me to help you nurture a life with you.. creat more life with you... And save you and your current child's life from a broken world... Your asking to help me do that for you and help me do that for me and my son... Your asking for exactly what I want... Need.. and work towards every day... But you also are voluntarily sacrificing your free will and choice to get that...Because I will be caring you for half our journey together... making what was my individual journey heavier than it is now... And it is... All lives are... And as a parent.. you and me are already responsible for more than one life... We both weight lifting.. Having a good "spot" help is key to lift a weight you normally couldn't on your own..
-I got you but you got to have me
-Your entire being belongs to me... I can't let your misguided or miseducated ways stop us from succeeding... So every choice is mine to make... Taking your opinion into account I will get us there
-Ill choose you... I want to... Honesty
-But you have to show me over you and trust that I will have your best interest in mind with every decision I make... And I will...
-But... read everything I messaged you and tell me in detail what you are agree to and asking for.. refer to my words... my messages.. my ways..
Be clear... Lay yo heart out and let me hear it beat... Beating a melody of Love, Lust, Loyalty, and Obedience... Of Trust, Truth, Tolerance, and Training.. Learning... A completely different way of life..
Tell me what your heart, mind, and soul are telling you what they want, need, and desire... Tell me what they willing sacrifice, give up, and give away to me... Tell me that you're willing to lose your will and life to me and I will be giving you mine in return..... Explain you understand my request with more than a few words or few sentences..
I have went this far and deep with my messages... Explaining the truth of the situation because it's all Fact... Only terms I'm willing to accept because you scare me and I don't know why... Why I fear and want you at the same time... And not knowing why I want you is why I fear you....
Your a fire that may burn me, harm me, slow me down, and make my life more difficult for damn sure...but without hesitation and your understanding confirmation... That you chose to give me 1000% of your being... I will no doubt accept you and your life as mine to provide for, protect, and nurture... Put my all into us, our lives, our relationship, and our future together....
I will pull the fuck up wherever you are, as soon as I possibly can, no matter who the fuck you with, or how time consuming and hard it may be to get to ... Pull up and tell you "HET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND GET IN WE OUT”
NOW TELL ME! ..... Real Shit!..... ?
*The songs your hearts plea to be Synced, & Sealed*
**#**Keep your belongings close... Be ready at a moment's notice for me to arrive at your location.. I am going to pop up on you soon.. very soon.. read all and tell me that you agree with a doubt to all terms and conditions.. and believe me without a doubt that you will be whole heartly loved by me as long as our energy Exist in the universe... Don't fear me because of the power of my words... Know that trust you see in me is pure..
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
I don’t hate Jaune...I just treat everything he does as wrong by default and get angry at him because of it.
No, you do hate Jaune. You just don’t want to be called out on it.
Under read more. Spoilers: It contains some of my anger over cerain blond teenage character of RWBY. I don’t mean it as hate, I’m just tried of seeing this kind of stuff over and over again and I finally need to vent.
And yet as we go on, we’ll see that you have chosen to intreupt things in the most negative light possible with Jaune. You will choose to see everything he does or everything around him as bad to the point of direct contradiction of the show and hypocrisy.
The thing that pisses me off the most about Jaune’s manpain over Pyrrha is that it seems to be post-production mistake fixing. They forgot to develop this romance from Jaune’s perspective, having him ignore Pyrrha most of the time and share like three moments or so when he appreciates or takes interest in her in any way shape or form, while for the rest of the time he chases another.
Who told you Jaune was mourning her death because it was a romantic relationship? Are you saying that Jaune can’t be sad over his close friend and mentor? Are you saying that it can’t just be friendship with him? because there is nothing to tell me that Jaune loved Pyrrha that way, only that Pyrrha loved him. Jaune never said or showed romantic love towards her at all and the show doesn’t treat it as a two way romantic relationship.
Right off the bat your first argument (Which, by the way, is fucking insulting to say that a man can’t be sad without it being an insult. As much as I bet you call out toxic masculinity, this is reinforcing the idea that men cannot express emotion) is built off of misinformation and fandom assumption. Right off the bat, you just showed you aren’t worth your weight in critique and analysis. And that’s your only option. You said this wasn’t hate so that implies you believe this to be rational and thus this is an analysis of why you factually are angry at Jaune. If not then it IS hate and you are lying in the beginning. Those are your only options.
Like really, one moment is where he says sorry on that roof, the other is during the dance tho idk if I should count it as this because the way he framed this ‘interest’ was inconsiderate but I’ll let it slide for a while
How? How is his interest in Pyrrha, his mentor and best friend, inconsiderate? how is trying to understand her inconsiderate? It’s not and that’s a crook of shit you are using to justify your irrational hate. You let it slide because it does not exist and if you tried that, the fanbase would call you out on your shit, as I am.
Then we have long long nothing and finally, first-in my opinion- genuine interest in what and how Pyrrha feels ep.8 of vol3 so 4 or so episodes before she dies, and in-universe timeline on the very day she dies. Like really, it took the dude to go and start noticing and showing interest in HOW HIS PARTNER feels this long?
yes, because some people are like this. Some people are dense to the feelings of otehrs. Some people cannot read the signs, especially since Pyrrha only let on ONCE about her true feelings (BTW, she wasn’t even being direct that time so it’s on her for not being direct with a dense guy), everything else would be expected of a partner. Funny how two seconds of thought clears this up
And don’t give me any ‘he had to do it earlier’ because apart from that dance scene we don’t get it on screen so as far as we know episode 8 is the first time, or at least first time since the dance. And yet, despite the fact he ignored her, and showed no consideration or no interest in her and her feelings he somehow gets to have most development?
What development are you talking about? If it’s in the relationship then you directly said above he WASN’T developed.If it’s as a friend then what do you call putting on a dress to make her feel better and trying to comfort her when she is obviously troubled? And if it’s character development: That has nothing to do with what is going on and spoiler: Weiss gets that title not Jaune. Nice try.
he gets her circlet? I understand the notion of ‘you don’t know what you have’ I really do, but with all of the above? It really doesn’t seem like enough to warrant such actions. Especially the circlet. How realising he lost a chance and was an idiot for not seeing what was in front of him, how does that entitle him to her possessions?
Seriously? This argument? You are seriously trying to argue over a fucking piece of jewelry that her parents probably own twenty of hers back at home with all the baby pictures and other belongings whereas he just gets one thing which he uses to honor her memory? I’m starting to think you hate the show in general for allowing Jaune to exist seeing as you are trying to tear down anything good in the show that involves him. 
? How does make him more worthy than her parents/mother? He knew this girl for like…few months and for most of this time he couldn’t be bothered to get to know her, care about her feelings or appreciate her. And somehow just because he regrets he didn’t get to know her and make that effort, he is entitled to merge her circlet with her remains into his armour? Does regret over not building or contributing to a bond makes up for that bond or something? I wouldn’t take such an issue with it if he at least asked her mother or waited until they meet her family. It still would have been forced, but he wouldn’t come off as entitled, inconsiderate jerk
Maybe because he was her first real friend? Maybe because she could only make meaningful connections because Jaune helped her? because he helped her though her sadness? maybe because he was willing to help her defeat Cinder and only didn’t because he knew he was basically dead weight? Forgot all about this stuff huh? Convenient for your argument huh?
And never contributed to anything? What do you call putting on a dress to make her feel better? What do you call sitting by her side to comfort her? WHat do you call trying to give her advice? What do you call standing guard while she was about get Amber’s power? Just because you have a hate boner for the guy doesn’t mean you get to twist the facts.
And yes, you would have said this anyway. It’s a fucking lose lose situation. Either he doesn’t do it and he’s an inconsiderate jerk or he does and he’s a Mary Sue and either way, you say bullshit. I know this for a fact because even as your complaints stop applying to him, you twist the facts to MAKE them apply. You hate the guy but you want your hate to be accepted even as you lie and cheat. Well too fucking bad: World doesn’t work that way.
Like if he really, really, really, really, really, really HAS to have Pyrrha’s circlet then at least have her mother say she cannot keep it because it’s too painful and that Pyrrha would have wanted him to have it. Having that wouldn’t have made it good but at least it would be just annoying and tried instead of rage inducing.
Translation: “If the show wastes it’s limited time and budget to make this completely unnecessary scene for me and ten other people which can happen in a latter scene, I’ll say I won’t do this but will because I have shown that I will lie before and why wouldn’t I do it here?”
That’s what all that tells me form your language and actions here. And I call you out on it.
And another thing that bothers me about this whole thing is that Pyrrha’s death in vol3 was empowering, she fought well and valiant, she did her best and pulled all the stops, she did it for her friends and whole the world. She died on her own rules, never yeilding to the dark side. It was heroic and tragic and most of all POWERFUL it was sad but somewhat positive and inspiring message. It had some meaning. It wasn’t death for shock value. But volume 4 never mentions that
Um, you don’t have to directly mention it. The empowering part is shown by Cinder being humiliated and shunned, thus causing what she wanted to turn on her as if by fate. The heroic and inspirational part comes from her influence over Jaune and Ruby and how her death has changed them both drastically, driving them both to improve and keep going. It’s called subtlty.
No, when it’s mentioned it is to show how sad JAUNE IS, to show how UPSET AND ANGRY he is. Like with those recordings, where she tells him he’s great and wonderful an whatnot and he slices the air with his sword in anger. We have it refferenced after Shinon’s fall when again it is to bring out and hilight Jaune’s pain because Shinon.
Fucking liar. The recording was for RUBY’S development you ass. Jaune has mourned Pyrrha onscreen by himself for 8 seconds I counted. When teh focus of the sadness isn’t on Ruby, I counted. It happened once for eight seconds you liar. The scene was meant to convey how close they are and how sad Ruby is over all the sadness around her, Jaune was NEVER the focus you ass. This is so fucking obvious that anyone who thinks critically on it will see it so you have NO excuse.
Jaune says “I am tried of losing everything” everything that is mainly Pyrrha
And Beacon. And his old life. And his chance to be a true huntsman. And his chance to do for Pyrrha what she did for him.
Then we have it mentioned when Qrow talks to them, and again Pyrrha’s death is not there to show example of heroism and taking things into your own hands and choosing how you die. No, once again her death is there for Jaune to get angry and upset
No it was tos how that Qrow and Ozpin weren’t the great heroes they act like, that they did shit wrong too. Jaune wasn’t angry that Pyrrha was dead, he was angry because they caused her to die. he was angry because they caused it. Is he right? No but the narrative doesn’t treat him that way seeing as Jaune is framed like he’s right but overreacting and being overly hostile. The only one making Pyrrha’s death all about Jaune is you: You are the one at fault here, not Jaune or the writers. 
And heck he even manged to rid Pyrrha of her own free will and of the whole by-her-own-rules thing, because he access Qrow of FORCING HER INTO IT
Pyrrha was told she was the only one who could stop a plot against the world. For a selfless person, that is the equivalent to putting a gun to their head. Qrow even acts like it was a bad thing you idiot. The story and tone literally contradict what you are saying: your own basis defeats your argument.
It also shows a lot about how Jaune views Pyrrha. He doesn’t see a strong young woman who is brave and self-sacrifcing and makes her own decisions. He sees her as this…idk object? that doesn’t have it’s own free will and is just moved around by others
Exactly. She was self sacrificing. It is in her nature. SO what otehr choice woulod Pyrrha see in that situation besides helping the greater good? That is literally tantimount to taking advantage of someone. Do you think it’s impossibe to do that? If you do then you’re obviously too immature to talk about such things.
 And yet you blame Jaune and says that he sees her as an object? The one guy who DIDN’T see her as a glorified object but as a person? Considering you push Pyrrha around and twist a lot of shit about her for your own needs, you treat her as an object more than Jaune: A tool to be used to attack and harm a fictional character than an entity of her own.
Ok, maybe I’m taking it too far but this is how it at times looks to me. And this is saddening to me, it is saddening that I see, or at least it seems so that Pyrrha’s death is being reduced to manpain
No, it’s god damn enraging that you see it that way because NOTHING about the show even remotely suggests that unless you look at things through three kalediscopes taped together. It’s enraging that you take this as fact when all forms of logic say otherwise, when facts say otherwise. Because it shows how little you actually care about the character and show unless it’s exactly as you envision it and want it to be. It enrages the fuck out of me.
And this brings me back to her relationship with Jaune and generally relationships girls have with Jaune because it kind of follows similar patterns. When she was alive Pyrrha was kind of like Superhero’s Grifriend. Sure she needn’t saving all the time but she was there to be his pillar of strength, to tell him he’s doing good ect. and now after her death volume 4 is doing the same things.
Or maybe it’s the revolutionary idea that she’s his mentor and she’s trying to teach him to have self confidence because those kinds of thoughts are not only unhealthy and damaging mentally but unsafe LITERALLY with the Grimm around. Did that never occur to? because it occurred to 90% of the fandom.
Then we have Weiss, whose relation to Jaune was to give him angst over rejection and unrequited love. @sssn-neptune-vasilias pointed out, so very, very well that she was ‘another thing that Jaune wanted’ instead of a person
Ah yes the terrorist who thinks people should be harassed and bullied unless they think like him and act like him. Such a creditable source.
Not like the show which went to great lengths to show that Jaune wanted to date for WHO she is, not WHAT she is.( https://youtu.be/nur1pCHD4hU?t=9m6s / https://youtu.be/i7wkw3yEbvQ?t=3m32s ) Once again, the show outright contradicts you so what crediblity do you have. What reason should we not mark you as a hater and treat you as such, despite your protests.
and now it seems that even Ruby, the protagonist of the show, is being reduced to a prop for Jaune Arc’s plot line. She slowly becomes another Comforter like Pyrrha was, another girl who is there to be his pillar of strength while he has angst while she isn’t allowed to have her own feelings and emotional trauma. She doesn’t get to mourn Pyrrha or ponder over her death Jaune with concern and sadness in her eyes because ‘oh, Poor Jaune’. When Shinon gets destroyed and Jaune has another angsty moment, Ruby who too should be distressed and who kinda is over the destruction and dead Huntsman, once again turns to comfort Jaune, and put her hand on his shoulder. Because his angst  again is the most important thing we should focus on. Then we have the talk with Qrow and again Jaune’s feelings and Ruby doesn’t react much when the dude says ‘fat lot of help you are’(it’s not exaxct qoute but it’s basically what he says) because Jaune again has right to act this way Because He Found Out Truth About Pyrrha, so obviously we shouldn’t be too harsh.
SHUT UP! That is a blatant lie! Jaune only angst onscreen when it’s usable for RUBY. his line about losing people vocalizes RUBY’s sorrow, his sadness in the forest is used a way to make RUBY’S angst relatable, his srrow all builds to Episode 10 where he LITERALLY pushes his sadness aside and says that Ruby inspired him and his team, that she is the only reason any of them have gotten this far both emotionally and physically! He literally spots angsting to make RUBY look good! 
Jaune is needed for Ruby because Ruby avoids bad things and denies the darkness of the world whereas Jaune accepts it and struggles to properly process and grieve for it. Just like how Ruby would defend her uncle and take everything he says as right even as it isn’t, so Jaune has to call him out. Just like Ruby would insist on keep going and pushing it out of her mind,Jaune processes it. Just as Ruby bottles up her feelings until they overwhlem her, Jaune talks about it gets her through it. JAUNE is teh supporter now, JAUNE is the comforter. And yet you refuse to accept that.
That just proves you hate Jaune: that you are so blinded by your hate for him that you literally take things as the exact opposite of what they are. You are a joke and a cheap, pathetic one at that, one i laugh at with a sense of pointed disdain and without an ounce of respect or given dignity.
And then we have parting with Nora and Ren line. Again, despite the fact her uncle is seriously hurt Ruby’s priority as a character is to comfort worried Jaune. Again she is not allowed to have her own emotions and her worries, because Jaune’s are more important and as the only girl left she has to attend to them.
Okay, enough of this sexist bullshit: What about Weiss, who outright rejected him out a care for his feelings? What about Nora, who demans him? What about Yang and Blake who never interact with him? What about Glynda, who never sugercoated anything with him? I am at my paitence’s end with you, do not push me.
And Jaune, just like on that roof with Pyrrha and on that balcony, instead of being thankful or considerate tells her that ‘we don’t know that’, which makes it even more annoying because he again comes off as completely ungrateful; and someone who treats this kindness as either something due to him that he doesn’t have to appreciate.
Because Ruby is being childish and naive for thinking that way! That is who Ruby is! Did you get total ammesia about Ruby’s character throughout this whole thing? Because that is the only excuse.
And it annoys me. I DO NOT HATE JAUNE ARC. I really don’t. He is a good character, but THE WAY THEY WRITE HIM and the way THEY FOCUS ON HIM, the way HIS EMOTIONS ARE MOST IMPORTANT AND OVERRULE EVERYTHING ELSE is what makes me angry. Fine, give some development to the side-character, have them have emotions but please focus on other characters too ESPECIALLY MAIN CHARACTER.
And it pisses me off that you are so centered on hating Jaune and making up excuses to hate him, to justify your hate, that it demeans everyone else in the show to revolving around when that isn’t the case at all! You ignore character’s personality, development, context, actions, feelings and blatant FACTS to hate on him.
You say you are not a hater of Jaune but everything about this screams hater, an irrational one who will justify their hate no matter how much they must twist the show and characters because they have an irrational hatred of one character. Shut up and never talk about Jaune ever again: we have enough comedy in Rooster Teeth, we don’t need pathetic laughter too.
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enigmatic-elegance · 7 years
100 Days of Character Development
Reference: Here
Day 1. What is your full name?
The Draenei settled her hands folded upon the table’s surface, easing interlaced fingers against the backs. “Depends much on when you know me. To those of the Collective, and modern city life, I am Masnira. It is derived from the word 'Ma'Nia' meaning 'Gatekeeper' in the lost language. If you are from before this time, you know me as Viadii.” She blinks, the luminescent gaze leveled equal against the surrounding shroud and candle light.
It took a moment for the Huntress to ponder the question. A name being a simple thing, but the creature felt it odd to divulge upfront. “Imellia Duskglaive.. taken name. Before, I was Imellia Songsorrow. I miss that name..”
“Who the fuck askin!?” The little Gnome clicked a blade, the long steel presentation a sign of her displeasure. “You go back to whoever the fuck be all up in my shit and tell them Lissmac Sparkgear told them to piss off. Mothafuckas be trippin.”
“Nayleen Cooper.” She responded plainly. Her elbows lifted to thump to the table. “It’s a taken name. I don’t have a true last name, I swiped this one from my old pit master. Used to be Nayleen Vorewell but that was a name I left behind. More..a title then a name, really.”
The Paladin smiled softly, warm presence matched by her stature. Her fist lifted to close against her chest, head dipping into a respectful salute. “Ayladia Caroline Stroud, at your service dutifully and humbly.”
“Magda.” The Death Knight responded blankly, eyes locked forward. “Anything else?”
The Guard lifted the helm off her head, allowing for auburn hair to fall across her plated shoulders. “M’name? ‘M Areana Christina Lurk! S’good ta meetcha.” She smiled brightly.
The elf widened her eyes, the illumination within dimming out slowly. “Oh dear uh.. m-m-.. uh.. my n-name? Uh.. w-why? Do.. oh.. E-..Eloniea.. Dreamwalker..” She balled up fistfulls of fabric in her clenched hands.
“I’m Harper Anibelle Kereni! Really great to know ya!” The ten year old lass scooted her butt up onto the wall, feet swinging out to thump down against that stone surface.
“It has.. no name..” The doll’s neck twitched, the head tilting off to the side before correcting. “It is only.. Kikiro.. It is only.. the name uttered last..”
The butcher drove the blade down, thunking into the chopping block before dragging up two fingers to remove several loose strands of blonde from her visage. “McKenzie Samantha Halifax. Happy to know ya! I ain’t in trouble, am I?”
The doctor’s left leg lifted enough to cross delicately over the right. Her hands moved to meet into her lap, folding over as bright green eyes traced the presence. “Aren’t we such a curious thing? My name? Mia Day Copplan. But please, just Doctor Copplan until we know each other so much better..”
The woman felt her hands tighten, not liking the question so brazenly leveled at her. Still.. play along. “Adira Emma Somer. Whatever you’ve heard, I can assure you it’s not all true..”
“Sparkfuse. Tollka Sparkfuse. Don’t let the stature putcha off, I got more goin on innere..” Her green hand lifts, tapping to the side of her head. “Then here.” The same claw moves to tap to her own bicep before dropping down. The little Goblin plucked out her notepad. “Can I ask ya questions too?”
The Dwarf rolled her eyes, already predicting the questions that always followed her name. “My name is Misery. No, it’s not a nickname. Yes, that’s my full name. No, I’m not super fond of it.” She smirked a touch. “Anything else?”
The question made the young woman withdraw, hands drawing up to layer pale and slender fingers over her lips. Red curls cascaded over her features, two vacant steel green eyes peering outward. “Zuri Julia Shea, sir.” She released in hushed tone.
“Aww shit did someone rat? Let’s get this over with.. I’m Allisae Moonwhisper. And you’re gettin nothin else from me..” The Kaldorei lifted her arms to fold under her bust with a scowl painting her features.
The Worgen dipped down, sweeping into a rather well practiced and regal bow. “Connor Joseph Halifax at your service, my friend. Owner of the Halifax Winery and Brewery. Hopefully at your service -soon-.” He danced a wink.
The Pandaren clasped her hands together under her chin, pulling into a wide and sharp toothed grin. “Ahh, you wish to be the know of my name!? I am Sheema Windstep! My friends, they call me Shelby. You may much call me that too!”
The webbing on the side of the tree shifted, a sea of small black spiders crawling from their disturbed rest to yeild to her leaning Forsaken figure. Two yellowish eyes peered out from the sea of white silk threads. “Elizae Heather Miles.. Lizzy.. for short..” She leans back against the tree of web and spider. “You come to taunt me too?”
Lost Child:
The tattered woman snaps her teeth, releasing a gutteral growl from the back of her throat. “No name! No talk! No know me!”
A small flush danced to the cheeks of the blonde, hand running up through the tufts of hair atop her head. “Awwh, you are interested in me? I’m Terra-Elise Vanessa Vitanox!” She dropped her hand to her side, flashing a wide smile.
The worgen upturned his head from the campfire he had been looming over, giving a small nod of acknowledgement. “Elliot Ashton Aldrich. Just another man, no need to remember me, love.”
The synthetic looked down to it’s arm, the bulky metals long replaced with smoother designs over the time it spent beneath the surface. But one panel remained, a small iron strip with the word ‘N.O.R.A.’ etched in. Name?
The Sin’Dorei woman turned her gaze up from her palms that had been cupped in front of her seated figure. She seemed to be mildly hopeful for charity, losing that cheer as she learned that such mercy was beyond her at the moment. “Oh.. me? I’m.. Teleani Dawnlight. Please don’t remember..”
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