#there’s an HD shock spear in existence
random-iz-stuff · 1 year
I just found something very important.
You know Shock Spears? The things that Irkens use as weapons.
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These things.
We’ve never seen a really detailed look at them because they’re always in the background or not in proper focus in the scenes they’re in.
And that’s a real shame because not only are they cool, going by the pictures above they all seem slightly unique compared to one another.
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That means that if someone just looked into the files of NASB, they’re be able to find the model of Zim’s spear and we’d have the best look at a Shock Spear we’ve ever seen. And on top of that it’s ZIM’S shock spear, and from what we’ve seen so far all shock spears are at least slightly unique, AND from the picture here of Zim using his shock spear it looks like it has some sort of unique design on it with some blue parts visible on the spear.
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undertalethingies · 4 years
I Don’t Want To Remember You
You’re tired.
It doesn’t happen often. You’ve always had energy out the ears, bouncing off of any wall that dared oppose you, but lately your usual boundless energy and excitement has been in short stock.
It’s not that you want to be exhausted, you know? You want to rail against the machinations of fate, to scream your defiance to the heavens, and you will.
Just… not right now.
You remember the first time you died.
You know you aren’t supposed to.
You remember anyway. It’s with almost startling clarity that you recall it, your restless mind forcing you to watch your own demise over and over again in HD, and these days it’s the only dream that stays with you on waking.
You want to go over to Alphys’ place to watch anime and forget, but you know the anime she’ll play is the same one she always plays, the same song, the same plot beats and characters, and you just want so badly to see something new.
So you don’t go. Instead you stay at home, laying on your bed, your arm folded over your face so that you can’t see the ceiling that only has yesterday’s cracks and stains, rather than tomorrow’s.
The scales of your arm pull roughly against your skin as you rub your eye to clear it of the detritus it’s collected through the night. Normally you don’t get much of it, but lately you’ve been crying in your sleep, like the weenie you apparently are.
Well, “lately”. In actual time, your normal world, filled with concerns of what you’d do when the next human fell, what anime you’d watch with Alphys, what you’d cook with Papyrus…
It was only yesterday, you think to yourself. You wonder, how’d it all change so much in just a day? Time travel will do that, you guess.
You laugh quietly to yourself at the idea of a yesterday, and it sounds wrong even to your own ears. You never used to laugh quietly, in the yesterday before your world ended again and again. You’d laugh loudly, and it would echo off the walls with the force of your adulation, and everyone in the surrounding area would know you were happy.
Maybe that’s why you laugh more quietly now. You haven’t been happy since the first time you left Alphys alone.
The day of your first death didn’t have an auspicious start. You’d fallen out of bed, thrashing and still in the throes of a nightmare about failing at your duty, about failing to kill the next human and knowing as you turned to dust that Asgore would have to bear your weight on his shoulders, now, as well as that of the humans.
You still don’t know if the dream was a memory or a warning.
You’d pushed yourself up from the floor with a groan, and your face had felt dry and cracked, like you’d bunched into your blankets too tightly and overheated in the night.
You’d made nothing of it and headed to the adjoining bathroom to take a shower and wet yourself under the cool water.
Alphys had installed a water heater in your house a few months ago, but that morning you’d wanted the ice cold liquid to shock your skin, to get you yelling and and uncomfortable and not thinking about what would happen if the next human to fall managed to get a high LV before you fought them.
(Even then, you’d never considered the human might dodge past you, might time their journey just right and miss your existence entirely)
(Did you know, even then, what was in store?)
When you’d finished your brief and unpleasant shower, you’d gone to your hot fridge and grabbed some water, already on the edge of boiling. Normally you would toss the water in a kettle to get it even hotter, but that day you just wanted the flavor as soon as you could it, so you’d tossed a few teabags in and started drinking.
Somehow, the tea had been sour in your mouth, though it had tasted the same.
You’d been annoyed, but you hadn’t bothered to make another cup, instead choosing to go visit Alphys.
Before you’d even gotten to Hotland, Papyrus had called you about a human, and so you been forced to turn right around, headed instead to the beginning of Waterfall.
He wasn’t there. You tried to call him, and got nothing.
(Papyrus always picks up by the second ring, unless something horrible has happened)
You’d been about to head to Snowdin to beat down his door for making you worry when you’d seen a human in the reeds and an awful suspicion had taken root in your soul.
A spear had been in your hand before you’d consciously called it there, and the only thing that had stayed you from killing them there and then was the child just a few feet away.
You’d watched them go, instead.
And go they had, leading you on a not so merry chase all the way to that bridge, where the kid had stood in between them and you, like they needed protection.
You were just glad they’d left the kid alive. Apparently even murderers had their lines in the sand.
You’d stood on a stony crag and normally the prospect of doing something so anime would excite you. Normally you would have been tense with anticipation just then.
You asked them what the hell they’d done to Papyrus, and they hadn’t met your gaze.
You’d fought.
You’d died.
You’d kept fighting.
And, slowly and painfully, you’d melted away.
You remember the first time you died.
You remember the first time you’d woken up afterwards, completely fine.
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larksinging · 6 years
spear’s top games of 2017
in no particular order, honestly
resident evil 7 - did any of us believe we would witness the revival of the survival horror genre in triple a? RE7 is the logical conclusion to a trend started by amnesia, outlast, and other indie horror titles. it’s so refreshing to see triple a embracing horror in a way that isn’t just pure action. plus it’s backed up by something that’s just pure, unadulterated good game design. (some of the plot is a bit shaky, but... the first few hours are extremely solid). i think moments like jack baker bursting through the wall will go down as an iconic gaming moment. from the ashes of P.T. rose RE7 
super mario odyssey - i feel this one doesn’t need much explanation. you can take control of a trex. you can dress mario in a wedding dress. just, what even else. i have never cared much for the 3d mario games, but this one makes me want to buy a switch. i will also join this one with BOTW, since i don’t have much to say about that but i feel like people would outrage if i didn’t include it. 
cuphead - this is less due to art style or gameplay and more about seeing indie creators dead set on creating something and pouring their heart and soul into something and seeing it succeed. this is the golden age of indie games. 
nier: automata - unfortunately i haven’t gotten a chance to play this and i probably won’t before new years, but it would feel wrong to leave it out. instead, let me just quote jim sterling’s review of this: “If history forgets this game, then f**k history.”
night trap 25 anniversary edition - hahah holy shit i couldn’t not include this. witness the game responsible for the creation of the ESRB. 
doki doki literature club - by now the buzz about this game probably explains it, but still. what could have been a generic dating sim turned gorey shock horror instead opted for an unnerving horror utilizing its medium and form to deliver horror instead. i don’t think i’ve ever seen a game put something in front of the text box as a way to unsettle the player. it’s definitely not for everyone, but worth checking out if you like things that play with meta expectations. 
getting over it with bennet foddy - it took me watching about 10 minutes of someone playing this to decide i had to put this on my list. a love letter to old shovelware games, a philosophical take on game design and the nature of failure, and the hardest game of the year. as long as games like this exist, video games are an art form is healthy and making progress. 
detention - “silent hill-esque” is a term that’s thrown around a lot in horror, but i feel this game truely earns it. detention is a mix of clever and unsettling puzzles, strong atmosphere, and an emotional plot layered in the horror that makes it truely worthy of being called silent hill-esque. and yet it absolutely stands on its own. 
little nightmares - i considered putting this on goty list, but i am not sure i have enough to say about it. still a great little atmospheric game, though. it’s in whatever genre INSIDE was 
wolfenstein II: the new collosus- punch those nazis 
cattails- warriors, the game! 
okami HD - it’s okami!!! on pc!!! (and xbox one and ps4)
life is strange: before the storm- i really enjoy this game and think it improves upon some of the flaws of its predecessors, and it almost made it up there, but i think honorable mentions suit it better
persona 5- if not for a few controversies, it’d be on my goty list
l.a. noire VR- this game proves that VR is actually best suited as a form of comedy
the evil within 2 - i’ve heard some good things about this? 
night in the woods - while i wasn’t super moved by this game, i appreciate its aesthetics and i can appreciate any successful indie game. you might enjoy it more!
what remains of edith finch - fuck this game. just, fuck this game. 
star wars: battlefront II - the lootbox problem mutated into a gross and hideous disaster. 
knack II-  knack is back!
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