#there were surprising results because apparently medieval people cleaned themselves often
spxcemuses · 2 years
Anonymous asked: � do they shower often? every day or just every couple of days? (for frollo >:) )
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[ Useless Details (+ Drabble) ] | Always Accepting
The evening sun had now tucked itself into its bed on the horizon, nightfall approaching and sunlight no longer shining through any windows. Faint candlelight flickered against the stone walls as the judge undressed himself from head to toe. A bath had already been prepared for him before he was ushered in, heated water currently sitting in a large wooden tub lined with linen cloth. Making sure that all his clothes were in a relatively neat pile, Frollo steps into the warm water, crouching down and sinking himself in with a low groan of relief. This was the bath that he took on an almost weekly basis, on the day before Sunday. The water level rose a little and threatened to spill out, so he adjusted his weight accordingly, legs now dangling out a little.
“ You can come in now. ”
He called to the servant in an impatient manner, watching as they nodded meekly to him and passed by. They had been standing at the door with their back turned out of respect, so now they had to assist him by whatever means. A moment passes as they pick up the robes from the floor, placing them somewhere else before grabbing a sponge and getting to work on his back. Frollo sat up a little further in the water for them, closing his eyes in a sense of bliss from the personal treatment. Some days he would clean himself, but with his age, other days he would need help here and there.
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