#there is really not enough skitching in rider
egophiliac · 1 year
You have me very curious about kamen rider
ooh, yes, I am always happy to suck unsuspecting victims into the rider vacuum recommend it to people! ...I do sometimes wonder how wacky it must seem just based off of my fanart for it. :') (I promise it all makes sense in context! ...most of it, anyway!)
SO: Kamen Rider is a Japanese superhero franchise, the mainstay being a new standalone show (of usually about 40-50 episodes) released every year. there are some common elements between shows -- in general, they're about suited-up superheroes fightin' monsters (and sometimes each other!) and occasionally riding motorcycles (and sometimes a car!) -- but otherwise each show is doing its own thing, and there's a HUGE variety in story/tone/theme/style/what have you. so each one is pretty different! it does have the upside that, if you're interested in checking it out, you don't need to start at the beginning or watch any specific ones to understand the others (with a couple of exceptions*). I did rec a few of my favorites in this post, but if you want, you can also take a look at the entire list and jump into any that sound good to you! :D
* exceptions-wise, Decade and Zi-O are anniversary series that assume you're already familiar with past riders, and I believe Black RX is a direct sequel to Black? (I'm not really familiar with the Showa-era riders, but I think they're more connected story-wise than the more modern ones, which are just straight up completely different universes that have nothing to do with each other) (except when they do, like, crossover movies, in which case the standard explanation for how any of these characters are able to exist in the same place and interact with each other is "they just are okay") (I say this all with great affection. who needs canon when you can watch Ghost and Ex-Aid team up to fight an enormous evil Pacman together? not me, that's who.)
uhhhh sorry for talking so much, here's a Tsumuri to balance it out!
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