#there is one buffy pov section i didn't get pics of for when i thought all of this might fit into one post (and that would be pushing it)
I made a post about some Bangel and Cangel parallels I've noticed (not all of them that exist, just some ones--for instance--that I've picked up on while reading the tie-in books), that I'll link at the bottom of this post... but with picture limit, I couldn't mention my last point in it, so I decided to just make a separate post about it here. So here it is.
Though, unfortunately, this one deals with the sensitive topic of Angel saving both Buffy and Cordelia from sexual assault -le sigh-
Anyway, starting out, here's the moment with Cordelia (as I think that in the chronology of the S3 books, that one happens first?).
Edit: I also respectfully ask that the shippers of both ships be kind to each other here, please. Thank you.
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