#there is not a single unifying Real Canon. they're separate fictional universes.
thedreadvampy · 2 years
Wild to me that people don't understand how adaptation works. if a thing doesn't exist in the adaptation it doesn't exist in the adaptation. 'how can you ignore that this character-' stop. stop. it's a different character.
this happens so much with like. MCU stuff. 'this is so out of character Peter Parker would never-' no. Comics Peter Parker would never. but for comics Peter Parker becoming a hired gun for Tony Stark was uhhhhh the culmination of a heel turn and not his fucking origin story so I think. they may be different characters.
'how can you just ignore that this character went through [comics canon thing]' they didn't. They Did Not. the comics version of them did. if there's no evidence in the film version that they did, then the film version did not. it's not part of the text. often it directly contradicts the text.
this connects to that ask to Neil Gaiman a while ago that got up my nose that asked which of the comics or the TV show are the Real Sandman Canon and it's like. those are two different entities. they might be in metatextual conversation with each other but they're different texts and the characters in them are different characters. this isn't hard.
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