#there are white queer people who will betray their own communities to uphold white supremacy
vashti-lives · 9 months
So I put on a new podcast which was brought to my attention by another podcast host I really like and it was hosted by one guy I'm not familiar with (Matt Bernstein) and a guest I am familiar with-- Natalie Wynne. I have, mixed feelings about Natalie's work but in the past she has had really insightful things to say about the conservative mindset and the topic was conservative republican gay and trans people so I was like, sure I'll give this a listen. I needed something to listen to while I knit, whatever.
And guys. You guys. This podcast was an HOUR LONG and at no point did they mention ANY republican policy other then their stance on queer and trans stuff????????
Because look we can all ask ourselves if LGBT people are republicans because hate themselves or feel shame or whatever and maybe some of that is true but for white LGBT republicans-- which I suspect is most of them-- I think the foundational answer for why they're republican is that they value upholding white supremacy over their own self interest which is honestly the standard mindset of 99% of republican voters!!!!!!!
The republican party platform is, no doubt, insanely dangerous for queer people but it's actually also bad for most of their voter block. People vote republican for mostly hateful reasons and plenty of queer people can vibe with those hateful reasons even when some of are directed towards their own community.
At the end of the day I don't really think it's that complicated.
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