#there are two girls in all my classes that have masc haircuts
banesbottombitch · 6 years
Henry Gets A Haircut Hcs pt 1
Got a curious pm this morning asking if I would do a few, and tbh, I’m game. Heres stuff that might be mentioned, or might not, in Henry Gets A Haircut, that are always on my mind. These are long. Whoops.
Henry’s got a wicked as fuck tan in the summer, and gets a field of freckles over his cheeks. The reader thinks they are adorable and assures him they’ll rake in the ladies, but he is 11/10 self conscious about them.
Belch spent middle school and his first year of high school in baseball, but got tired of the sport and switched to wrestling for a season, then football- where he found a calling. no one can knock that boy on his ass. He is a tank. A monster. His nickname on the team is “Hulk”, and he has gotten scholarships from his impressive game.
Vic listens to Post Malone, and if you think the gang doesn't rip on him CONSTANTLY for that, you are wrong. the funniest remark  so far is by the reader, who said; “Post looks like how a fart smells.” 
Patrick had to attend dance and piano lessons as a child and he has war flashbacks anytime someone tinkers with piano keys or he sees one of COUNTLESS photos Angela has of him dancing at church get togethers. It is well known not to mention this in the group- but you know Henry has busted his ass over it several times.
Vic attends dance classes four days out the week. Two days are hiphop and rhythm style dance, the other two are classic ballroom. He did ballet for one year but Henry found out and ragged on him for MONTHS. He lived it down senior year, but it was hell for a while- especially when Henry made gross comments on him being a ‘faggot’.
Vic is genderqueer masc, uses he/him pronouns and is Bisexual. The reader knows, but the other guys are in the dark, and he intends to keep it that way for as along as he can.
Patrick is Pansexual. He has slept with just as many boys as girls, and could care less if his bed partner used specific pronouns or what was in their pants. He can make it work no matter what.
Angela and Charles Hockstetter met at the University of Maine and expect Patrick to attend their college.
Additionally, in Henry Gets A Haircut, Charles owns a well managed paint and home supply chain of stores that are throughout Penobscot county, while Angela is a prosecuting attorney who works in Bangor.
The Reader and Vic live in the wealthiest part of town and have been friends since infancy. Their parents met long before either child was born, and they were raised alongside each other. Vic attended camp every summer until eighth grade and the reader followed after him happily, whether it was theater camp (nice, Victor.) or regular old summer camp.
The reader isn't close with her mother, but likes her father enough. Her mother dislikes Henry, Belch and Patrick, while her father happily welcomes the boys. Her parents have a very off handed style of parenting, and their handling shows with her impulsive and attention seeking actions of going out with dangerous boys and throwing herself into parties at random- but as long as she comes home and keeps good grades, they dont seem to care what she does.
The Reader is terrified of Butch Bowers, and has seen him openly threaten his son before. The gang kind of shrugs it off, but she sees how much it tears him up, and any times she has tried to reach out to him over it, Henry builds a wall.
Belch has the best relationship with Henry and Vic, sometimes feeling isolated by how close Patrick and the reader are. He loves them both, yes, but always knew that they had something different between them than the rest of the gang. He’s relieved that they’re dating, but worried all the same.
The gang loves music, this is a given. They are all comfortable enough with each other to sing (given, if there is alcohol involved) together. The Reader and Vic know every lyric to Intergalactic by Beastie Boys and scream sing it often if drunk together. Henry and Belch rock the fuck out to Iron Man by Black Sabbath and (though they will NEVER admit this) You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi. Patrick knows every word to Dont You Want Me By the Human League and can be found humming the tune absently. Patrick and Vic both enjoy anything by Lil Peep and have no shame in singing any of his songs at the weekend bonfires.
Patrick’s avid music collection hosts several songs he would attribute to the Reader. Because I know y’all are sluts for some Pat/reader content, I’ll tell you a few; Minerva by Deftones, Anything Anything by Dramarama, Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order, and Spotlight by Lil Peep.
The Reader has a car, as does Patrick. Vic used to, but he totaled it in junior year. Henry is the only one in the group without a car or license. 
Bonus!!! NPC stuff!!!
Ryan Burns, Dylan Pram, Cole Harris, Gretta Bowie and Donnie Parker have all been mentioned in my previous works, as well as Donut Dans and the Burns Diner (though the Burns diner was not referenced by name, only by style.)
Ryan Burns is pure and innocent and can do no wrong. He is also closeted and is in love with his best friend, Donnie Parker. Ryan wants to go to state on a track scholarship and do political studies and become a local politician. Sweet Bean. Protect him.
Dylan Pram is too stupid to think for himself. Cole Harris is a college dorm predator in the making and has zero redeemable qualities. These two rival the Bowers Gang in term of reckless bullying and have butted heads with Patrick and Henry on numerous occasions. Patrick would murder Harris if he could.
Donnie Parker is shy, reserved, but very genuine. He is mentioned in When You’re Strange, and will be a recurring face in the series (once i get back to writing it)! He likes classic hot rod cars, and has a good relationship with Belch after playing baseball with him in middle school.
Gretta Bowie and the Reader aren’t friends, but aren’t enemies either. They play nice, and it works. Gretta is also Carly’s best friend, but Carly greatly dislikes her.
Carly Henderson and Henry were in the same seventh, eighth and ninth grade classes back to back. They were on decently friendly terms until junior year, when Carly and Henry met up at a party and kissed. It spiraled from there.
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