#theories for who shot Arhtee: no freaking clue
acacia-luna-royal · 2 years
This is why I need to stop watching the newest episode of KinnPorsche when I’m on the verge of sleep (basically me going to sleep between 4:30am and 6:30am or later) because I happened to notice only a part of something which only turned out to be a whole lot bigger and I’m pissed that I only noticed one thing out of all of the other things that was in this scene.
I’m talking about this scene:
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We all know what happens in this scene; it’s where Arhtee gets shot/killed and he falls into Porsche’s arms. Vegas has his gun at the ready, ready to protect both himself and Porsche and he’s looking around for where the shot that hit Arhtee came from. Porsche then collapses due to a traumatic and pain-inducing flashback and momentarily becomes deaf to the situation around him. Seeing Porsche in this state, Vegas more or less hops over Porsche to try and get his attention; gun pointed in the direction of where the shot came from, and then he points his gun in the direction of where he can see movement coming towards both him and Porsche.
Now, I look at faces and if there is an expression change within a millisecond, it’s the first thing I’ll notice before I notice changes in the other parts of the body and the first thing I noticed with Vegas during these couple of seconds is how he’s calculated, concentrating on focusing on whoever is running towards them, ready to shoot if need be.
Vegas literally goes from this:
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To then change, within a millisecond, to shock, desperation and disbelief when he realises that one of the two people running over to him and Porsche is Pete.
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It’s just a micro change in his expression but damn does it speak volumes. Vegas realised that he wouldn’t be able to shoot from that distance and not risk hitting Pete and decided that running was the best option. A literal: “Porsche, you’ve got to get up! Yeah, your husband is scary, but mine is so much scarier!” And he hastily continues to try and get Porsche back to reality and back on his feet so that they can get the fuck out of there.
But it’s so much more than that.
Someone on YouTube pointed out that Vegas removed his finger off the trigger as soon as he recognised that it was Pete running over to them:
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And then another thing they pointed out was Vegas looking into the wing mirror of his bike; taking one last look at Pete before he drove him and Porsche away:
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I only noticed the facial expression change!! I completely missed the rest!! I am not okay right now! 😭😭
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