#then my brain tells me blaze should be gwen. it just feels correct
sonknuxadow · 1 year
ive seen several pieces of sonic characters as spiderverse characters fanart with sonic as miles and amy as gwen.. am i the only person on earth who thinks blaze as gwen would make more sense. are people only picking amy so they can make so/namy fanart
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deniigi · 4 years
,,selkie verse meets multiverse? would that get too crazy
it absolutely would, but I don’t care!!
Peter = Peter B.
This kid was an ant. Not a spider. Definitely an ant. Peter could see no way around this one and he had half a mind to take the little guy’s spindly fingers and tell him to go locate a man called Scott Lang. That was S-C-O-T-T—
“Oh, this is Johnny,” the ant-child said to Miles. “He’s my fire.”
Peter’s brain screeched to a halt mid-spelling and he nearly did a double take when he realized the eyes glaring at him out of a literally blazing face were familiar.
He needed a picture. Johnny didn’t know about the multiverse and would possibly break Peter’s arm in retaliation for finding out about it before him on top of this blackmail material, but fuck that. Nuh-uh.
A Johnny Storm this tiny could not go undocumented.
“Fire?” Miles said. Baby fire-Johnny bared his teeth at him when he leaned forward, then jerked to do the same at Peter’s phone camera. That was fine.
Peter adjusted the white balance to account for the flames.
“Yeah, he’s a fire,” the ant-child repeated to Miles. “I’m a witch and gave him my soul and he branded me with his sign and then we traded hearts, so now he’s my fire.”
This blessed boy had blown straight past what Miles was asking him like a speeding car.
Peter decided that he liked him.
“You’re a witch,” Miles repeated. “A Spiderman witch? A Spiderwitch?”
The ant-child stared.
“What are you talking about?” he asked like an absolute dream.
Fuck it. Peter loved him.
“Listen, I just told you this. I’m Peter and this is my fire,” Witch-Peter reiterated. “It’s not more complicated than that.”
“Right,” Gwen interrupted, “But you’re still Spiderman, right?”
Witch-Peter was insulted right out of his little head. Johnny shivered through a strong pulse of fire and abandoned his glaring at Peter to scramble forward so that he stood between Witch-Peter and Gwen.
It was tooth-achingly sweet. Baby Blaze was ready to bite Gwen at any second on his buddy’s behalf.
“O…kay, you know what? Nevermind. You’re Spiderman. With a fire. Obviously,” Gwen said in the face of the heat Johnny was starting to put off.
Both Witch-Peter and Baby Blaze appreciated the concession. They dropped the tension.
“We’re just asking because you’re new on our roster,” Miles explained. “We’re making a list of all the Spideys we can. You know, throughout the multiverse.”
Peter was 99.9% sure that Witch-Peter had not known of the multiverse previous to this moment, but he took it without so much as a blink and nodded understandingly.
“I guess that’s fine,” the kid said with a shrug. “So long as you’re just passing through it doesn’t matter. Just be careful to stay away from Brooklyn for now. Sergeant Barnes is a cú sidhe and he’s been barking and chasing people who cross over into his territory lately.”
“A…?” Gwen said.
“A cú sidhe,” Witch-Peter said. “I’m not real clear on the specifics but Foggy says it’s like a grim reaper dog.”
“He’ll reap your soul if you’re human,” Johnny whispered.
“He’s not reaping souls, he’s just barking. Stop telling people that,” Witch-Peter snapped, batting Johnny out from in front of him with a hand. “Foggy thinks he’s just a little confused now that he’s not stuck in his human form all the time.”
“He tried to reap Daredevil,” Johnny said.
Did he now?
Johnny turned his full attention back to Peter. His blue eyes had little flecks of orange in them.
“He did,” he said. “But Foggy scared him off.”
…Foggy? As in Franklin Nelson? As in Franklin Nelson, human teddy bear?
Witch-Peter and Johnny took a moment to give Peter a good, hard look.
This verse was wild.
Wild. Absolutely nuts. And Peter wanted to know everything about it. It was like watching a car wreck on the side of the road. Each inch forward unlocked a new, more fascinating piece of the puzzle.
“Fogs, stop growling. There are people right here,” A perfectly normal-looking Matt Murdock said with a hand on the shoulder of the Franklin Nelson in front of him.
Peter had never seen such a pale Foggy. Blond? Yeah, he’d met one now, but this guy’s hair was long and nearly white. His eyes were silver and his skin was darkening—really darkening, like, turning black–in splotches under one of his eyes as Peter watched.
There was something about his teeth that wasn’t quite right.
Miles and Gwen pressed into Peter’s side in shock, but all Peter could think was ‘now, this guy’s got some fuckin’ angles.’
“Can you just—yeah, hold that,” he said, adjusting his camera settings again.
“Peter?” Gwen mumbled, “Maybe now’s not the time?”
“One more,” Peter said.
The sound of growling intensified. Peter could feel it in his chest.
“Fogs,” Matt Murdock said. “For real, you’re gonna start drooling. Think of the children.”
“It’s okay, Foggy,” Witch-Peter said. “They’re just passing through.”
This information had no impact on Foggy. If anything, he just seemed to get even more aggressive in Peter and the kids’ direction.
Peter wondered if he could get someone to close those blinds over there. The potential contrast between this guy and the dingy office was off the charts.
“Peter,” Miles whispered a little desperately. “Maybe put the phone away? Don’t think he likes the phone.”
Ehn. Alright. Fine.
Kind of a bummer though, Peter wasn’t gonna lie.
“What is he?” Miles whispered once Nelson had finished categorically refusing to talk to any of them. He’d made strong, unsubtle indications for them all to leave the office immediately, then he’d more or less herded Murdock into a tiny office and an argument had started up in there as soon as the door had slammed shut.
“A selkie,” Witch-Peter said. “A seal-person. He knows a lot more about fae than most people in the city do. If we have questions about the fae, then we ask Foggy first, and if he doesn’t know, he’ll send us to someone who does.”  
“He wants to drown me,” Johnny insisted.
“No, Matt wants to drown you,” Witch-Peter corrected.
“They both want to drown me,” Johnny told Peter confidently.
“Anyways, I’m gonna go find Foggy an offering to say sorry before he curses you or something,” Witch-Peter said. “If you guys are gonna be wandering around, it’s probably best to avoid Hell’s Kitchen and Brooklyn right now. Don’t talk to the guy in the coat outside 34th street station, and don’t buy anything anyone tries to sell you on Lexington Avenue. It’s all cursed wares and Foggy won’t help you break any garment spells in the mood he’s in right now,  so we’d have to go to like, Rosedale to get you any decent kind of talisman.”
“Noted,” Gwen said. “Uh, thanks? Nice to meet you?”
Witch-Peter hummed and held out his hand. He had a leather bracelet with a piece of ceramic on it wrapped tight around his wrist.
“Nice to meet you too,” he said. “Best of luck with your roster. Come on, Johnny, let’s go see if we can find a bucket.”
Johnny let his buddy head off down the street for a couple beats before turning around abruptly and snatching Gwen’s hand.
“Go with ease,” he told it.
Gwen stared. Johnny let go and smiled at her.
“That better?” he asked.
Gwen continued to stare.
“It’s okay,” Johnny said. “Some people have no luck. You’re not the only one.”
And then he spun around and chased after Witch-Peter. Gwen looked down at her hand.
There was a mark on Gwen’s wrist now. She was fascinated by it. It looked like a half circle with five lines sectioning it off on the round side.
“How’d he do that?” she wondered aloud at it.
The mark faded a little.
“I suspect that’s how long we’ve got to get out of here,” Peter said, kind of excited at the idea.
This place was like a video game.
“Should we go, then?” Gwen asked.
Mm. Probably. But Peter was definitely coming back to this place and he was bringing his DSLR.
It was like the whole city was balanced on magic.
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