vendettacanons · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: ❛ you’re the closest thing to a sister i have.❜ for mei and odie, please!
⚔️ Found Family Sentence Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
"Really?” The thought made Mei feel warm and fuzzy inside. She’d never had a sibling before - brother or sister. The idea of having a younger kid following her around didn’t really appeal to her. But she’d never considered the flip side - having an older sibling to spend time with and look up to. Mostly because it seemed impossible. And yet, here Odie was. And she was so nice and sweet and kind and indulged Mei in all her weird interests. It felt nice to finally have a grown-up that listened to her, that respected her, and that tried to understand her on her own level. Something that she only thought she’d ever get from her friends in secret. To know that she was so openly accepted just as she was by someone she looked up to, it almost made her emotional.
“I’m...glad. I like thinking of you as my big sister.” Mei sat up, crawling over to hug Odie tightly. She couldn’t stop the tears from welling up, her heart racing as she struggled to contain a sob. It felt as though a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders somehow. The idea that someone cared for her enough to be able to treat her with respect and dignity and without judgment.. it touched her heat. So much so that, in a puff of pink smoke, her panda erupted out, surrounding Odie in a warm, fluffy red hug.
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“Thanks, Odie... It really means a lot to me.” She sniffled, hugging the woman just a bit tighter. “You’re the best big sister anyone could ask for.” Without thinking or realizing, the panda’s tail began to swish form side to side, idly displaying her sheer joy and relief with the whole situation. Finally, it felt like she didn’t have to hide anymore. Finally, it felt like she had somewhere she could confidently say she felt she belonged.
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fantasmalforces · 3 years
💜 Meeting in the Middle 💜
💜 Closed Starter for @the-maverick-deck 💜
There were certain points in her career as a criminal that Psyche could describe as inconvenient, and there were some points she’d only be able to describe as embarrassing. But this? This felt like a whole new low.
Unsurprisingly, it was the infiltration jobs that tended to follow this pattern. Playing the cleverly disguised chameleon was a lot to ask of a bold and flashy Phoenix, practically born to stand out among its environment. But information was a necessity if her and her employers had any hope of taking down the corporations currently holding Halcyon in a choke-hold. Unfortunately, as bumbling and irresponsible as the space capitalists were, they were surprisingly secure and tight-lipped about any vulnerable information about themselves. Hacking and black market trading only got the group so far, so that called for a more direct approach. Luckily, the powerful were about as corrupt as anyone else, and they too often required the services of the less-than-reputable.
That was where she came in.
Psyche hardly needed to advertise herself when the Board decided they needed someone to do their truly dirty work. Her employers handled that side of things. They explained her skills, her effectiveness, all that they needed to hear without anything that might tip them off to her true intentions. Sure enough, she was hired without a hitch. She got her invitation, her instructions, and she took off just afterwards. The deed was done within a few days with no issues. No, it was when she came back to give her report that trouble started.
They found something on her. Some old record or some evidence linking her to a crime. Or maybe the little extra damage she’d done on the side after completing that initial assignment... Whatever the case was, she was detained and the contact between her and her employers was severed in an instant. They wanted more answers, and she refused to budge. Too stubborn and too pissed with the outcome of her greater mission, and unwilling to jeopardize while she still thought there was a chance of completing it. Displeased, they decided to come up with a different solution - one to help them push their own agenda in the face of declining morale because of her. So they gave her a choice: spend the rest of her days rotting in a cell on Tartarus, or pretend to be a reformed criminal and let them parade her around Halcyon.
Both option disgusted the Phoenix. She wouldn’t have agreed to either really, if it wasn’t for the simple fact that she was not completely sure she’d be able to burn a hole through the prison without getting shot down for good. So, begrudgingly, she chose what she deemed to be the lesser of two evils.
But she sure as hell wasn’t going to make it easy.
Especially when she found out that her “handler” was going to be the Chairman himself.
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torntruth · 3 years
Was  it  the  trauma  or  the  severe  dislike  for  anything  vodka  after  Rizzo’s  that  Ruth  likes  whiskey?   She  doesn’t  necessarily  care  to  find  out.   She  does  still  care  about  other  things -    like  Belinda   ( forever )  and  even  her  hot  headed  ex-boyfriend.    Sure,   her  killing  spree  may  have  looked  like  she  didn’t  have  any  feelings -    but  she  does,   God,   does  she  and  she’ll  just  never  get  Belinda  back. 
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“   I  didn’t  particularly  think  Ludovico  would  be  dumb  enough  to  hire  a  mercenary  for  his  own  murder,   but  here  we  are.    I  think  we  just  get  into  the  same  things.    That  would  make  this  less  of  a  coincidence  and  more  of  a  similarity.   ”      Helen  raised  her  hand  to  flag  down  the  bartender,   her  smile  was  still  a  celebrity’s.   Absolutely  dazzling  and  that  bartender  was  almost  instantly  drawn.
Long  story  short -    Odie  definitely  got  her  drink  within  the  next  minute.    Helen  just  shrugged,   hand  wrapped  around  her  glass  of  whiskey,   she  brought  it  to  her  lips  and  downed  the  rest  of  it.
“   I’m  alive  and  no  longer  a  stunt  double.   Are  you  solving  anymore  murders?   ”
CONTINUED  FROM  HERE     »     @the-maverick-deck​ .
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: [ makeup ] with Odie for Mei, please
⚔️ Ultimate Affectionate Gestures Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
[ makeup ] - to help your muse put on their makeup
“Okay, just so we’re clear before jump into this, I’ve… never put on makeup before.” Mei laughed nervously, biting her lip and flicking her eyes between Odie and the palette full of colored pigments before them. Before, she’d never really worried about it. She had stickers and cool clothes, and she thought that her personality spoke for itself. She didn’t think she needed makeup to be herself, and the whole idea of spending an hour or two meticulously beating her face with brushes and sponges sounded… dumb. At least to her.
But now she was starting to notice other people at school wearing it. Not just the cool goth kids that Priya had met at Tyler’s party. At first she thought it was just a fad, but then she saw it- a stunning ad of some girl’s wild, colorful face art done entirely with makeup. And Mei’s whole word seemed to flip upside down. She realized that maybe makeup wasn’t just some weird time-wasting tool to seem more pretty or get attention. It could be another way of expressing herself with color. It didn’t need to be for anyone else. It was an art form, and it could just be for her.
All she had to do was… learn it.
She swallowed, holding up a container of vibrant red lipstick. She turned the base and watched as the pigment popped out suddenly, and she almost seemed startled by it. Matte, waterproof, all-day lipstick. It seemed so… intimidating now that she was actually looking at it. She twisted it back down and recapped it, looking to the other bottles and containers all around them. Primer, concealer, foundation, mascara, eyeshadow, contour, highlight, bronzer… she didn’t know what any of this was and honestly, that wasn’t doing wonders for her confidence. Still, she dug her fingers into her leggings and tried to put on a brave face, if for no other reason than to keep the panda at bay from where it was already anxiously knocking at the back of her mind.
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“Okay… let’s get started, I guess.”
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck​ SAID: ✨ for mei, please!
⚔️ Tarot Practice Prompts // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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Ace of Swords
Mental fortitude will be valuable to you as you navigate this next phase of your life. You may have had, or will have, a recent epiphany about a problem that has been vexing you for sometime. If an issue seems overly perplexing, seek the truth with earnest conviction and consider meditation. This is an opportune time to begin a new venture. While you take advantage of this motivation to engage in intellectual pursuits, keep a firm image in your mind‘s eye of success and you will overcome any challenges.
// Really knocked it out of the park with Mei. Her entire journey throughout the movie is her realizing that she’s been held up to unreasonably high standards all her life, living as her mother’s pride and joy and picture perfect double at the expense of her own individualism. She honestly tries to be herself, even if the method by which she does so is dishonest to her family, but it’s only because she genuinely doesn’t know how she can mediate being her mother’s golden child and being herself without letting either herself or her mom down. By the end of the film, she’s motivated to try. She’s determined to pursue a peaceful reconciliation between who she’s expected to be and who she really is, and she’s determined to overcome any challenges that may arise while she tries to figure herself out.
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: ✨ for val, please?
💜 Tarot Practice Meme // ACCEPTING 💜
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Nine of Swords
A disposition towards overthinking and obsessing over worst case scenarios has likely made it difficult for you to get a full night’s sleep between nightmares and too much mental noise. Your fears are fed into themselves until you become so overburdened that you push others away. You likewise risk turning them into self-fulfilling prophecies. Try to replace all negative thoughts with positive ones and reach out for support. Feeling loved and reassured right now can help you calm down enough to work on solving your problems, rather than just fretting about them.
// It is an unfortunate reality that Valentina has a major problem with overthinking and obsessing over things that are beyond her control. It ties back to the death of her father and the near constant conflict she felt with her mother over everything from her hobbies and interests, to the way she dressed, to her subsequent career path. She’s incredibly critical of herself and everything she does, to the point where she’ll keep herself up at night by counting her daily failures instead of counting sheep. She loses sleep over her own regrets and deep dissatisfactions with herself and her perceived shortcomings. She fears asking others for help and pushes them away because she’s scared of being ridiculed and seen as the failure she secretly thinks she is, and that leads her to self-sabotage. Replacing her negative thoughts with positive ones would do her good, as would reaching out to be reassured about her insecurities instead of just fretting over them. More than anything, Valentina needs to feel loved and cared for her, not just for the confident mask she puts on, but for her true, raw self.
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: “maybe  we  can  play  a  game  to  pass  the  time  until  someone  notices  we’re  missing.” for odie and mei, please!
The thundering sound of her heart in her ears frightened Mei. She could feel the panda knocking at the inside of her skull, desperate to break free and offer her some sense of control over the situation by being bigger than it. She was struggling to withhold the panic, but the offer from this strange lady felt a strange comfort. She swallowed, withholding her her tears and nodding slowly. She had to stay calm. She had to. “Yeah… yeah, okay.”
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Mei was slow to sit down, crossing her legs and digging her fingers into her calves as she focused on breathing evenly to calm herself. The rattling in her head slowly became less and less loud and desperate, receding eventually as she managed to rein in control of the hurricane inside her. She rubbed at her face, sighing. Her gaze turned up to Odie, brows furrowed. Someone had to notice. Someone had to come looking for her. Someone had to know how to send her back. She’d find a way out of here… wherever here was. “Um… what are we playing?”
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: "Physics. Physics tis happening hither." for Ranni to Piper, please. XD
💜 911 Fox Prompts // CLOSED 💜
"Physics? Don’t flatter me, mate. I scraped past that class with the lowest marks and barely passed. No. This, my dear, is what we call engineering. And I know that it does technically require some understanding of physics but for the sake of this argument, we’re pretending it’s irrelevant, capiche?” She pointed her wrench threateningly at the other before returning to her tinkering under the hood of the vehicle. A few more twists and something creaked and banged terribly. Piper gave an effortful grunt before pulling back and taking the whole engine of the car with her. She laughed proudly, holding it up in victory before setting it back on her workbench to start pulling apart the gears and mechanisms to rewire them.
“Learned to hotwire cars when I was a kit. Easy enough to rig a setup to turn the wheels with a few sparks. Goin’ a little further this time though. With a couple cranks and some patience, I could rig the engine to roll itself and set a timer to detonate the radiator full of gasoline at a certain point. In other words - I’m looking to make a bomb on wheels, ya feel?” She said it so casually, as though she wasn’t breaking numerous laws in the process of doing this. But this wasn’t exactly land with laws to begin with so she didn’t think the United Nations would be stepping in any time soon to be called a war criminal.
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“Now you might be thinkin’ to yourself - Piper, why on earth do ya wanna build a micro-nuke with enough firepower as seven sticks of dynamite? What could possibly call for such an extreme measure? Well, fear not! I have the answer!” She spun around in her swivel chair with an enthusiastic grin. “I hate my job, and I hate my boss. I asked him for a raise, and he said no. So now I have decided to take it upon myself to make his life a living hell. See? Retribution! Now pass me that socket wrench there, will ya? I’m callin’ this baby Hell On Wheels and I wan’ her prototype makin’ sparks fly by sundown. ”
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: “ are you… smelling me? ”  for rockwell and psyche, please
💜 Question Prompts // CLOSED 💜
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Psyche plays it offer, returning to adjusting his hair with her fingers. A few of the cosmetic specialists on set had doubted her ability to get Rockwell’s hair to behave. She quickly proved them wrong with how adept she was with the styling components. ‘You idiots.’ She’d hissed. ‘You don’t apply them in layers. That cakes up an irritates the scalp-not to mention it makes the hair look too stiff. You combine the products in your hands and then run it through, set with hair spray, and then add oil to make it look soft and natural. Who gave you your fucking licenses?’
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Of course, they still didn’t believe.Why would they? It wasn’t like half her culture had been dedicated to the art of styling and decorating hair for special events and ceremonies. Oh how dumb they all looked now. She had someone wash his hair out and donned gloves to comb it back and apply the products, pausing for a moment to inspect the labels with a harsh scoff. Nothing by chemicals. Of course she wasn’t smelling him. “I don’t have a sense of smell. You know this, Charlie.” She huffed, finishing drying it with a diffuser and proceeding to comb it through one last time before applying the hairspray and oil. And what did they know? It looked perfect. Rockwell easily looked a good ten years younger with how neat and charming his hair looked now.
“You’re all set. Now get out there.”
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
🤲 for psyche, please!
💜 Muse Admittance Meme // ACCEPTING 💜
"I love him. A part of me does. A part of me is bonded to him. A part of me has given a piece of my heart and a piece of my soul to him. A part of me is committed to him. A part of my spirit sings for him. A part of my inner fire burns for him. A part of me is drunk on his twisted affections and honeyed words. A part of me can't think when he's around. A part of me wants to stay in bed with him in the morning. A part of me wants to dance long into the night with him. A part of me wants to leave this planet and see the stars with him. A part of me wants two chicks running around a kitchen while we cook breakfast together. A part of me never wants to know a life where his lips aren't on mine. A part of me wants him to be my only bedmate. A part of me wants to bask in the weightless feeling of his touch. A part of me wants to sink into the comfort of his embrace. A part of me wants a wedding with him. A part of me wants to see only him for the rest of our lives. A part of me is already his.
In fact, that part of me is all of me... and that's the problem."
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: ❝ Need a smoke. Where’d you stash yours? ❞ for odie and val, please!
💜 Cyberpunk 2077 Prompts // ACCEPTING 💜
Valentina responded casually to the request, not looking up from where she was currently occupied at her desk with some biochemical nonsense. She chirped up, gesturing with a half-full pipette to a set of cabinets and drawers across the room. “Those cabinets over there, right by where Lucky and Spoodles are sitting; bottom row of the top cabinets, third one from the left, second shelf. My smoke case should be right between the bottle of aging vodka and the salted caramel taffy chews. It has a diamond heart on it. Good set of Purpleberry Black Smokes. Help yourself. Just take it outside if you do, please.”
And just like that, she returned to her work. A couple drops of some strange, transluscent green substance was dropped out of the pipette into a beaker, the mixture turning blue and immediately beginning to froth and foam. It bubbled up, threatening to boil over the lip of the container before promptly stabilizing and settling back down. At the bottom of it accumulated a metallic liquid substance - some type of metal, which she promptly fished out with a pair of tweezers. After a moments of inspection in the light, she place the sample on a slide under her microscope to observe it more closely. Before she put her head down to do so however, she poked it back up one last time.
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“Oh, and make sure you open the right cabinet. One of the other ones has all the canid food in it and the hinge squeaks something awful. If they hear it open, you’ll be buried under all of them. Or maybe even lose a hand from them thinking you have a treat in it. You’ve been warned.” She chuckled, ducking her head back down to study her creation. Typical day in her workshop it seemed. Everything had a place. It was just that if that thing went missing from its place, it could cause chaos. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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vendettacanons · 2 years
⚔️ @the-maverick-deck SAID: /nemesis/
⚔️ I Have TS4 And Some Free Time // ACCEPTING ⚔️
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// bonus pictures under the cut bc GUESS WHO FORGOT SHE HAD POSE PACKS INSTALLED I-
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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@the-maverick-deck SAID: .....If I don't ask, it will plague me. Nemesis opinion and the rick-roll song
⚔️ Get Vibe Checked By Nemesis! //ACCEPTING ⚔️
Oh, he knows this one! There’s no hesitation this time! The tendrils are out wiggling all over the place, his head is bobbing, his foot is tapping, and it isn’t long before he’s trying to move around like he’s dancing. It’s… not great admittedly. He has no sense of rhythm and he moves unevenly and with no true flow to each motion. But he’s obviously enjoying himself nonetheless.
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The series of guttural sounds he lets out are slightly more on-key than his last attempt and timed perfectly with the lyrics of the song. Obviously, he’s heard this many times before and he loves it. So I guess that confirms that Umbrella wasn’t all doom and gloom, and that at least a couple researchers were Rick-rolling each other on a routine enough basis that their science project learned to recognize the tune.
This is a clear pass. Have fun trying to get his attention before the song is over.
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
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💜 Starfish Sentence Prompts // CLOSED 💜
@the-maverick-deck SAID: “You’re always in such a hurry to fly away.” For Rockwell and Psyche, please!
“And this surprises you?” Psyche mused, filling up her glass again. That sure was a lot of wine. Even for her. “I’m a bird, Charles. Birds were made to fly far and fly fast.” Away from anything they thought could hurt them.
It was a weak argument at best. Even she knew that. Hiding behind hollow words and the drink in her glass to feel safe. It was pitiful in some ways. The way her hand wobbled and her words slurred the slightest bit, her tongue heavy in her mouth and weighed by alcohol. Her thoughts were a flurry and she moved to set the glass down before she spilled it.
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“I fly because I don’t want to be anywhere.” The comment might have been brushed off as the nonsensical ramblings of a woman who’d had too much to drink. But it was often said that the drunk mind was the most honest. The most soulful. That was certainly the case now, if Psyche leaning her head back against the arm of the couch was anything to go by. “I don’t belong anywhere.”
Perhaps the fact she felt out of place in Halcyon was not the well kept secret she thought it was. Everything was foreign, strange, different. And not just for the fact that she was alone. But now she was alone in a land so very strange and unfamiliar that nowhere could feel comfortable. There was no spot where she could feel even a vague sense of comfort to be associated with the thought of home. Everywhere felt wrong. Everything felt wrong. Even her. Her very being felt terribly out of place.
“Birds fly to find places they can land. Places they can be comfortable.” She mumbled, rolling over onto her side to try and doze herself out of this drunken sorrow she suddenly found herself awash in. “There’s no such place here.”
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vendettacanons · 2 years
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 @the-maverick-deck​ SAID: “  woah—  hold up you’re bleeding.  ” for odie and alu, please
⚔️ Blood Related Prompts // CLOSED⚔️
Woah, he was?
The goat paused mid-stride and turned around several times, trying to spot where Odie meant. Bleeding? Where? He didn’t feel himself bleeding - though he imagined it would feel a bit like an annoying itch. He’d never actually been struck hard enough to draw blood. The goat huffed. Oh, wait.
Looking up, he realized that the blood she was referring to was on his horns. It was fresh, still glistening in the dim moonlight. Ruby red and shimmering like a glossy coat to the keratin that sat proudly curled in two glorious arches at the crown of his skull. He watched for a moment as a bead of it dripped down, his mouth almost watering at the smell of it. It was little more than the aftermath of a human that had foolishly gotten in his way while he was trying to meet with Odie for the evening. The punishment for interrupting the demon? Death, he had decided.
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“You shouldn’t worry.” He turned back towards the direction they’d been heading earlier, picking up his usual trotting pace again with little care or regard for the blood on his horns. It didn’t bother him in the slightest it seemed. In fact, he believed it complimented him quite well. If anything, it just put him in a more (unnatural and very uncharacteristic) jovial mood. He regarded Odie very casually with final comment, as though it was absolutely not at all a horrifying revelation. “It’s not mine.”
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fantasmalforces · 2 years
Fun Fact x3, for Val, Psyche and Volt, please!!
💜 Fun Fact Meme // ACCEPTING 💜
// Tina needs ambience to fall asleep. Whether it’s letting the tv stay on with the volume turned down, actual music, whale noises, or waterfall sounds, she just can’t sleep in silence. The idea of being alone in the quiet darkness with her thoughts terrifies her. Mostly because she’s far from at peace with herself.
// Tina enjoys wearing fuzzy socks. She has dozens upon dozens of fuzzy, fluffy pairs of socks she wears to keep her feet warm because her lab is always freezing and she has troubles with circulation that often make her feet cold. Plus, she thinks the little animal faces on them are cute and a small comfort.
// Tina tends to eat in response to stress. It’s not a habit she’s proud of, but it’s sort of a reflex to reach for food when she’s upset. Mostly she dines on sweets or salty things when she’s scared, nervous, anxious, or bored. She feels bad about it in the moment, but she quickly loses any sense of shame once she gets into her usual workout routine with the canids because she knows she’ll burn it off easily within like fifteen minutes of trying to wrangle them.
// Anything that can extinguish fire is a danger to Psyche. Water, ice, fire blankets— they’re all very effective at weakening her. In terms of actual substances, if they’re applied directly to her skin it will appear as though she’s been burned by harsh chemicals like acid. The fastest and most effective way to have her recover from these attacks is to let her rest on a bed of hot charcoals, in an active furnace, or otherwise expose her to open fire against her skin. It helps her heal the injuries faster and empowers her. This is why she takes steam baths and avoids rain.
// Phoenixes naturally thrive in hot climates and weather. When the temperature drops, they have trouble regulating their body heat and they can only compensate by burning hotter for so long before they become exhausted. Psyche tends to wear heavy coats but when she is well and truly unable to cope with the cold, she will curl up into a ball and hide under piles and piles of thick blankets. Her bird form tends to fluff out its feathers and curl up for warmth too.
// Psyche’s nails grow very quickly. She trims and files them often, and often takes the time to pamper herself by applying fresh coats of polish and new patterns to them while she’s at it. She enjoys being groomed, although she can be quite picky about the result. This is especially true where her hair is concerned.
// On any legal document, record, or scan of Volt, you will find that her name pops up as being “Valerie Vazquez.” The thing is, that’s not her name though. Not even close. The story behind that name comes from the fact that when her Nomad clan came to Night City to try and become a functional gang, they had to stop at the border and be identified. Young Volt was pulled aside by one of the guards and when asked, she said her name was just V. The guards had a good chuckle about it, which made Volt feel embarrassed. So when they asked her “what’s it stand for? Valerie?” she just responded “yes” without thinking. As for her last name, Volt was still so young that she didn’t remember her full name in its entirety, but vaguely recalled that her mother’s last name was Vasquez, so she gave them that. And thus, she entered Night City as Valerie Vasquez.
// So what is Volt’s full name? Why, it’s Roseliña Giulietta Maria Evelinda Hazel Vasquez Bellafiore! A mouthful to be certain. And after her run in with the guards, she decided to try and keep that fact hush hush so she’d fit in better with the city, as she became very self-conscious about how much it made her stand out. How did she get stuck with such a name? Well, when Volt was born, Jaxen was the one helping Volt’s mother with the delivery. Unfortunately, she died shortly after due to complications caused by the birth. Jaxen didn’t know what to do about her name since her father had long been out of the picture, but what she did find was a list of name ideas that Volt’s mother had written out. Since Jaxen was still a kid when it happened and didn’t fully understand that it was a concept list, she ended up writing down every single name she saw on the paper into Volt’s birth certificate. And it stuck.
// So that leaves the final question: after all that, where did the nickname Volt come from? Well, that was actually her childhood nickname. Volt was a very curious and borderline reckless child, playing around electronics and wiring often. That led to a lot of shocks and electrical burns, and her tendency to get into accidents that involved anything electric only persisted as she got older. That, paired with the fact that she could hit like thunder and run like lightning led to her acquiring the jolly nickname Volt- or just V if you really prefer brevity.
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