#the woes of a beginner ice dancer
shikoos · 3 months
It's been a while since I complained about ice dance here - let's have some insight into my current situation.
I've known for a while that I'd like to compete, and now perhaps there may be a possibility to compete the Adult Bronze dances: Canasta Tango and European Waltz. The tango feels just a bit shaky atm, but the waltz is a mess still. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to do some waltz 3-turns, but the tempo is surprisingly high and the edges need to be deep for it to work.
Additionally we have been learning some Gold level dances - Argentine Tango and the Blues. All I'll say that it's humbling. It took me like three lessons to even remember the steps for Argentine Tango.
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shikoos · 6 months
Last week I finally started feeling like I can handle the Canasta Tango. I could do the pattern four times in a row without major mistakes. It's fast enough that if you make a bigger mistake, you'll easily drop off the pace and it's fairly hard to catch back up. Ice dance takes so much concentration!
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shikoos · 6 months
Fourteenstep got me twice today - first I fell on my front and then on my backside. Why must it be so damn fast?
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