#the two actually in space are on a space station and traveling over planetoids
delightfuldevin · 11 months
Going through species on the Mariowiki again and coming across Music Bashes, those bouncy music note guys from Music Park in Mario Kart.
The main reason I consider the Mario Kart games (and other sports/Party games) as canon is because of the many locations they have and how great they are for expanding the world. …But where is Music Park, I wonder? Currently, I am of the idea that Music Park is a wildlife reserve curated specifically for protecting the Music Bashes which are endemic there. I am hoping to learn about more locations that could potentially help narrow down where exactly the park is. Currently in my lil brain, it’s just somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom.
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Video Game Concept
Hollow Sun
So, bear with, this might be a bit incoherent.
So (buttons), the first thing I came up with for this was the setting: A Dyson sphere.
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For those of you who don’t know what that is, here’s the Wikipedia article, but the basic idea is a massive, unimaginable huge sphere surrounding a star, rotating at a sufficient speed to produce gravity which people then live on. And when I say “unimaginably huge”, I mean it. 
For mine, I went with the radius of Venus’s orbit around the sun as the base. That ends up with a surface area of 56,410,400,000,000,000 (5.64104 x 10 to the 16th) square miles. For comparison, the Earth’s surface area is 196,961,284 square miles. That means my Dyson sphere is about 286,403,494 times the size of Earth. And that’s with us limiting it a bit. If we used Earth’s orbital radius, we’d get an area of  116,440,000,000,000,000 square miles, or 591,182,174 times the surface area of Earth. And keep in mind, that’s the total surface area. We only use about 30%, so you can effectively multiply those numbers by 3. 
But wait, there’s more.
My grand design puts the game-world in levels, 6 to be precise, with each level getting closer to the sun at the center. The first level is the Sphere, the second a vast fleet of space stations designed to aid transit between the Sphere and the inner layers. Third, a series of artificial worlds, some smaller versions of a Dyson sphere, some just “regular” artificial planetoids. 4th is a group of 4 ringworlds (think the Halos from Halo), three arranged around the axes of the star, as seen in this, the only image I could find properly explaining it:
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(just imagine the Earth there as a star :D ), and then a fourth, larger ring set outside the others set an angle to all three. The fifth and six layers are a series of automated solar panels collecting the energy of the star, and blocking it’s light to simulate a day/night cycle for the rings and sphere. The fifth layer is also mirrored, bouncing light to the cities on the sphere-ward side of the innermost 6th layer. Got all that? Yeah, me neither, and I wrote the thing! 
But seriously, with number like those (and notice I only worked out area for the Sphere layer, I don’t even wanna think how much more everything else will add), we obviously not making all of it. The Dyson Sphere is pretty much just a cool gimmick, a neat way to make the horizon different than anything else. I’m thinking I want to use the rings as like the symbol for the game, have the first “O” in “Hollow” be surrounded by them.
Then to actual story ideas: I’ve got zilch.
That was easy! On to more random visual element/setting stuffs.
I’m thinking post-apocalyptic, lots of ruins, no knowledge of what the world really is. Just imagine, a scene where the main character(s) find a hatch to the outside, take a spacewalk, and see the inconceivable expanse of the Dyson Sphere stretching out below them, curving, to their eyes, the wrong way. Man, that’d be neat.
Other elements: I want a unique, but not ludicrous method of traversal. So far, my only idea is a mech suit. I’m wanting the overall tech/architecture/aesthetic of the game to be really elegant, lots of thin things, unnecessary beauty (such as robot with faceplates shaped like human faces), and japan-inspired. My image of the protagonist is a guy with one of those broad sashes Samurai wear, a katana on his left hip, with two wakazashi, long daggers/short swords in the style of katanas, vertically parallel on the same hip. He wields the katana in one hand, a pistol modeled after those German ones , probably with some sci-fi gimmicky twist, and has a mechanical arm attached to his left shoulder that uses combat fans as a shield. He probably also has a headband, idk. He has, like, walker things that look like mechanical stilts that come out of his legs (well, not like Out out, but are attached. By which i mean he’s wearing them) and these can extend for faster running, for add power to his kicks by launching out when he connects. As for the mech, not super big, 15 feet or so, and minimal. Heavy clawed feet that look out of place and grafted onto the thin, almost artisanal legs. Oh, and only one arm. The pilot sits cross-legged on a platform, with the “torso” manifesting mainly as plate armor curving down and to the left from the neck. The motion and any weapons systems (which would probably be on it’s back, over the left shoulder) are controlled with the left hand via a panel behind the “chest”. Oh, and it only has one arm. This is control in the more standard “move your arm, move the thing’s arm” fashion by the pilots right arm, with the actual controller grip attached to the very uppermost part of the arm itself. The arm has three modes: standard is a sword, which can then rotate to reveal a hand, which can pull back to reveal a projectile weapon. I’d like to come up with a cooler method of travel, something to connect the suit to, but I haven’t yet.
Random thoughts: A sequel titled Tidemaker, set on a continent sized machine in the Sphere’s largest ocean, which moves to create tides for the rest of the Sphere.
 High speed automated trains crisscross the landscape, out of the control of the people since the death of the creators, and now barreling unstoppably into the distance. 
Also, I do think the game would be third person, and am picturing the gameplay as somewhat like NieR: Automata. 
Well, that’s all I got for now. Sorry for any rambleyness, lack of lucidity, or bad math. Hope you weren’t too bored, have a good week, and
Don’t Die 
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