#the tragedy made WORSE by sqx
deathfavor · 3 months
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@deiscension said: "did you used to play in the street when you were little?" - a somewhat tipsy sqx trying to get my to talk more.
still born sentence starters
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Should it ever be inquired upon in the future, He Xuan would say this little slip up was something born of alcohol and nothing more. It certainly wasn't because the persistence of the wind master was finally starting to get somewhere with him. He Xuan lifts the cup of sake to his lip, contemplating his word choices.
It won't mater. He Sheng was a nobody in the slums of poverty, and no one ever checked the history of gods unless something demanded it or it was a great spectacle like the four tales. Ming Yi is, for all intents and purposes, a rather ordinary if reclusive god, nothing special. ( Other than his seeming disdain for the credits being thrown around - no matter how long he's been spotted with the Wind Master, never once has anyone seen him accept any. ) He lowers the cup, finally speaking.
" Not very often. I was often busy even when I was little, or studying. " It isn't a lie, and it's not something unusual enough to draw unwanted attention. " ...I had a little sister though who did. She loved to play in the streets. I usually kept watch over her. " It was all true. Once they had been treasured memories. He'd never had many material things, but those memories had been priceless, outshining any gems or gold coins that could be flaunted.
Now they were stained with blood and darkness. He can feel his throat clench as he suffocates silently. ( Which is funny, given that he can't ACTUALLY be suffocated any more. )
The Ghost King takes another sip of his drink. " She loved to dance. Especially when it rained. She'd dance and play in the rain like it was no big deal, even when she was completely drenched. " He manages a thin smile, and if he strains, maybe he can still hear her innocent laugh in the distance.
" I had to study, but I always made sure she had a warm meal and dry clothes when she came in. " He remembers, " She very much loved to be outside. " He can't blame her; outside was the promise of what could be while their barely held together home was a cold reminder of what was. " Why? What brought this up? "
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