#the sleepy klug thing i also just posted but with words!
makeitlookdecent · 1 year
that thing from before! but with words under read more if your intrested
that puyo swap thing i did (sig w/ami personality, strange w/lidelle, etc.)
Raffina with lidelle persona and klug with sig.
tho the personas are changed key components are not! like Amitie still aims to be a wonderful sorceress and is kinda slow, but she has raffinas confidence too!
raffina is still about beauty and shinny things but with lidelles low self esteem
Ms accord is just switched with popoi, who is now a mild mannered cat that acts as the soft to the now sharp teacher.( you cant separate them they work together)
now. to my meat and bones.
klug with sig persona, who is spacey and what not, but is still the smartest kid in the class. and who also now has a kinda blood feud going on with ms accord and the teachers. because while he is very much capable of doing the work, he would also much rather be sleeping instead. and even when they try to corner him by asking him really tough questions when they wake him up in class because he wasnt paying attention, he always some how still knows the answer.
hes smart but would rather not work if he can help it.(he will still go out of his way to avoid detentions and anything that will stain his permanent record tho)
this also leads to the most legendary thing hes done in class. he was sleeping/not paying attention like usual and ms accord was gonna give him a write up for that. He didnt want that. this lead to a long winded 2 sided debate between him and ms accord in which he 1 got himself outta the write up by negotiating a detention and make up work instead and 2 had the debate last until the end of class (30mins minimum) thus also getting outta whatever other work was planned for that day.
he smoothed talked his way outta it. the whole class was stunned while this was happening because he was honestly bringing up good points for why he should and should not get this punishment.
"teacher pardon my french but im fighting for my fucking life here. i am trying to stay awake i really am, it has nothing to do with you or your class its just me and my poor sleeping habits."
and smartass had the audacity to, when the bell rang and he already secured his victory to just stooped talking and put his one notebook in his bag with his pillow and just sat there. nobody moved, nobody talked and ms accord was also stunned (she lost track of the time as well, she really got into that discussion) he then waited in his set and when ms accord asked, he said he was waiting for her to dismiss the class.
"...You must be feeling reeeal proud of yourself. you slimy-"
"Its okay teacher i will pretend that you didnt say that, for your honor as a teacher."
this also unfortunately for klug had the side effect of getting him put in ap/honors classes which he'd been avoiding like the plague. (he's allergic to work you see.)
"we wouldnt want to hold you down, since your brain isnt getting enough challenge in the general courses. but dont worry, i understand that change is a big issue for you and you will fortunately still have me as your homeroom teacher. to make the transition easier."
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