#the sisters grimmoire ii
breelandwalker · 1 year
Sneak Peek - Spoons In Spades
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At a little distance he saw a fire, and beside it there sat three giants, busy with broth and beef. They were so huge that the spoons they used were as large as spades, and their forks as big as hay-forks: with these they lifted whole bucketfuls of broth and great joints of meat out of an enormous pot which was set on the ground between them.
- Niels and the Giants (The Crimson Fairy Book)
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Intent: To give oneself additional “spoons.”
Ideal Timing: This charm can be made at any time.
Large Jar
Cotton Balls
Herbs: Hyssop, Rosemary, Thyme, Juniper Berries
When I asked my readers what sort of spells they'd like to see in this second volume of fairytale-inspired spells, one of the most strikingly popular responses was, "Is there a spell to give me more spoons?"
If you're not familiar with the term, "spoons" or spoon theory is a metaphor which describes the reduction in mental and physical energy experienced by people who are disabled or chronically ill, with spoons used as a unit of measurement to represent how energy and motivation must be rationed throughout the day to accomplish necessary tasks. Spoons are only replenished through rest or sleep, so once a person runs out of spoons, that's it for their day. 
The term was coined by Christine Miserandino in her 2003 article "The Spoon Theory," in which she uses dinnerware to demonstrate to a friend how living with invisible chronic illness required careful daily planning and prioritization, and how even with the best intentions and efforts, tasks are often left undone due to a lack of energy or an increase in pain. The term has since been adopted by wide sections of the online community in relation to struggles with disability, chronic illness, or mental health, as a descriptor for daily energy and motivation levels, i.e. "I don't have the spoons for this," or "After a full day at work, I have exactly one spoon left, and I need it for laundry, so going out is off the table."
As someone who regularly battles ADHD, anxiety, executive dysfunction, migraines, and depression, I'm a big fan of spoon theory, largely because it makes those invisible daily struggles, which so many of us have, much easier to visualize and explain. So in honor of all my fellow spoonies, here is a spell to help you gain those critical extra spoons.
For this spell, you'll need a fair-sized jar, some healing herbs, and a bunch of spoons. You can use plastic spoons or metal ones, if you happen to have spare silverware lying around. Use as many or as few spoons as you feel you need. If you need more spoons than can readily be acquired, you might draw or print out pictures or spoons and use those instead.
Place the spoons in the jar with a big handful of cotton balls. Apart from their mundane medical and cosmetic uses, cotton has healing magical properties and also represents the comfort that may feel lacking on low energy or high pain days. If desired, add several pinches of Hyssop, Rosemary, Thyme, and Juniper Berries, or a sachet containing the herbs if you'd rather keep things neat.
Close the jar, give it a big hug, and say:
I bless this jar and spoons And ask for the strength to function; And when I need a helping hand, These extra spoons I'll summon,
Set the jar aside somewhere safe. If desired, you might want to label it. You don't want anyone borrowing your magical spoons for their cereal, after all. When you need an extra boost to help you get through the day, simply open the jar and take out a spoon. You can carry the spoon with you, place it on your altar, or discard it to activate the charm.
Please keep in mind that performing this sort of magic should always be accompanied by appropriate medical and self-care measures. Magic isn't going to cure a chronic illness or permanently alter your brain chemistry. But it can help you cope with the symptoms and give you that all-important push to get yourself through the day. Stay strong, witches!
-from the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II; © 2021 Bree NicGarran
(If you'd like to check out more fairy-tale spells or any of my other published works, please visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop!)
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breelandwalker · 10 months
Sneak Preview of The Sisters Grimmoire Vol. II - Gilded Locks
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So he went into the first room. A cauldron was hanging from the walls; it was boiling, but the Prince could see no fire under it. "I wonder what is inside it," he thought, and dipped a lock of his hair in, and the hair became just as if it were all made of copper. "That's a nice kind of soup. If anyone were to taste that his throat would be gilded," said the youth, and then he went into the next chamber. There, too, a cauldron was hanging from the wall, bubbling and boiling, but there was no fire under this either.
"I will just try what this is like too," said the Prince, thrusting another lock of his hair into it, and it came out silvered over. "Such costly soup is not to be had in my father's palace," said the Prince; "but everything depends on how it tastes," and then he went into the third room. There, too, a cauldron was hanging from the wall, boiling, exactly the same as in the two other rooms, and the Prince took pleasure in trying this also, so he dipped a lock of hair in, and it came out so brightly gilded that it shone again.
-The Master-Maid (The Blue Fairy Book)
Intent: To braid wealth into the caster's hair.
Hair long enough to braid
Copper, silver, and gold-colored embroidery floss
Rubber bands (if desired)
Ideal Timing: Waxing Moon is best, but this spell can be performed anytime.
Acquire three pieces of embroidery floss the same length as your hair. One should be copper, one should be silver, and one should be golden. Approximate as best you can; they don't need to be metallic, or to contain any of the actual precious metals. If desired, this can also be done with "fairy hair" or long strands of fine tinsel.
Align the three strands with a small lock of your hair. Knot the strands together around the lock, as close to your scalp as you can get it. (If you prefer, you can use a small rubber band for this step.)
Divide the small lock of your hair in half and braid, using the embroidery flosses as the third piece. Alternatively, you can divide the lock into thirds and match one piece of floss to each strand. Tie everything off together at the end. If you'd like to make a larger braid, you can add additional pieces of floss, so long as there are equal numbers of each color. For a fun touch, you can dab some Amber oil onto the embroidery floss before braiding, or add a lucky charm to the end when you've finished.
Leave the braid in until the night of the Full Moon, or until the desired financial boost manifests itself, whichever comes first.
This spell is geared toward individuals with hair that is long enough to hold a braid, but this is not a requirement. In the absence of long hair, you can weave in a piece of sewing thread the same color as your hair (whatever that happens to be). Wet the thread with your saliva and allow it to dry before braiding. This will tie the charm to you the same way a piece of your hair would. Wear the finished braid around your wrist or ankle until the wish manifests itself or the braid breaks and falls off.
-from the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II; © 2021 Bree NicGarran
More Fairy Tale Spells:
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Sneak Preview of The Sisters Grimmoire Vol. II - Make Sure You Lock Up
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'Well, let us start at once,' said he. 'Lock your door, and put the key in your pocket.'
- A Lost Paradise (The Lilac Fairy Book)
Intent: To set your household wards when you lock your front door.
Your front door key
Ideal Timing: Whenever you cast or refresh your household wards
A witchling once approached me with the following question: "How do household wards know when and when not to let people in?" My answer was simple: "You tell them the difference." This spell is one example of how to do just that. It works best when you are the homeowner, but as long as you call the place home, it should work.
Upon completion of your ritual for setting household protections, whatever that may be, take your house key and go to the front door. Place your dominant hand flat against the inside of the door, with the key between your palm and the door's surface.
Say in a strong clear voice:
This is my home And I hold the key; No one may enter Unless bidden by me.
If you feel the need, you can repeat this on other exterior doors for added security. Upon leaving your home, make sure you lock your doors and windows. The act of locking the front door from the outside with your key sets the wards until you return.
After you lock your front door, place your hand upon it and say, "No one but me." If someone else is to allowed in, include them as well, i.e. "No one but me or my spouse/roommate/parent/child/etc." Again, this will work best for people who actually live in the home, or whom you've given permission to be there in your absence.
Please note that this is not a foolproof method for deterring intruders. Take any and all mundane measures of security needed to ensure the safety of your home and its' occupants.
-from the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II; (c) 2021 Bree NicGarran
If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
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breelandwalker · 2 years
The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II sneak peek - Something In The Water
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Struck with the beauty of the island, Selnozoura ran the vessel to ground, and leaving it in the care of the dragon which lived in the hold during the voyage, stepped on shore with her two companions. Surprised at the sight of a large town whose streets and houses were absolutely desolate, the fairy resolved to put her magic arts in practice to find out the cause.
While she was thus engaged, Cornichon and Toupette wandered away by themselves, and by-and-by arrived at the fountain, whose bubbling waters looked cool and delicious on such a hot day. Scarcely had they each drunk a deep draught, when the fairy, who by this time had discovered all she wished to know, hastened to the spot.
'Oh, beware! beware!' she cried, the moment she saw them. 'If you drink that deadly poison, you will be ruined forever!'
- A Fairy's Blunder (The Grey Fairy Book)
Intent: To discover whether a person is suffering from the effects of baneful magic.
Bowl of water
Vegetable oil
Food coloring
Stirring stick
Ideal Timing: This spell can be done at any time.
It is important to note before performing this spell that it it nearly impossible to tell for certain whether you or someone else may be suffering from the effects of baneful magic as opposed to a simple run of bad luck. Without actually witnessing someone casting a hex on you, there's really no way to be absolutely sure, but divinations like this one may provide some insight.
Prepare your divination medium by blending a tablespoon or so of oil with a drop or two of food coloring. Any type of light cooking oil (corn, vegetable, etc) should suffice. The food coloring can be any hue you like, as long as the color remains strong when blended with the oil. For additional potency, you can use oil infused with tea leaves if you wish.
Fill a bowl about three-quarters full of clean, clear water. You can use consecrated water or elemental water if you wish, but plain ordinary tap or bottled water works just fine too. Cold or room temperature water works best; warm or hot water may cause the oil to break up and ruin the pattern.
When you're ready to begin, hold the name of the person who might be cursed in your mind and drop a spoonful of the divination oil onto the surface of the bowl of water. Use a stirring stick or toothpick to swirl the oil in a sideways figure-eight pattern three times, then blow very gently on the center of the eight where the pattern forms an X. The oil should be dispersed slightly, but the water should not bubble or splash. (This is something else you may want to practice a few times before doing the formal divination.)
Observe the patterns that the oil makes on the surface of the water as you would with tea leaves in the bottom of a cup. Smooth edges and spirals mean that all is well. Sharply ruffled or jagged patterns indicate that something may be amiss. If the oil disperses with no pattern, empty the bowl and start over, perhaps with a different oil blend. This is obviously going to be subjective, so use your best judgment and repeat if necessary.
If the result seems to indicate that the person in question may be suffering from baneful magic, it may be wise to employ some cleansing methods just in case.
-From the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II, (c) 2021 by Bree NicGarran
Want more fairy tale spells? Check out the masterpost here and visit my shop for spell kits, books, magical powders, and more!
If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Sneak Preview of The Sisters Grimmoire Vol. II - The Shining Web
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Towards morning a dense damp fog lay over the whole neighbourhood; later on came an icy wind, which sent the frost packing. But when the sun rose, it was a glorious sight. The trees and shrubs were covered with rime, and looked like a wood of coral, and every branch was thick with long white blossoms. The most delicate twigs, which are lost among the foliage in summer-time, came now into prominence, and it was like a spider's web of glistening white. The lady-birches waved in the wind; and when the sun shone, everything glittered and sparkled as if it were sprinkled with diamond dust, and great diamonds were lying on the snowy carpet.
- The Snow-Man (The Pink Fairy Book)
Intent: To repel trouble from the home.
Medium embroidery hoop
White yarn
Silver or light grey yarn
Paper plate
White and silver glitter (or color of choice)
Assorted charms / bells / chimes / herb bundles for protection
Large jump ring for hanging
Note: If you prefer not to work with glitter, metallic silver string or embroidery floss may be substituted when constructing the web.
Ideal Timing: This charm can be made at any time.
Construct a five-pointed star web within the embroidery hoop using the white yarn. Lay the hoop over the paper plate, apply glue to the yarn strands, and sprinkle glitter over top. Flip the web and repeat, then let it dry. Re-attach the outer hoop and tighten the screw. Wrap both halves of the hoop with silver or light grey yarn, weaving around the strands of the web where they anchor to the edges. Be careful not to distort the weaving you’ve already done.
Attach charms, bells, herb bundles, or talismans for protection to the five points, whatever you like. If you choose to use heavier items, such as wind chimes, stone charms, or suncatcher prisms, make sure the items are well-balanced and not too heavy for the mobile. String five strands of yarn from the star points to the jump ring and tie firmly, so that the hoop will hang horizontally, parallel to the floor, with the decorations hanging below.
Hang the web wherever it suits your fancy, preferably somewhere that gets a bit of sun so you can enjoy the sparkles!
-from the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II, (c) 2021 Bree NicGarran
Want more fairy tale spells? Check out the masterpost here and visit my shop for spell kits!
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my monthly show Hex Positive on your favorite podcast app, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Hello Bree! About what time (like late summer, early winter, whatever time range you'd like) do you think we can hear more about The Sisters Grimmoire volume 2? I've enjoyed your works a lot and I want to make sure I don't miss this next book!
Oh Jasper, you SCAMP! Don't jinx it! XD
I'm hoping to work on it during my Jan-Feb hiatus, but every time I talk about a project or try to put a timeline on it, I end up not getting there. So I'm hoping that by talking about it as little as possible and not setting deadlines for myself and instead focusing on letting the ideas flow, I might actually make some good progress.
I will say this much - it's gonna have more spells than the first volume. And I'm working from the Andrew Lang fairy books (The Red Fairy Book, The Blue Fairy Book, etc) so there's a lot more material. I'm also trying to vary the techniques a little more and revisit some ideas introduced in Vol. I in new and interesting ways, as well as learning from some of the mistakes I made with the first book.
And I MIGHT go to an actual publisher with this one. Haven't decided.
Still lots of work to do, but once it's done, I really think you're going to love it!
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breelandwalker · 3 years
Patreon Updates
Hello witches! I've been quite busy over on my Patreon since I got my energy back. The schedule had gotten a bit haphazard there for a bit, but it's back on track now.
In recent weeks, I've posted two bonus episodes of Hex Positive, both interviews with members of the community who may be familiar to you. One is our favorite lovable Wiccan curmudgeon, @traegorn, who shared their history coming up as a Wiccan and a witch learning to operate in the wider community. The other is a sitdown with the ever-lovely @christowitch, where we talked about her journey as a Christian witch and how keeping the faith and practicing magic aren't as diametrically opposed as some might have you think.
I've also scheduled the monthly Patron Posts right through until autumn. For those not in the know, these are sneak peeks at my forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II. (Yes, it's still happening...slowly but surely!) Every month, I post a preview spell from the manuscript for my patrons to enjoy. Some upcoming examples are Fortune's Purse (a bag of small blessing charms), The Banishing Bell (exactly what it sounds like), and Sour Milk (a little payback for the jerks in your life).
There's lots more on the way, so if you'd like to check out these bonuses and help keep my projects moving forward, please consider becoming a patron for as little as a dollar a month. (Or if you'd like to make a one-time donation, you can always buy me a coffee.)
Thanks for all your support thus far!
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breelandwalker · 5 years
Sneak Preview - The Ferryman’s Curse
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Vassili went on further till he reached the ferry, where the old man asked: 'Did you think of me?'
'Yes, and as soon as you have ferried me across I will tell you what you want to know.'
When they had crossed over, Vassili said: 'Let the next man who comes stay in the boat, but do you step on shore, push the boat off, and you will be free, and the other man must take your place.
- The Story of Three Wonderful Beggars (The Violet Fairy Book)
Intent: To curse another with the problems that plague your own life.
Two pennies
Previously-used jar candle
Fire source
Body of water
Ideal Timing: Dark of the Moon / New Moon / No Moon
Fair Warning: This is not a nice spell. This is not a polite spell. Baneful magic by its’ very definition is not meant to be pleasant, but there can be a difference between ill-wishing someone yourself and asking a figure from the realm of spirits to help you do it. The fact that you are entering into a minor pact to accomplish this goal creates an additional degree of difficulty and uncertainty. If you choose to perform this ritual, please proceed with caution.
In order to do this spell, you have to make a deal with the Ferryman, who carries souls across to the hereafter and may also haul away bad luck and strife if you pay him and ask nicely. You'll need to work carefully and quickly to pull this off.
Before you begin, perform any protective steps you would normally take before doing spirit work or baneful magic. Make preparations to cleanse yourself and your home upon completion. If you don’t have anything in place, you might want to check out the Protections section of this book for ideas. (Golden Hood)
Obtain two pennies from the same year. Any year will do, so long as they match, but new and shiny is preferable. Carry the pennies in your pocket for one week to absorb your bad luck. Then, on a moonless night, go and stand on the shore of some body of water. For best results, I suggest a lake or a river too wide to be easily crossed without a boat.
Make a circle around yourself, large enough to stand in without being too close to the edges. You can use chalk, pebbles, stones, sticks, a line in the sand, whatever material works best for the location. You might also use a premade containment figure such as a hoop or a rope circle. Stand in the center, light the candle, and place it at your feet so that the light fills the circle. While you perform the next few steps, take care to stay within the circle of light. Do not look behind you during the ritual and do not let the candle go out. (I recommend using a jar candle which has burned down a little ways so that it is shielded from chance breezes.)
Remove one of the pennies from your pocket and hold it out before you towards the water. In a quiet clear voice, call to the Ferryman:
Ferryman, Ferryman Sail to the shore I’ve a penny to give you And soon will have more One day to sail outward One day to sail in Come back on the third day And you’ll have its twin
No soul do I offer No body to bury Only lighten my load Take this burden I carry Ferryman, help me My fortunes are poor Ferryman, Ferryman Come to the shore
Throw the penny into the water. Try to land it as far from the shore as you can. Carefully extinguish the candle and leave the area as quickly and safely as possible. Once you return home, you may want to salt your doors or refresh whatever protections you have in place, in case something has followed you home.
You then have until midnight on the third day (starting from dawn the day after you toss the coin), to somehow get someone else to take the other penny from you. It's best to have a target in mind, preferably someone who really deserves that bad luck. If you start out thinking of a particular person, you can either hand the coin to them, slip it into their belongings, leave it inside their home, or bury it on their property. What matters is that by the time midnight on the third day rolls around, the coin is in their possession and not yours.
Your bad luck and misfortune should leave or lessen during this three-day stretch. If you successfully pass the penny to someone else, your bad luck will fall on them. If you do not manage to get rid of the coin, you can return to the water on the third night and toss the coin in yourself. Otherwise, your bad luck will return and you'll be right back where you started. 
The only way to break the curse is for the person who has received the bad-luck penny to go to the same body of water and throw in the coin that you gave them.
It may be prudent to return to the body of water in the daylight after your bad luck has passed and toss in another penny to thank the Ferryman for his help, just in case he's disgruntled over your trickery. It would also be prudent to never again show your face there after dark or on foggy days.
Note: This ritual should only ever be performed in the same location once. If you wish to do it again, you’ll need to find a different body of water. It would also be wise to let some time pass, at least a few months, or find other ways of dealing with your problems. Don’t tempt fate too often if you can avoid it.
-From the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II (c) Bree NicGarran
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breelandwalker · 5 years
Witchlings, I have a conundrum.
There’s a spell that I want to include in the second volume of the Grimmoire, but I’m worried that it’s too much toward the spirit work end of things, rather than focusing on my usual secular/practical angle. Also, the spell kind of reads like a creepypasta ritual and I worry that that would tarnish the book’s credibility.
So I guess my question is this:
If you were reading a book of spells and you came across something called The Ferryman’s Curse which was designed to allow you to transfer your misfortune to someone else by performing a basic ritual with water and coins, would you think “oh wow, spooky hex magic” or “what is this r/nosleep bullshit”?
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breelandwalker · 4 years
Some things I have to keep telling myself while I’m working on the second volume of the Grimmoire:
“Not every spell idea you come up with has to go in the book.” I’m finding lots of instances where I get multiple inspo passages from the same story. I don’t want to repeat stories in the final manuscript, so some may just be for my own use. Or Patreon extras.
“Not every spell idea you put in the Table of Contents is a good one. Some of these may have to be swapped out or cut altogether.” I have a lot of ideas that aren’t fully fleshed out yet. Some of them I’ve been stuck on for a while with little sign of anything coming together. And some just aren’t as great as I thought they were when I first jotted them down. So it’s likely that I’ll be making some replacements.
“It’s okay for some sections to be shorter than others.” Some sections I have lots of ideas and inspo passages for. Others are a bit thin in comparison. But this is okay, so long as the full manuscript is close to the length I’m hoping for. This volume is already going to have way more spells than the first one. The Sisters Grimmoire has about 60 spells. The new book is pushing 100. Even if I don’t hit that benchmark, it’s still going to be the longest book I’ve ever written, and I want every page to be quality.
“There are lots of other kinds of love spells.” I have the worst time trying to write love-related spells. I’ve stuck largely to relationship maintenance and communication for this volume, rather the standard Find Me A Lover spells that my mind immediately jumps to. There are plenty of those kind of love spells out there, and I want to bring something different to the table. (Including anti-love spells.)
It’s still coming along VERY well and I think you’ll be pleased with the results! The manuscript is already at 268 pages and I’m a little more than halfway done finalizing the content. I still need to make some of projects for instructional and photographic purposes. Just have to buckle down and get things done!
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breelandwalker · 4 years
"The swallow is less swift than the wind, the wind is less swift than the lightning. But you, my horse, if you love me, must be swifter than them all, for there is a part of my heart that suffers—the best part of my heart that is in danger."
- The Groac'h of the Isle of Lok (The Lilac Fairy Book)
This week's Patron Post is a special anti-love spell for Valentine's Day. Because sometimes the heart is a foolish, foolish thing. Visit my Patreon to check out "Lock Up My Heart" and learn how you can support my work for as little as a dollar a month!
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breelandwalker · 5 years
Update - The Sisters Grimmoire Vol. II
Good news, everyone!
I’ve started compiling the manuscript for The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II. I’ve laid out the structure, plugged the finished spells into their places, started on the overall formatting, and added most of the appendices.
This thing is going to be huge. Even with just the roughest of first drafts, it’s 247 pages long in 6x9 page format. There are 52 finished spells ready to go, and another 62 still in progress. It’s set to be the longest thing I’ve ever written, by a pretty substantial margin. That might mean upping the price a dollar or so, but I promise it will be well worth it. There should be something in this book for everyone. I made a lot of mistakes with the first volume, and it’s given me a lot to think about this time around.
I know myself way too well to give you guys any kind of timeline for finishing the book. I’m finally making substantial progress again and I don’t want to jinx it.
Further updates as events warrant!
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breelandwalker · 5 years
i wouldn't mind a curse spell in the book but i would personally never use it/ never give anyone any misfortunes. But it is YOUR book - maybe if it's too different from the rest it wouldn't fit in there but you never know some people may like it! I once had a spell book and there where some curses and stuff in the back but the pages where like glued or something on the side so you had to cut it open along the dotted line to reveal the curse spells btw love your blog
That’s a neat idea! I once had a mystery novel with the last chapter sealed up that same way.
My first three books all address the subject of baneful magic, so it wouldn’t be any surprise for this one to include it as well. Naturally, I fully understand if readers skip that section the same way some others skip the romance or persuasion spells. I try to include a good variety so you can find something that suits your needs, but I don’t expect anyone to go through and try every single spell like it’s a cookbook.
(And if anyone has or does, please let me know, I’d love to have a chat.)
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breelandwalker · 4 years
Before long Graziella appeared alone, and the pigeon at once fluttered to meet her, and seemed so tame that she stopped to caress the pretty creature. As she did so she saw it had a pink ribbon round its neck, and tied to the ribbon was a letter. She read it over several times and then wrote this answer:—
'You say you love me; but I cannot promise to love you without seeing you. Send me your portrait by this faithful messenger. If I return it to you, you must give up hope; but if I keep it you will know that to help me will be to help yourself. -Graziella.'
- An Impossible Enchantment (The Grey Fairy Book)
Long-distance relationships are tough. Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but it can also lead to all manner of toil and trouble. In this week's Patron Post, get some magical assistance in keeping a long-distance relationship strong with "The Carrier Pigeon."
Check out my Patreon for more information on all my current projects and to learn how you can help support my work for as little as a dollar a month!
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breelandwalker · 4 years
So the Emperor went along in the procession under the splendid canopy, and all the people in the streets and at the windows said, 'How matchless are the Emperor's new clothes! That train fastened to his dress, how beautifully it hangs!' No one wished it to be noticed that he could see nothing, for then he would have been unfit for his office, or else very stupid. None of the Emperor's clothes had met with such approval as these had.
'But he has nothing on!' said a little child at last.
'Just listen to the innocent child!' said the father, and each one whispered to his neighbour what the child had said.
'But he has nothing on!' the whole of the people called out at last.
- The Story of the Emperor's New Clothes (The Yellow Fairy Book)
This week's Patron Post is a little Impeachmas gift for all my witchlings looking for a way to hex the patriarchy in the new year.
Head over to my Patreon and check out "Invisible Silk.”
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breelandwalker · 5 years
Not to bother you - but I saw your Ferryman's Curse post. Was wondering if it's something you've posted or something you'd be willing to share? Or is it that you're going to publish your grimoire one day and it will be there? Either way, best of luck in your world. I hope you're having a fantastic day
It’s nothing that I’ve posted just yet. It’s been in my files for a bit and I was toying with the idea of including it in The Sisters Grimmoire, Volume II.
What I may end up doing is posting it here as a preview, like I did with a few spells from Volume I, especially since there seems to be a great deal of interest.
Thanks for your interest and the encouragement! 😁
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