#the shoes were perfectly-broken-in Docs 1460's with several years of wear left in them
alex51324 · 11 months
A list of medium-sized problems* I have encountered in the last 10 days:
Melted my shoes.
Came home from vacation to discover that the roof I replaced right before leaving is still leaking in one spot.
Broke my doorknob.
Got a flat tire.
Found out that Sophie's adoption day party on Sunday is going to be rained out.
(*A medium-sized problem is here defined as one that costs money and/or significantly disrupts your day's plans, but does not cause major ongoing life disruption. For instance, "getting my feet soaked completely through my shoes to the skin" was a small problem--or would have been, had I not melted my shoes trying to dry them over a campfire. If I had caught my feet on fire trying to dry them off, that would have been a large problem.)
All of these problems are under control, but I feel that I have done enough Handling Problems for a while, and I would like to submit an application to be excused from additional Problems for a period of at least two weeks. Does anyone know the contact information to put in that request?
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