#the scarlet rot subplot would be s tier if millicent could be summoned for a relevant fight
doedipus · 1 year
elden ring sidequest/subplot tier list
this tier list is inarguable and objectively correct!
s. ranni's gang, volcano manor/rya
a. millicent/the scarlet rot/the haligtree, patches, alexander, sellen, flame of frenzy & adherents
b. fia/rogier/d/godwyn, boc, diallos, roderika, castle morne, kenneth haight, the eternal cities
c. dung eater & the omens, nepheli loux & gideon, corhyn & goldmask, varre, the albinaurics in general, any other minor quest that it's easy to miss big chunks of e.g. blackgaurd big boggart or latenna
d. whatever mogh's deal was, whatever the fire cult's deal was, whatever farum azula's deal was, whatever the ancestral followers' deal was, any other recurring group of enemies that doesn't have an associated speaking role
e. any quest that revolves around handing in collectibles to a stationary dude
f. seluvis, who is that while also being one of the worst person you're still technically able to help
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