#the psychic damage inflicted by a screenshot of a dude fully decked out in airsoft guns and camo and wearing a patch of my dumbass dog. wild
kangals · 3 months
Boone merch update/backstory:
-in 2014 I posted a picture to this tumblr of Boone with a stick on his head, it for whatever reason got popular (350k notes as of now)
-picture got picked up and memed with on Facebook and Reddit (some were funny, some sucked, I wasn’t too thrilled but whatever, that’s the internet). a few times I commented on them like “hey this is my dog” but nothing much.
-up until now I still see it reposted every several months but I just assumed it was relegated to the life of an old, minor meme. fine.
-then yesterday I get a DM on Reddit from someone saying (verbatim) “as I’m sure you know this picture has gone viral on discord over the past year” ….no I did not in fact know that.
-they send me several screenshots of what is clearly at least one thriving discord server dedicated entirely to this picture (which they are calling Der) and some Etsy links to patches. -they ask if they have my permission to make Der merch
-tbh my gut reaction was “no, fuck you” so I asked for clarification and they said that they’re just being distributed among server members and using Etsy for order convenience, and not selling publicly/for profit. (idk if these servers are 10 people or 10k)(edit: it’s 14k) -idk maybe I’m just super gullible but I’m going to choose to take this in good faith. I told them as long as it’s just kept among server members and it’s not commercial or turning a profit I’m fine with it, which they agreed to. I also suggested they look into donating to their local greyhound/galgo rescue which they seemed excited about.
-so yeah that’s it for now. and like I said I might just be overly trusting, but the fact that they tracked me down from like a handful of comments in all of Reddit + seemed genuine about it, yeah sure I’ll let them keep memeing and have fun with it. i don’t really have the emotional capacity to get angry about it tbh.
-if you’re familiar with these discord server and know what the hell they’re on about it, lmk?
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