#the problematic mushroom man is a lich
spaceplosion · 3 months
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xanric brightmoon! animal lover, avid note taker, and has been dealing with a problematic mushroom man for some time
(a friend's pc in my dnd party!)
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arsonforcharlie · 6 years
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so, fuck squad recap! i’m gonna put a quote from me at the end of the night at the beginning because yikes, shit is getting real.
“discourse and discord, that’s what i call d&d!”
Rhonia: “Fuck squid! The cake says fuck squid!” “You guys are never having a undersea adventure.”
Saida: “Creepy.” Sergei: “LISTEN HERE MS. TODD HOWARD” “Mrs. Todd Howard is the goal, I think.” Saida: “That man is the reason faces were invented.”
not to publicly kinkshame my players but hell here we are
yoni has been in the woods communing with desna and trying to start taming the shadow drake
Yoni: “This is Talon. I wanted to name him either Alfonzo or Taco but he didn’t like either.” “NO HE DIDN’T FOR SOME REASON”
Rhonia: “Fucking skeletons is illegal, owning them isn’t.” Maddela: “Is there a difference?!”
“Does anyone want to make a will save to disbelieve Zack’s pants?”
Yoni: “My channel energy means I can kill undead things so I don’t know if I like these skeletons.” “Oh, so now you care about being a cleric!”
Saida: “When they said yes were you holding their skull and making the jaw move?”
there was a whole big thing on the ethics of reanimating skeletons and using them as servants that never really got resolved
“Oh, finally, the fuck squad gets a moral compass.”
[discussing skeletons being withdrawn from human corpses] “They didn’t melt, it’s like, have you ever taken off a coat and thrown it on the floor behind you?” Sergei: “THAT’S NOT BETTER”
they temporarily stop discussing whether rhonia’s new skeleton army is moral in order to go to fantasy pawn stars to sell some stuff they stole from the haunted house
while selling the junk, both Rhonia and Saida rolled nat 20s for diplomacy checks
little did we know that unexpected natural 20s would be a theme of the night
Yoni: “Pleasure doing business with you, sir. Do I have to roll bluff?”
Sergei also got a horse figurine and Rhonia got shortswords for her skellingtons at the fantasy pawn stars- they ended up actually paying fantasy rick harrison twice for it
Yoni, on a blanket for Talon: “Can it have gold in it? It doesn’t need to have a ton. Also I’m rich.”
Rhonia: “Listen, everyone has skeletons, they’re perfectly natural!” Sergei: “Not when they’re walking around with all their skin off because they sloughed it off on the floor of the morgue!”
Rhonia: “They can’t be slaves if they never had free will.”
Sergei: “Liches cant be pets.” “Maybe certain liches are if they have very specific tastes.”
so down to the matter at hand- namely, going up north to where Scrom lives so Saida can visit! jasper finds them a travelling merchant friend of his named lachenta, and she agrees to take them up there for a small fee
Sergei: “Why are all of us going on Saida’s booty call?” Saida: “Never split the party?”
“Can we hook the skeletons up to the cart?”
Maddela: “Can we assume we’re in a world where the equator is to the south of us?” “blank stare” Saida: “Shut up, fake fantasy farmer’s almanac”
Saida: “He’s a shadow drake, he breathes shade” “Haaahhhhhhh, Saida this coat doesn’t go with those pants, you look like shit”
Yoni: “Never split the party! That’s why I’m in the air vents”
“She pulls up with two horses.” Sergei “Are they alive?”
Sergei rolls to make friends with the horses and does a phenomenal job
Saida: “Are we there yet?” “You’re not in the wagon yet.”
before he leaves, sergei gives reaper his harde and narder notebook, and takes Rhonia’s so they can stay in touch
yoni and saida, meanwhile, have been using their notebooks to just draw a bunch of dicks
Reaper uses the notebook to send Sergei a drawing of his own dick
“If you set the notebook on fire that’d be tinder”
Sergei “Is your pet super evil?” Yoni: “Uhhhhhhh, we’re working on that?”
Sergei: “Saida’s our problematic fave.” “Fave is a big word.”
“Roll animal handling to teach ethics to the drake”
on the last night of their journey, they’re sitting around a campfire with lachenta, telling stories, when a few people notice the sound of footfalls in the nearby brush, and a couple more notice a musty, almost metallic odor filling the air
sergei: WHO FARTED
they find themselves surrounded by orcs with glowing white eyes that, in the darkness, appear to have weird fleshy lumps on them. as they move into the firelight, it becomes apparent that those are mushrooms growing on them
Saida: “Rhonia, is this spread sexually?” Sergei: “How would Rhonia know?”
Saida: “Sergei started yelling about farts.” Sergei: “That was largely out of character.”
“I’m gonna say that sense motive is gonna have a heavy penalty because they’re just glowing pricks of light. Sergei: “Heh. Pricks.”
rhonia sets up a defensive line of skeletons, and they begin the battle. lachenta runs out to help, misses the orc she was fighting twice, and the orc rolls 2 goddamn natural 20s in a row and kills her. SO UH THERE GOES THAT BIT OF THE PLOT I HAD PLANNED
“Oh, I’m Rhonia, they’re half-orcs, half snack, I love that!” Sergei: “Aren’t all orcs half snack or is that just if you’re Saida?”
as they kill some of the orcs, some people have to roll fort saves.
maddela: “I.... rolled a 7.” “You feel fiiiine. No, really. Fiiiiiiine.”
speaking of saves, on one of the last orcs they have left to fight, maddela rolls a crit, which means i get to pull out something i’ve had in my pocket for a while. you see, in the haunted house, maddela got a dope new sword. and it turns out that the fuck squad is not great at perception checks that tell you that a sword is haunted, so up until maddela rolled a crit which triggered a similar effect to the song of discord spell, they had no idea
it was a pretty dope sword tho
so maddela and rhonia both attack the nearest people. rhonia goes after sergei, and maddela goes after yoni
and maddela rolls another crit, knocking yoni out and triggering another song of discord, and rhonia and sergei fail their saves
the orcs are now entirely off the table as the party attacks each other
“yelling what the fuck is a free action!”
saida rolls to non-lethal punch rhonia with the gauntlet of far-seeing since she saw rhonia attack sergei
Saida gets a crit on that, and uses the memory power to see Rhonia sitting in a large stadium tent, eating a candy apple, watching the circus, her mom lifting a ton of crazy shit, including pashmina, so that’s nice
rhonia then boneshakers saida, doing a ton of damage, and sergei kills another of rhonia’s skeletons
meanwhile, since she is no longer under the effects of the spell, Maddela heals Yoni and yoni immediately stabs her.
“I’m trying a new thing with gming where I make you face actual challenges!”
Yoni: “Maddela, I’m never gonna heal you.” “Oh, that’ll be a change.” “Hey, I almost know how it works now!”
Saida: “I don’t know about me, I got a bone to pick with Rhonia.” Sergei: Heh. Bone.”
saida: “If Scrom’s infected I swear to Christ I’m not dating any more.” Sergei: “Yeah, don’t fuck him if he’s got mushrooms on his dick.”
Sergei: “At least those horses are already my friends.”
Saida: “This is like that time we had to burn down that house with the guy in it.” “Had to is a pretty big word.” “I ROLLED REALLY BAD”
so the session ends with everyone mistrusting everyone else, the first new npc i made for this arc just completely fucking dead, and now i’ve gotta rewrite some shit because jesus christ
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gunterfan1992 · 7 years
Episode Review: ‘Whispers‘ (S09E13)
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Airdate: July 20, 2017
Story by: Ashly Burch, Adam Muto, Kent Osborne, Jack Pendarvis, Julia Pott
Storyboarded by: Sam Alden & Polly Guo
Directed by: Cole Sanchez (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
Thanks to Cartoon Network’s needless meddling, we are officially in the middle of season 9. However, when “Whispers” was being boarded it was planned to be the penultimate episode of season 8. With this in mind, a viewer can sense that the series is ramping up towards something big in the following episode, “Three Buckets”.
At the start of this episode, Finn and Fern are fishing when the latter has a breakdown and bemoans the fact that he cannot seem to do anything right. Finn calms his grassy doppelganger down, but suddenly Sweet P burst on the scene, screaming and crying. Finn and Fern eventually manage to calm him down, and learn that he has been having recurring nightmares about the Lich, and the poor child claims that at night, he keeps seeming something in his room.
Night falls, and so Finn and Fern keep an eye on Sweet P. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Sweet P’s fears are validating when Finn sees the severed hand of the Famrworld Lich (last seen in “Crossover”) attempting to summon the hibernating Ooo Lich from within Sweet P. For a moment, this nefarious plot works: Sweet P’s eyes glaze over and the power of the Lich takes over. However, the effect wears off, and Finn gives chase to the hand, which leads him to the ruins of the Lich’s lair, an abandoned subway station last seen in “Mortal Folly”. Finn is nearly bested, before Sweet P shows up, affirms that he is never going to be a bad person, and stabs the Lich-hand with Finn’s sword, presumably killing it.
In the final scene of the episode, Fern expresses his dissatisfaction at always coming in second to Finn... setting the stage for some dark developments in the following episode.
The Sweet P/Lich plot has always been one of my favorites, because it does great things with the good/evil dichotomy, and always manages to keep me on the edge of my seat. But it has been a while since the show touched on the Lich, and an even longer time since we've really seen Sweet P (excepting cameos and minor appearances, like in Elements). The show is slowing building to some sort of Lich endgame, that much seems clear, but the way that the endgame is being approached is so subtle that the terror keeps ramping up with each new entry that explores the arc.
Sweet P seems rather resilient to the Lich, which is a good sign: I have long feared that the Essence of Pure Evil will overcome him and possibly kill him, and that would be just horrifying. Perhaps Sweet P can manage to stand up what he believes is right. But this does not mean that Sweet P is out of the woods just yet. The Lich still seems to be able to control him at times, and while the Farmworld Lich hand was slayed in this episode, there are still an infinite(!) number of Lich hands out there in the multiverse. That seems problematic, to say the least.
Sam Alden wrote on his personal website that this was one of his favorite episodes to work on, and it’s not hard to see why. For one thing, much of the show’s lore is on display. We get further clarification about the Lich’s mission (more on that in a bit), as well as his powers (now that he is both a disembodied hand and trapped in the body of a baby). And we also continue the Finn/Fern plot (that really kicked off at the end of “Do No Harm” and is further explored in “Three Buckets”).
But the episode also manages to recall the glory of the season two episode “Mortal Folly” by having Finn once again travel to the Lich’s evil abode. And because Ghostshrimp’s lovely designs are once again on display, this entire episode exudes a sort of “season two energy”.
I would like to end with a bit of speculation. The Lich tells Finn in this episode that he is the “final scholar of GOLB”. For long-time fans of the show like myself, this is a big deal. GOLB was the demonic entity that nearly swallowed Finn in “Puhoy” and that also wiped Margles from existence (as revealed in “You Forgot Your Floaties”). Why is the Lich the last scholar? I’m not sure. Perhaps the Lich is heralding GOLB’s second return (which Magic Man seemed to foresee). Or perhaps the Lich has learned everything he knows from this most terrifying cosmic being. Either way, I predict that GOLB will play a (possibly major) role in the series’ denouement. We’ll see.
Mushroom War Evidence: The creek Fern and Finn are fishing from is surrounded by a bunch of skeletons and crumbling ruins. The swamp that Fern, Finn, and Sweet P meander into is full of refuse, and we even see debris and artifacts buried in the mud. We revisit the Lich’s lair, which was once a subway station.
Final Grade:
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