#the original sexta verse tag
trepadcra · 2 years
In my canon Luppi was Espada Sexta prior to Grimmjow’s initial taking of the position then due to power levels he was reduced to privaron before being granted a second chance. Prior to the first time Grimmjow was promoted to Sexta the smaller while still the same held a slightly altered sentiment towards people. In the original writings he fell for another arrancar. They were always seen together , two peas in a pod. His name was Mukade Saitou. Even after his demotion they were close. Mukade was always his biggest rock in things. When he was angry at his demotion the other man was there to hold him and kiss his temple with soft words of encouragement. They were the half to each other’s whole. Mukade was a standard numeros many didn’t pay much attention to him. Found him as useful as most other filler arrancar. This song reminds me of them.
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