#the olm episode is called olm town road
echo-does-art · 1 year
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This probably doesn't make sense without context but the idea popped into my head and I couldn't shake it :)
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heart-wit-strength · 6 months
What’s wrong with 3b?
Well. Not to be nitpicking on main but like...
So much? It's the part of the show I least desire to rewatch. I might put under cut because this is mostly rant and criticism.
The Plantars were handled wierdly and reduced to comedic relief (All In did them good tho), lack of Darcy as a villain is sad, Marcy going unmentioned by sashanne after her death literally being overlooked in 3A is more tragic than the deed itself
For me when it came to the final act of the story I felt like it was time for plot to work on the conflicts previously set up. Grime's Pupil could've explored Sprig can lift the Warhammer, The Three Armies could've explored the trio's influence on the caste system (maybe Marcy's prior influence on the newts that encourage them to put aside social difference and work with the toads to rescue her)
Call me a buzzkill but I really don't see why we needed a Toadie going apeshit episode, or the two forgettable olms, or mushroom Gary (in place of a 22-minutes Core and the King) When it comes to "fillers" amphibia is known for prioritising character development. These, however, served little to no purpose for anyone.
The army they spent more than half a season building did little if not nothing in the conclusion. It's kind of disappointing how well it killed its own the hype in general (Olm Town Road had a cool cliffhanger which was followed by the nasty nightmare that was Mother of Olms)
I'm not gonna start on the Hardest Thing being my least fave season finale, I understand True Colors is a hella hard act to follow, I'll summarise by saying the entirety of the moon felt random and forced and All In could've already served as the perfect finale.
Aside from like the only 3 good episodes, 3b seem like the kind that never took itself seriously to begin with, despite having all the potential and all the time they needed to make a good season. As the finishing act of the journey it was supposed to do better,
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sepublic · 2 years
People are surprised that Olm Town Road ended with a cliffhanger??? With how the next episode is literally called Mother of Olms and has an entire week to wait for it, I’d have expected no less!
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iwantescapism13 · 2 years
Although it wasn’t perfect, ‘Sasha’s Angels’ and ‘Olm Town Road’ were so much better than ‘Commander Anne’ and ‘Sprivy’.
If I wasn’t clear enough in my 'Commander Anne’ review, my only real beef about the episode was Anne’s weird characterization. Going into the episode from ‘Escape To Amphibia’ where she showcased cool moves and powers, it was goddamn disappointing to see her not use those things to her advantage once she’s finally back to Amphibia. Not to mention, she just acted... like... Season 1 Anne, which was so darn weird. Now that she’s back in Amphibia, it’s such a suitable place for her to go apeshit but she didn’t, and it left such an unsatisfying taste in my mouth. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Anne was “uncharacteristically dumb” in the episode to make way for Sasha’s redemption arc.
But fine. Maybe using her powers for such teeny tiny situations may be overkill. MAYBE. But she should at least act like she’s capable, AM I RIGHT?
And thankfully, she at least looked like that in Amphibia Season 3 Episode 12. She was doing enough, and that’s fine. It’s all I wanted. Was it too much to ask? 
Amphibia isn’t a perfect story, I get it. There were so many things that it missed doing in the earlier parts of Season 3 and a lot of situations that it may not cover as it is “a Disney cartoon show made for kids” (quoted marks because this isn’t my opinion). But I just wanted a little bit of confirmation of feelings towards situations that had happened. Or if not that, maybe make Anne as cool as she was in ‘Escape To Amphibia’? Show her matureness and growth? Show that she’s capable of fighting, or make decisions WITH Sasha and not rely too much on her? I don’t know.
Anyway, Season 3 Episode 12 was very satisfying. 
Here are my comments for ‘Sasha’s Angels’ (I’ll be writing my comments for ‘Olm Town Road’ in another post as this will be too long):
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Let me just say that Toadie is such a super underrated amphibian character. He delivers some of the best lines in the show (my favorites being the above screenshots) and it’s so good to see him achieve a very good ending - and by that I mean he has learned to have (at least some) confidence in himself because he’s “capable of so much more”, as Mrs. Croaker said. And that’s just beautiful.
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“6th”, eh? They are really Sasha’s “angels”, huh? They seem to be Sasha’s special forces or something and that’s just fucking awesome.
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So... we’ve got Sasha’s special forces team in this mission. And then we’ve got the two leaders (Anne and Sasha) joining in to get all of the gear. And then this episode is called Sasha’s ANGELS. I think everyone and their grandmothers already noticed this but... wow... that’s... that’s a nice hint right there. I see what you’re doing, Amphibia crew. ;) 
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OH THANK GOD ANNE IS USING A MOTHERFUCKING SWORD. Hahahaha. I imagine Sasha had a long damn talk with Anne because she used a freaking TENNIS RACKET in the previous episode. Well, she deserved it. A tennis racket is not useful in these kinds of situations anymore.
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Oh, definitely not gonna get ambushed. For sure.
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*surprised Pikachu face*
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Anne ELBOWED this amphibian and KNOCKED THEM OUT COLD. God damn! That’s a strong ass elbow! Good! That’s what I’m talking about! 
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It was at this frame that Sasha knew... that she was going to be alone with Anne until the frogs save themselves from the Marauders’ Camp. She’s... trying hard not to explode. I know because I was the binoculars.
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Very, very understandable for Anne to be irritated at Sasha in this scene. To be fair, it’s easy to assume that Sasha’s being her Season 1 self here because of how nonchalant she was in telling Anne that they didn’t need to save the frogs (YET, but Anne didn’t get the idea).
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Interesting that, despite being pissed at the idea, she went along with it anyway. You know, Anne... if you really, REALLY wanna save them, you could... oh, I don’t know... USE YOUR FUCKING POWERS?? But nope. Gotta save the animation costs for the future episodes (credits to @thekingofwinterblog​ for this idea).
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Oh. My. Fucking. Frog. YES. YES! A sparring session between Anne and Sasha! Time to show her those lightsaber skills, Anne! Go go go! Also, YAS! ALL HAIL THE LESBIAN POSE!
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Oh yes, Toadie. That’ll definitely work. 10/10. For sure. For real. For real.
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*surprised Pikachu face*
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I’m so glad that Anne is finally using a sword and all... but oh my god, that sword is FUCKING DULL AS SHIT. Someone PLEASE create a sword for her. If Tritonio is really going to be back, please oh god... I hope he gives her a new sword at least before he betrays them again or whatever. I’m so surprised that the sword was even able to keep up with Sasha’s (definitely) sharp weapon. Look at that shine compared to Anne’s. Jesus...
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Look at this blonde idiot having fun in the sparring session. She’s getting more and more obvious by the episode. When is she gonna confess?! XD (joking)
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Pack it up, people. ‘True Colors’ is a joke now. We’ve had the joke of the stabbing with Mrs. Boonchuy’s part in that roleplay in ‘Escape To Amphibia’ and now we have this moment with Toadie where he went berserk after his freaking post-it notes, his freaking pencils, and his freaking BOWTIE got stolen by one of the Marauders. Cool. Cool detail. Uh-huh. What? I have tears in my eyes? Are you sure? Silly. It’s just dirt. This is just a kids’ show. Why should I cry over a stupid---
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Toadie let out a roar. An amphibian. Let out. A lion’s roar (or something similar). Okay. Cool.
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Probably an unintentional Centaurworld reference. 
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No, Maddie. Your APPRENTICE (Marcy) is the one that’s possessed.
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So not only can she revive a dead creature, she can CONTROL too?? What in the name of deus ex machina is this??
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THEN USE YOUR POWERS, YOU FREAKING IDI--- *inhales* *exhales* Okay. Nope. Animation budget. Right. Right. She can’t. Apologies.
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Anne, I’m saying this in the nicest way possible: shut the fuck up (I’m saying this more of a joke than genuine, please calm down). I wish you could’ve felt the same thing towards your friends back when you were in Earth. But clearly... Amphibia is really all about you and the frogs, huh? You... can never care about your friends at this point, huh? Sure, they betrayed you and all but come the fuck on, Anne! Sasha’s trying her best here! 
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Let me just say that this is such a cool cinematic shot. Season 3B is doing really great at putting up these dramatic angles. I love it so much.
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Holy damn! Toadie is agile! 
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I am so, so, so incredibly proud of Sasha. The lesson that she was referring to on the last frame was probably the one that Anne told her in the previous episode, right before she got eaten by the snake. And that’s... so sweet. The speed of which she’s learning from all her mistakes make it seem like she’s very desperate for Anne’s affection, but honestly? That’s so admirable. Not a lot of people who are bitchy and controlling can change for the better this way. Yes, Sasha is still “the same old Sash” we love in Season 1, but what retained was her hero-ness that she displayed to Anne and Marcy back when they first met. When I saw that flashback scene, I knew Sasha would be redeemed and will definitely be a real hero at some point. That’s why I’m so proud of her. She has come a long way. Her redemption hasn’t ended yet. There’s still a long way to go, and she knows that. But for the sake of “being someone better, someone that deserves Anne”? She’s definitely on the right track. And I fucking love her for it.
Disappointingly, no Dark Marcy appearance this half-episode. I thought she was gonna appear when Barry said “this day couldn’t get any worse” and then scold him or something. But naaaah. Barry is too... um... “low level” for her to put an effort to get out of Newtopia Castle... I presume. *shrugs*
Nevertheless, I give this half-episode a 9/10. Toadie was great, Sasha was great, Anne had great characterization here. I love that she got pissed (fucking FINALLY). It was overall a good first half.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
How do you feel about how Sasha and her relationship with Anne is being handled in s3?
Not going to lie, kinda feel its been rushed. Like, from season 3A, you'd get the vibe that Anne is still hurt by the betrayal for obvious reasons, given this is the second time Anne's been betrayed now by Sasha in some sense, and you do have their prior history of Sasha being a toxic friend. So with season 3B, you'd think we'd maybe see this slowly be fixed, aka Sasha wanting to prove she's changed and such, but....as soon as Commander Anne has them say they'll deal with the baggage when this is all done with....that should have been the sign they won't properly deal with it, as closest we get is Sasha being scared of what happened last time she was in charge, aka her and Anne and Marcy having a toxic friendship, and....that's it.
Like, only other time we see some mistrust is obviously Sasha's Angel's which showed Anne not liking Sasha's call, but like, that's it. The episode, Olm Town Road, makes such a big deal of Sasha and second chances but its like....yeah, of course Anne gave Sasha a second one out of...nowhere as clearly that baggage will never be dealt with, cause the show rushes it basically. Like, it really feels like we should have got more time dedicated to this, but...no...we just kinda get filler episodes dedicated to background characters or secondary/side characters instead.
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i-imade-a-thing · 2 years
Amphibia: Sasha's Angel and Olm Town Road Details
(I made some edit, add an important detail I missed)
Ok I DID NOT expect many things that happen this episode! There are so many golden moments and unexpected call backs to season 1! There isn't that much details compared to previous eps but here are some that I noticed!
Sasha's Angel
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From the board, The Marauders strengths include stinky breath and venomous spit
Mrs. Croaker being leader make sense since she got experience being a spy when she was young
When Sasha tell Anne to wait outside, Sasha's theme played
BARRY(from the ep Cursed!) RETURNS
Anne is still not 100% ok with Sasha, but is becoming more trusting of her
Unhinge Toadie is great
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Barry saw Maddie and literally know what about to happen next
Barry got turn into a chicken again
When Sasha tell Anne leader need to make hard choices, Sasha's theme played
So....Barry's totally dead right? man this show is dark
Olm Town Road
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This episode seems to happen right after Sasha's angel since the crew are sorting out supplies
Anne's scythe(from Domino Effect), Fly Mail (After the Rain), and Maddie's sisters can be seen in the scene above
Also from the board it seems they plan to recruit toad and newts?
Quarreller's Pass being tied in with the plot
When Sasha protect Anne and Plantars, u can see them smiling for a single scene
Ok before continuing with the details just want u to know that this image is from crew member(https://twitter.com/faith_schaffer/status/1510069297351069697/photo/1), and it is a new language, so we got the letter "O,L,M,T,W,N,R,A,D"
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The sign in bottom said "Proteus", the other one said "Steve is a jerk" lol
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"North Gate"(left), "Proteus"(right), Farewell (up)
Other code include "slow down" and "welcome" (sorry limited pic tumblr)
The code in the control panel when it become red said "enter password
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"Home of our mother olm"
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CALAMITY TRIO CONFIRMED!? HA HA! I KNEW ANNE WAS GETTING A CROWN! (Pic edited to brighten the image by my friend)
Annnd that's Sasha's Angel and Olm Town Road these 2 episode are fun! I didn't expect Barry or those Olms to make a return! Wartwoodians are fun, especially Wally, love his explosion addiction. I can't wait to see what is in store for us next week! We are getting big reveaaallllsss!
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wu-marcy · 2 years
i know we just got commander anne but i’m already doing research for the next episode and oh my god. aside from “Sasha’s Angels” we are getting Olm Town Road, and the description is “Anne and her friends search for the city of Proteus.” just did some research and Proteus was a minor Greek god who could tell prophecies only if you caught him. OBVIOUSLY this episode might not have to do much with Greek myths, but maybe it’s called the city of Proteus because whoever Proteus is here will give them an answer (only if they manage to catch them, given Proteus is able to change his shape to avoid getting caught)
i feel like it’s going to be the mother of olms but from the title that’s almost obvious 👀
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 years
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so a number of things here. 
1. The beginning of the end is the 16th full episode of season 3, which means there will be 4 episodes after it. The title is also either a reference to the MLP episode of the same name that heralded in the endgame of that series, or it’s a reference to an MHA chapter title. You make the call.
2. Disney and the Amphibia crew might have wanted no spoilers or previews, but just like with Escape to Amphibia, sprivy and commander Anne, the damned episode lists on other sites apparently demanded a summary, and so we got spoilers anyway. I will be discussing those under the cut below, so be warned.
3. So Sasha’s Angels plot is as follows: A team of Resistance fighters gets captured.
While Olm Town Road reads:  Anne and her friends search for the city of Proteus.
Im guessing Sasha’s angels will be a combination of Anne, Ivy, Ivy’s mom, maddie, and mrs Croaker. plus minus one or two of those.
Also, the specific mention of “Three armies” later down the episode makes me believe that there will be two different rebel factions. One led by Sasha, and the other led by Grime’s sister. hence 3 armies vying for dominion of Amphibia. Sasha, beatrix and Andrias.
I don’t really have any theories on Olm Town Road other than being suprised it will apparently be a two parter. Guess Anne and Sasha being explained their destiny is gonna take a fair bit of screentime.
4. One thing i noticed is that not ONE of these episode titles or summaries suggests a direct focus on the relationship between Anne and Sasha. oh it’s certainly there, but it doesn’t seem like their relationship is going to be the direct focus, rather it will be affecting the plots themselves as the plots leads to conflict and development, rather than the relationship doing so.
I have no idea who Grime’s pupil is, though maybe it’s Anne, getting some insight into how Sasha became a battle queen as she called herself back in the vlog.
5. The root of Evil and the Core and the King sounds very much like the Amphibian version of the Avatar and the Firelord. So basically a big dive into the past, explaining Andrias backstory in full, and probably giving us a dive into how things went so, so wrong.
6. newts in tight sounds like its gonna involve the return of Anne’s old swordsmaster teacher, while fight or flight, sounds like it will be a big brawl between Anne/sasha vs Andrias/the Core. if this is the case, im guessing it will either be the amphibia equivelant of “day of the black sun” or when team avatar was forced to flee the western air temple. either way, im fully expecting it to be a complete defeat, though to what degree i don’t know.
7. If i had to take a guess, beginning of the end, sounds like the last episode of gravity falls before the big, 3 part finale. Now we know the structure wont be the same(acording to what we “know” only the finale will be 30 minutes long, but even if all 4 are 30 min long episodes, thats still 4 to GF’s 3), but i fully expect it to be the true, final hurrah before the endgame. 
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