#the lowkey shade you ugly/illiterate/bullies like to put other is getting clocked
maisiestyle · 8 months
A supposed Arya "fan" siding with the views of her bullies and ignoring every other canon description. I'm floored.
There are 3 types of people that perpetuate this Ugly girl Arya mantra.
Biased antis who stan her bully.
Illiterate and low IQ folks who can't read for shit.
Real life ugly girls, who project their own ugliness on a character they NEED to be ugly, in order to feel less shitty about themselves. One of the highest forms of delusion born from their own unresolved insecurities. It's kinda sad if you deep it.
Your response to @queenaryastark has you firmly in the second group. Imagine READING the quotes where people say she LOOKS pretty and you somehow think it's some "inner beauty" thing? Your delusion levels are giving group 3 vibes as well.
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