#the healers in my static know how to use gcds and they're used AS A LAST RESORT when the damage is insane
jukemaid · 3 years
i can’t stand medica 2 uptime healers anymore i can’t do it. 100% of the time these people don’t know how to ACTUALLY heal and panic and freeze up when there’s substantial and unavoidable damage, or even when people mess up mechanics, which happens. or even during normal busters!
healers have more than enough in our kits to handle this but those who refuse to learn anything past the basic gcds will NEVER be able to do their job endgame. it won’t happen. an overhealing party hot with four seconds left on it won’t do shit when everyone’s about to take a raidwide that’ll knock at least 40% off. you have to know when and how to mitigate and react with ogcds. medica 2 won’t do shit for anyone because it’s always used incorrectly.
angry protip from a very tired whm main: if you need to use cure 2 at 80, things are going horribly wrong. i don’t use cure 2 at any point in any 80 content. the only time i’ve ever needed to is when i got thrown into an in-prog dungeon (thus leaving me without lilies and misery) to a tank that didn’t use cds, and even then i still had a good amount of ogcds (benison, tetra, bene) to cover them before i needed to resort to it.
there’s no excuse. it’s willfully not learning the job and i’m fed up with the idea that people can not only not learn tools in their kit they get in goddamn heavensward, but feel justified in it. no it’s not a playstyle. you’re playing the job wrong. you are wrong and are underperforming and it IS affecting the party as a whole. you can say healer dps doesn’t matter all you want, but you’ll be wrong every single time you do.
it is NOT that hard to press two buttons in between glare or holy casts. whm is ludicrously simple to learn and you start at level fucking one to learn it. i’m beyond sick of carrying parties in current content bc my cohealer only uses the same gcds we had at 50.
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