#the first chapter of (wit)jitp is ~7k :'))))))
altruistic-meme · 11 months
only wrote about ~400 words today which is :( but it’s ~400 words more than i had yesterday which is :)
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altruistic-meme · 2 months
hi abram
i have come baring writing questions
21. can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? if you can, what is your secret?
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
thanks bestie!
-miels 💜✨
hi miels sweetheart!!
21. can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? if you can, what's your secret?
FAMOUSLY NOT!!! real life text i've sent my mother:
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(i don't remember which fic the text was about specifically, but those specific numbers are about the first chapter of (wit)jitp, which was originally planned to be 2k but the og oneshot version was 7k lmao)
it has happened on........ a LOT of occasions where i will have an idea and go "yes, this time. This Time it will only be a 2-3k short little oneshot. i just have to plot it out a little bit- *writes 5k of plot, notes, ideas, scenes, etc* THIS FIC IS GOING TO BE 20K+ AGAIN GODDAMNIT"
the ONE FIC I have ever been CORRECT about my word count was "heartbeats carved in flesh"!!! I thought maybe 15k and i was actually right for once and I was SO PROUD OF MYSELF for that one.
so if anyone else knows the secret please tell me cus I'd love to know too 😭😭😭
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
i think it depends bc they can be absolutely amazing! they can really aid the story and inserting that kind of context in the middle can make moments more impactful for sure. but I think if there are way too many, or they are just not used well, then they can be somewhat distracting or confusing. but that goes for a lot of elements of stories, they can be well used or not lmao
but ultimately on a personal level I don't really mind them! I've read fics that have used them liberally and that have only had one for one specific moment and I've loved them!
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