#the final line of the article 🥺😭
alexturner2005 · 7 months
“Violist Caroline Buckman was among the musicians invited by Paul McCartney to participate in a secretive Los Angeles recording session in 2022, unaware it was for the final Beatles song to be released 18 months later, titled Now and Then. Buckman died of cancer before learning what she was working on, but her friends and family are thrilled she was part of it.” …“When she recorded that session with McCartney, she'd been battling breast cancer for five years. She'd struggled through chemotherapy, and a pharmaceutical regimen, but, Bisharat said, she never complained. ‘She was still upbeat,’ he said. Less than a year later, she was gone. She died in L.A. on March 5, 2023, at age 48. People mourned her as a daughter, a musician, sister, partner, friend. One final line, however, was etched only belatedly into her epitaph: For four minutes and eight seconds, the length of one improbable song, Caroline Buckman was a Beatle.”
You guys may recognize Caroline as a member of TLSP's string quartet 💔
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pluckysidekick · 3 months
Hello Drewds! There were not one but two mentions of Ace in public forums in quick succession, so I felt I had to post like it was old times and Nancy Drew was still a going concern… 😭
But onto happier things. First up, our favorite Nancy Drew writer Jen Vestuto commented on the latest (amazing) gif from @nancydrewgifs (& ty to @midnightsnace for reposting):
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Such a great moment in a classic episode filled with amazing, hilarious, and touching moments. And this improv was such an Alex (and Ace) move. Ace dadding the Dads is everything, and he did a bang-up job.
Onto TVLine and an article on 30 TV characters with mysterious names. Note the usage of the phrase ‘Nancy’s boyfriend’ 🥺:
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This was one of my favorite touches in the series finale (which I happen to love). That glimpse of Ace’s initials was enough confirmation for me that he’s always been Ace Hardy. On top of that, EP Larry Teng all but confirmed it to TV Line when he told them he knew about Ace’s name from “day one, episode one.”
Honestly, ‘Trail of the Missing Witness’ (212, the Grant episode) was really enough confirmation for me—it felt like a ‘Hardy Boys featuring Nancy Drew’ episode to me. Actually, this episode was also written by Jen Vestuto and Melissa Marlette. Coincidence?
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Anyway, it was nice to see these acknowledgements of a fan favorite character in one of the best shows that was cancelled too soon. The show thankfully lives on in 62 episodes, fanfics, art, gifs, and fanvids.
So, was the final shot enough evidence to confirm Ace is a Hardy Boy? Also, Larry, what about that Nancy Drew movie? 🍿
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edvinception · 2 years
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Young Royals has taken sweden and the word by a storm.
In November the dark season two will be released. This time Edvin has had to fight to understand prince Wilhelm.
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It's been exactly one year since the first season premiered and Edvin has spent the day taking selfies with fans from Candada, Mozambique and Brazil.
"they've come here just to celebrate the anniversary. It's so cool you can't even grasp it"
Edvin has been an actor since he was five but the last years success is like nothing he's ever experienced before. In order to not lose himself he had to take a step back and reflected on where to draw the line. Part of it was changing his behaviour on social media.
"Before I'd take a selfie and people would quickly find out where I was and seek me out and it would turn a bit hysteric. Now I post the picture when I leave."
In his summer talk Edvin talks about learnign how to be personal but not private.
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Sometimes I might not want people to discuss my hair or my style. I'm not the same person that I show on social media. It's not about putting up a shiny facade. It's about protecting certain aspects of my life.
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In the second season of YR Christmas has passed and Wilhelm returns to Hillerska. His brother is dead and he feels betrayed by his mother and second cousin August. At the same time he tries to win Simon back, his great love.
Edvin describes the second season as much darker.
"We are not afraid of showing that he's in a sad and dark place but it's a nuanced portrayal of the darkness"
This time he's had to work hard to understand his character. Wille is in a place he's never been in himself and it wasn't until he he stopped trying to defend Wilhelm’s actions that he came to a realisation.
"It was a beautiful moment. I sat in the kitchen with the script thinking why why why. Then it hit me - I don't need to defend his actions I just need to understand them. Then I got another perspective and it really helped."
There you go. The rest of the article. Did the final part first.
I'm speechless. Wow. This sounds amazing. I could cry 😭🥺
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