#the fact it exists is evidence of the creators wellbeing
calamarispiderart · 1 month
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inadosod1980-blog · 4 years
Cost of Contact in Sports Is Estimated at Over 600,000 Injuries a Year
It appears glaringly evident that there would be more wounds, and progressively genuine ones, among secondary school and school competitors in football or soccer or lacrosse than, state, in running or tennis. However, what number of additional, and at what financial cost?
Those makes sense of went to be difficult to find, scientists at Yale found, at the same time, utilizing the best information accessible, they determined that if physical games could be made noncontact вђ" like banner football, for instance вђ" there would be 49,600 less wounds among male school competitors every year and 601,900 less among male secondary school athletes.
The reserve funds вђ" which incorporate assessments of medicinal expenses and time lost вђ" could be as much as $1.5 billion every year for universities and $19.2 billion every year for secondary schools. Also, that considers just the prompt outcomes of damage, a paper by the analysts says, not the long haul impacts of blackouts or continued bumping of the mind in crashes. Or then again the repercussions of tendon tears, which can prompt a more noteworthy than 50 percent danger of joint pain 10 years after the fact, said Dr. Mininder Kocher, an educator of orthopedics at Harvard Medical School.
“The issue truly is that contact is the main impetus in all these major injuries,␝ said Ray Fair, a financial matters teacher at Yale and the senior creator of the paper. “Any sport that doesn't have contact, the wounds are not that great.␝
Fair and his associates concentrated on four sorts of genuine wounds вђ" blackouts and harm to the sensory system, bone wounds, torn tissue, and muscle and ligament wounds. They are the sort that can sideline a competitor for a considerable length of time. Also, football players, who have the most wounds, can have consistently, as happened to the child of Terry O’Neil, author of Practice Like Pros, a gathering that spotlights on making the game more secure for youthful players.
O’Neil’s child had six significant wounds as a quarterback in secondary school вђ" two blackouts, three breaks on his passing hand and a torn knee ligament.
“He missed a large portion of the games in his secondary school career,␝ O’Neil said. “You stay there with your heart in your mouth as a parent viewing the games.␝
Other competitors languish over the remainder of their lives from wounds in university physical games. Janet M. Currie, an educator of financial matters and open undertakings at Princetonвђ™s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, says her dad, presently 80, has had an awful knee as far back as he played football in college.
“That’s 60 years with pain,␝ she said.
Many a larger number of individuals play sports in secondary school than in school, so hence alone there are more wounds in the more youthful gathering. Yet, secondary school competitors are additionally increasingly inclined to wounds, specialists stated, in light of the fact that they are not as gifted, they have less experienced mentors and they may not be physically mature.
More secondary school understudies play football than some other game, to some degree since groups frequently have 30 to 40 players or significantly more. There are around a million football players in secondary school, said Dr. Robert Cantu, an author of the Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center at Boston University and the therapeutic executive of the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. That number diminishes to 100,000 in school, he said.
“Even if the damage rate is comparable, on the grounds that 10 fold the number of children are playing in secondary school, the complete number of wounds is way higher and expensive,␝ Cantu said. “And kids on the secondary school level don␙t have great training, and a portion of these children ought to never be playing,␝ he added.
But what is significant about the Yale investigation is the emphasis on the financial expense of these genuine wounds, specialists said. As of now, the expense of football is burdening some private secondary schools, Cantu said.
Insurance for football players has turned out to be so costly, he stated, that вђњa number of schools have concluded this is a game they won't continue.вђќ
Kocher, who is additionally the partner executive of the games prescription division at Boston Childrenвђ™s Hospital, trusts that an attention on the expense of crash sports may prompt some genuine subsidizing for damage prevention.
“There is a great deal of lip administration about avoidance, yet very little money,␝ he said.
There likewise isn't a lot of cash for announcing wounds, Cantu stated, and what information exists can be difficult to gather for studies. The states command blackout announcing, he noted, yet don't give assets to it. The kind of information that Fair, the Yale teacher, accumulated is вђњthe best thatвђ™s out there, yet it isn't complete.вђќ
That, however, is very normal for wellbeing information, Currie said.
“One of the reasons why wellbeing exploration is so backward,␝ she stated, ␜is that it is exceptionally difficult to get the information for most wellbeing projects.␝
Fair said he and other employees at Yale could never permit their youngsters or grandkids to play physical games. In this way, he included, вђњdo we need our understudies to play?вђќ
But O’Neil said playing football had been such a great encounter for his child that he had no second thoughts, in spite of his son␙s injuries.
And that perspective, said Roger Noll, a games business analyst at Stanford, is the thing that pundits are facing. He said he appreciated Fairвђ™s paper and had sent it to Stanfordвђ™s athletic chief. Yet, Noll isn't hopeful that even unmistakable see damage rates and costs will have quite a bit of an impact, particularly in football, the most hazardous contact sport.
When he goes to Stanford football match-ups, he stated, something he notification is the TV generation individuals on the sideline strolling around with allegorical microphones.
“I’ve asked them for what valid reason they do that,␝ he said. “They are taking into account their crowd. The group of spectators needs to hear heads crack.␝
“Therein lies the problem,␝ Noll said. “The reason we are the place we are is a sort of bread and bazaars viewpoint to football.␝
“It’s a hard column to hoe,␝ he finished up, ␜but perhaps, perhaps, in the event that we continue doing the examination ␦␝
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maditationweb · 4 years
Law of Attraction and Homosexuality
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An email from a troubled young man asked, "Is Law of Attraction not working for me because I'm gay?" He went on to say that his life was "doomed no matter what" because of the "sinful" nature of his sexuality. He even mentioned that few of his gay and lesbian associates have successful relationships. My answer to him was that the law of attraction works the same for everyone and that he is only doomed for as long as his thoughts are dooming him abraham hicks meditation wellbeing .
This young man was, unintentionally of course, resisting the joyful life that is his birthright. He was creating an awful existence for himself. Why? Because he didn't know any better. Whole groups of people, not just homosexuals, respond to the negative messages of parents, teachers, religious leaders, and society by internalizing what they have been taught. In other words, the things that they've been told become their dominant thoughts (or beliefs). And the Law of Attraction will always send thoughts and circumstances that are a vibrational match to your beliefs.
At a workshop in 1999, Abraham Hicks said "there is nothing that you can do that is worse for yourself, than to do something that you believe is inappropriate. And so, get clear and happy about whichever choice you make because it is your contradiction that causes the majority of the contradiction in vibration." This statement couldn't be more perfect.
If you spend decades listening as people that you love or respect tell you that you are bad, evil, wrong, and on a path to hell, you may begin to feel that you are bad, evil, wrong, and on a path to hell. And when you begin to believe such things, you'll experience quite a hellish existence on this Earth. Harboring negative beliefs about yourself is damaging to you and to anyone who gets involved in a relationship with you.
With this understanding, it is clear why the letter-writer notices so many unhappy gay and lesbian relationships. People who believe that their sexuality is "sinful" and their relationships are wrong will have a very hard time creating a stable, joyful bond with their partner. The law of attraction works in such a way that you experience exactly what you allow yourself to believe.
I'd like to offer a few words of advice to gays, lesbians, and anyone else who is struggling with living outside of the expectations of others.
Come to terms with who you are. When you learn that you are a magnificent Being whose existence is important to the expansion of this great Universe, you will stop being affected by what others say or think of you. When you realize that you are a powerful creator whose every thought is creating life experience, you will cease to doubt yourself in response to those who condemn you. When you learn to love yourself as Source (or God) loves you, you will benefit from the positive energy that flows within rather than withering from the negative words of those who don't understand you.
Consider a new belief system. Although you may have been taught under a certain religious modality, you are free to choose what you will believe. If you can't bring yourself to break the family religious tradition, at least learn to benefit from the positive parts of that faith while leaving the negative, fire and brimstone teachings for those who want to attract such monstrosities in their lives. Your parents, teachers, pastors, and priests are mostly well-intentioned, but they cannot properly make choices for you. You are born with an innate sense of your own truth. And if honoring what you feel to be true for you does not line up with the belief system under which you've been taught, you have a decision to make. Will you follow your Inner Guidance toward what is right for you? Or will you do what is right for others by following their teachings even if it leads you to think so poorly of yourself that you repeatedly attract negative life experiences? The choice is yours, so choose wisely.
Practice awareness. Be conscious of your Inner Being. You were born with the only tool that you'll ever need for a successful life-your Inner Being. Living without conscious awareness of this powerful inner guidance is a handicap that afflicts most people who have been taught to get their guidance from others. Whether or not you are aware of it, this spiritual you IS the larger part of who you are. And the larger part of who you are will always do two things: call you toward a joyful life and let you know when you are on track. The problems come when you ignore your Inner Being in favor of what you hear, see, and learn in your physical world. Your emotions are your evidence of how much you are in (or out of) alignment with your Inner Being, how you are vibrating, and what the law of attraction is bringing to you. You will enjoy positive emotion when you align with your Inner Being and the Law of Attraction will respond with manifestations of your desires. When your thoughts and actions are out of alignment with that spiritual part of you, you will feel negative emotion. And as you offer that low vibration of unhappiness or misery, you will attract undesirable circumstances that breed even more misery. In order to tell the difference between the "voice" of your Inner Being and the subconscious trash that you've accumulated over your lifetime, start a spiritual growth journey. It will take some practice to become accustomed to noticing the spiritual part of yourself if you've spent your life only observing what can be detected with your physical senses, but simple practices like meditation are a great start. Begin by dedicating a few minutes each day to developing your sixth sense. Calm down! That doesn't mean you should see "dead" people. But it does mean that you should become aware of the fact that there is much more to you than this physical body. As you become more and more aware of who you really are, you will stop looking for answers outside of yourself.
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operonstrategist98 · 4 years
Effective phases of Medical Device Development
Medical Device Development :
High-risk medical devices are not easy to launch as of layers of regulations. The main purpose of launching a medical device is to ultimately profit others while keeping the end-user and patient safety with less risk involved.
Medical device professionals can assist explain regulations that are usually lawyers as of the immense amount of the involvement of legislation.
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The medical device development 5 stages have become widely popular as well as complex in the coming years.  Inflexible regulatory needs and the ever-rising importance of repayment decisions for a successful device need careful strategy setting and planning, consistent medical device development process as well as coordinated decisions. The model design and it’s application often captured with standard operating procedures and development designs have become the more determinant reason behind every successful device,  while so many other models may exist in the medical device industry without any comprehensive model development published. This device model reviews old model presentations and represents a comprehensive model that contains all aspects of medical device development as well as commercialization.
The stage-gate process consists of 5 major stages: Below image specifies all the stages
While in so many ways to medical device product  development, All the medical product development have work by some unique challenges, including:
Variations in complication- Almost all medical devices have so many constituent parts, including software, hardware as well as medicine components.
Very different purposes- all drugs are almost therapeutic, while some devices might be monitoring, surgical, supportive, diagnostic, therapeutic, etc.  Rules and regulations regarding device development must tailor to and be accountable for all these possibilities.
Much longer Timelines- There are some drugs that do have long-term effects and from them mostly metabolized by the body steadily. Implanted medical devices might undergo dynamic changes in safety and function over the decades.
Above mentioned actors have a great impact on the high-risk medical device development loop, which can be split down into five basic categories. The output of each state has a straight impact on subsequent ones. Furthermore, less than optimal outputs might lead to few backtracking to the first step in place of complete abandoning the project.
1- Initiation
The first and basic stage of medical product development is its discovery.  Thinking about market strategy and funding.  Mostly each market comes with its own challenges and regulation.  If you are making a new product, file for a patient. Do you require clinical trials for your device or are there similar products available already in the market. The foundation of any project is QMS. ISO 13485 is standard mostly used internationally for the purpose of medical services. QMS includes forms, procedures and templates that assist you to control all the activity in the company itself.
2- Preclinical research
Amid this stage, you will have a working device which demonstrates your thought. Notwithstanding a working device, you will require a market position and monetarily attainable and suitable item.
Think about the customer requirement and risk prior to this stage. Because at this stage listening to the customer’s voice is important and take their feedback.  Make the use of customer surveys and feedback with the help of competitor analytics as well as market research to assist design your product.
At this stage, a device experiences prototyping not yet for human utilize. These models are then tried in controlled lab settings utilizing as a part of Vitro and in vivo techniques. From these tests, primer information with respect to the device’s wellbeing and viability are accumulated. With regards to medicinal devices, this stage is generally centred around the assessment of wellbeing and biocompatibility. For instance, commonplace measures incorporate hereditary and regenerative toxicology screens that search for conceivable cancer-causing nature or unintended effects on contraceptive wellbeing.
3- Clinical Research
Presently your device is starting to come to fruition, you have a model, you have done a few preliminaries however you haven’t generally put the plan through hell, you are going to go into approval and check of your device and demonstrate that it will truly withstand every one of the weights of this present reality. Ensure you recognize what your acknowledgement criteria are for each test. Thoroughly consider this.
A decent method for doing this is by setting up a framework, called an outline to follow lattice which will guarantee you have not forgotten about your client prerequisites. You should make an interpretation of this into building necessities i.e in what capacity will you really influence the client prerequisite to happen, what method of testing to check and approve, what forms do you require, what test hardware will you require? Have you begun to consider an assembling and quality arrangement? Or then again will you outsource this?
You should get into your Risk administration at this stage. Get out all the potential disappointments of what can turn out badly because of the awful outline, poor process or awful assembling, client disappointments by predictable abuse. What measures will you set up to control the damages from these disappointments? Is it accurate to say that we are taking a gander at hurts that can prompt demise? Or then again would we say we are taking a gander at bothering to the client? Mental damage? Be sensible and thoroughly consider this.
I can’t accentuation doing this altogether enough, as your device won’t make it showcase if the device apparently is a hazard to understanding well-being. Keep in mind the awful news toward the beginning of this article? The controls are set up to build quiet well-being and limit chance.
Guarantee you know the administrative prerequisites of the item and the administrative necessities of the nation/locale you are going to offer in. The necessities in the US vary to those in Europe despite the fact that there is an extremely solid cover, the entries procedure is unique. Your statistical surveying ought to have figured out which area you wish to dispatch your item in first, so centre.
In the event that you had decided before that you required Clinical preliminaries for your item, you should start your Clinical arrangement and utilize the item for the preliminaries from your plan solidify through real use in a clinical situation. Additionally take a look at what outside endorsements you will require, for example, an Ethics Committee.
Post-approval thinks about proceed after a device has been discharged to the general population. They assess long haul security and viability information. For devices like lasting prosthetic inserts, the discoveries of these investigations are the most clinically valuable however may take a very long time to accumulate.
Amid the clinical research organize, it’s vital to decide if any unfavourable occasions that happen amid a clinical preliminary could be ascribed to the device being tried. For administrative purposes, these are called genuine unfavourable device impacts. All device lacks ought to be accounted for in the proper administrative body.
4- Regulatory view
Now you are just about to reach on the final stage, it’s time to begin planning about branding and marketing now, however, be careful what you include in your marketing literature, it should be backed by evidence.
Data created and compiled at the time of the clinical research stage is shown to the best regulatory authority. Then from there, the device is either get approval or send to market or get denied approval. In latter conditions, creators of the devices might go back to the earlier stages to create a more robust app for the resubmission.
We must be collecting all the data now, All the verification and validation of our products should have qualified! So we should be collecting all our claim of testing- electrical safety, biocompatibility etc.
Perform all the testing, stability, trial as it is often seen that companies get to this level to only know they don’t complete all the checking and testing as they didn’t have an idea about regulatory needs for the product. Do not skip the test stage.
Now you have to complete your technical document. Collecting together a file containing all the evidence needed to put in the open front of a competent authority which will audit your file for checking the completeness against their assumption.
Post-Marketing Surveillance
As long as the device is in use, it’s development could never get over. In this Post-marketing monitoring is considered as a long extension of clinical research. At this time, developers of the devices supervise constant monitoring as well as data collection after a device has been launched to the public. Such data might be utilized  to guide all clinical decisions and the development of the future medical device
Once the product introduced to market keep tabs on a review records and quality auditing system against user feedback.
For a Quality product:
Follow your QMS
Do not cut the corners during production
Make changes as per your change control system
Follow your complaints system and customer’s feedback
Update tech documents as needed
Constantly improve your design, product, process, and controls.
Creating a medical device is solving daily health issues and financially rewarding. Influencing a medical device can be both fiscally fulfilling and solve complex everyday medical issues. In no way, shape or form should the procedure be surged as the specialists will be careful about cautiousness, following regulations and observations to norms as vital.
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spiritcc · 7 years
The Hound of the Baskervilles: director’s script
I’ll try to compress both episodes into one post and that will be big. 
Alrighty so this is the wildest script out of the entire bunch, in my opinion, mostly because of one thing in the end. Many changes from the final cut, many additions, closer to the book than it turned out to be in the end. A lot of stuff. 
So we’re only the third movie in and the script already hurries to point out that everyone is old.
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Mister Sherlock Holmes was having breakfast at the table. Hundreds of solved cases marked new wrinkles on his manly face, brows became darker, and temples - lighter. 
Doctor Watson was standing at the fireplace twirling a some sort of cane in his hands. The time left its marks on his as well: his hair got thinner and forehead became higher, moustache...
I’m not sure if Maslennikov had a some sort of weird appreciation for Livanov’s features with all those manly faces and all, but eyebrows getting darker? What kind of an observation is that? Was his first thought upon meeting with Livanov again “MAN those brows!!! Dat going into the script boi!!!”? It’s always the weirdest details.
By the general descriptions of everything and everybody it’s pretty clear that the script was written before the casting, since every character looks like they do in canon. Pretty jarring to read about blonde Stapleton and look at the picture of Yankovsky above the text. 
Speaking of Yankovsky.
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Sir Hugo Baskerville, a knight of the age of thirty, was standing on a table topless, trying to organise a choir...  
They wanted Yankovsky to dance on a table without pants on, alright. Yeah, they later specify that he takes his trousers off after this scene, so yeah, that might’ve been...an interesting scene. I like how they keep referring to him as knight, like from all the things in the world, I don’t think this guy is worth the courtesy. 
When was the original case set season-wise? It was summer in the script, the murder happened in June and Mortimer talked about dog footprints on the grass. It turned into January and snow in the final cut, which is more fitting cause what kind of shitty grass would that have been if there are clear footprints on it.
Now, when they said a lot of stuff between sir Henry and Barrymore was improvised, they meant no joke. Of course before Mikhalkov burst in, Henry was a pretty canon-looking bud. No alcohol tiny joke plot ever took place, Barrymore was even compassionate to a degree about everything. No infamous porridge and “oatmeal, sir”, which you should be pretty familiar with if you’re yodeling around this blog. None of that, just plain canon all around. Whether that was a good or a bad change is up to your own judgement. 
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At one moment he thought he saw...
...a woman wondering around the swamp. Her thin silhouette in a light dress blinked behind the sickly trees and disappeared...
...a short thin blond man of 35-40, with a clean shaven bland face. 
Definitely Yankovsky right there. 
Watson managed to kinda annoy me slightly in this script, surprisingly, he kept being a dick for no reason to anyone who asked about his investigation even faintly, remained grumpy for no reason, everything for no reason. Why? There have been moments in the final cut, but they’re not as in your face as here. 
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...Doctor Watson stood in front of sir Henry Baskerville in his bedroom and helped the ex-Canadian to do a tie in an English manner.
“Where are your tie pins?”
“In this box...”, sir Henry opened it and started picking a pin, “Listen, Doctor, if her name is Beryl, maybe I’d stick a beryllium pin on?”
“Vulgar!...”, Watson throwned.
“You’d have to notice the pin first.”
“Vulgar for your inner wellbeing”, Watson explained coldly, “For a gentleman’s wellbeing! Here’s your smoking, time to go down to the table...”
Henry: beryllium for beryl how bout tha-
Watson: ew. ew ew ew. what the fuck. what the fuck of a pun is that. disgusting. appalling. here, take your big boy pimp suit and fuck off. 
I was glad to know there were some extended Watson/Henry dudebro scenes originally. 
Interestingly enough, Watson was supposed to remain relatively sober after that dinner, which was obviously not the case in the final version. Quality changes, man, quality changes.  
Also a case of a needed change, Mrs. Barrymore and everything about her character. She was supposed to be canon, but Kryuchkova’s husband (Vexler, the lead cameraman of the series) was already in the hospital recovering from a heart attack, and she was pregnant, and her script was nothing but tears and drama. So she decided to fuck this all and play her role with a smile, and the irl Mikhalkov/Adabashyan dudebro tandem helped. 
Also about line distribution, here’s a picture of Mrs. Barrymore speaking to Watson about the letter, accompanied by the text where Mr. Barrymore speaks to Watson about the letter.
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She found it in the end, so why not give the text to her then. 
This script loves to call itself out, here’s the text of Henry and Watson discussing Stapleton’s fit, under a picture of Henry from the final cut expressing his angsty teen self on a horse.
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That’s kinda even surprising to an extent that an adaptation that had so many changes from the canon in the end is still considered very faithful to the text. 
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While listening to Frankland, Watson was constantly looking for a free chair to sit on, and never found one in the end. 
The real tragedy. 
The iconic “Love, Watson...” moment is nowhere to be seen in the script either, I’m starting to get really amazed. Who comes up with this then, who improvises this on the set? Who’d thought to insert a four second long scene of Livanov explaining love like he’s the creator of this universe? Honestly, this is fascinating.
By the way, a good story for me personally: Cartwright the most unfortunate boy of the series got to arrive home after all. Of course they had to cut it. We’ve no idea where he went. Maybe he’s still wondering around the swamp, keeping the hound legend alive. Who knows, certainly not the final cut.  
Double by the way, this script had a rather vivid imagination about special effects in the USSR. 
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Yes! It was a dog, giant, pitch black. But no mortal has ever seen a dog of such kind. Flames were firing from its mouth, sparks flied in its eyes, sparkling fire was playing on its face and nape.
There was a whole story of delusional Maslennikov vs. actual SFX and canine experts on the set, which ended up with Maslennikov shooting an arrow up his ass or something along the lines, but yeah, definitely not happening, this setup. Let’s set a dog on fire lol k art 👊👊 sherlock holmes adaptation🎩 special effects 😱😱 baskerville hound 💀top quality 👌 (c) Maslennikov circa 1980s.
When a second flashback flashed and Hugo took his pants off, apparently the script says that his girl just fainted in the end. Yes, just fainted, and the guy was killed by the dog. Like pantsless “knight” Hugo was just checking out his bud who had a scar on her upper lip lying on the ground when the dog attacked. I dunno, the streaks of ketchup in the final cut suggest things did not end well for neither of them, but oh well. 
Apparently Holmes vs. Stapleton chasing scene was nowhere in existence, but instead we’d have to watch an unnecessarily graphic scene of Stapleton drowning.
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 A soul tearing, dying cry from the depths of the night swamp interrupted the words of Mrs. Stapleton...
...Stapleton was drowning in the swamp. He was drowning slowly, twitching with his entire body, trying to grab the weak bushes of swamp grass. The more he fought for his life, the deeper the thick liquid was sucking him in. Bits of white fog were consuming him just as stubbornly as the swamp abyss.
Stapleton screamed loudly and beastly, and that’s why his face appeared to have the last final resemblance to his feral predecessor - Hugo Baskerville... 
well, at least the final directions are kinda cool, history repeating itself or something, more like dna is a bitch please don’t breed. 
By the way, even there in the script the dog was most definitely shot by Lestrade. I’m still fascinated by this decision, especially now when I know that this always was the original intention. 
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“Precise shots of Inspector Lestrade in Devonshire”, she read out the big heading, “Is that true, Mr. Holmes?”
“Pure truth, Mrs. Hudson.”
“Is that true, Doctor Watson?”
“Sadly, yes!”
“Why “sadly”? “Times” always claims that this is the best Inspector of Scotland Yard”, the granny said with conviction.
Ah yes, the Mrs. Hudson’s crush plot. Also, Watson, fuck off and be jealous somewhere else, you couldn’t even, like, handle a pun. 
And just as the movie is about to hit the final credits, a completely unexpected turn follows. You’ve read this rather weird paragraph about Watson seeing a woman wondering around the swamps, right? Well, no wonder there, that’s Beryl, like who else would that be. Indeed, after a second hallucination like that it was her who emerged in the next scene. Then they go to Stapletons, Watson looks out the window and...sees a woman wondering round the swamps. My weirded out scare didn’t last long, that’s probably Laura Lyons? Who else might it be now, I guess it was a some sort of early exposition, why not. 
Several of those incidents come and go, it’s the climax, Beryl is safely strapped in a basement, Lyons is chilling home, Stapleton is about to drown, Holmes tries to chase him and...sees a figure of a woman wondering round the swamps in the distance. 
I tell ya this was the first actual legitimate scare I got after reading this, all this time it had a some sort of explanation, but not now, not in a situation like this. Then the flashback follows with that gal described having a scar on her upper lip, a weird detail to point out, but who am I to judge there’s a guy with no pants on. 
So literally the final minute of the movie, and it goes like:
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“The fact that Stapleton stole sir Henry’s old shoe”, Doctor Watson remarked, “is a perfect evidence that we had to deal with a real dog, not with some mystic force.”
“Perhaps, yes”, Holmes replied, deep in thought.
Narrowing his eyes, the famous detective looked at the flame burning in the fireplace.
He saw a strange face of a woman - pale and mysterious, with a scar on her upper lip. The face turned away from Holmes and started disappearing in the white fog...
“Although, I don’t know, my dear Watson, I don’t know...”
They had a ghost of Hugo’s chick wondering around the place for the entire movie
Jesus man, that is so creepy when I finally realised what was going on, they had a literal ghost, even like 0.3 seconds before the final credits?? A story about some mystical evil forces being proven bullshit accompanied by ghosts and Holmes hallucinating a victim long dead even back home at safe Baker Street. “I don’t know”, jesus christ what the hell and everyone kept seeing this on the swamps and she was everywhere jesus fuck 
Like what was I supposed to assume until the end, when it comes to the Hound you expect anything but this sort of shit to occur. A ghost, man. A literal ghost. Don’t tell me this isn’t the wildest script of them all. 
So here we go, the Hound of the Baskervilles. Pretty dark undertones it had, I suppose. Helps to sleep at night. 
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trr-mason · 4 years
Rhetorical Analysis
Vaping is an Epidemic
The video “Vaping is an Epidemic” is 30 seconds of pure rhetoric to review and be touched by. It was made by a foundation, The Real Cost, made to help others overcome and prevent the addiction to tobacco. From the dramatic audio to the compelling video there are so many points to see that are built to persuade against vaping. It has several attributes from each of the 4 styles of rhetoric. It is targeted towards both adults to fix the problem for their children but also toward the children to warn and scare them away from starting the addiction of vaping.
             With the view of the audience in mind the pathos of this video becomes very plain. The video has striking shots of children being infected and then effected by a “new disease”, which is vaping. These shots of children allow this to become a more personal as those children are in places that any child could be in, a child, a brother, a sister, even a friend. This feeling of “this can happen to anyone, including those I love”, is a tool that deepens the meaning of the rest of the video and increases the ability for pathos to take effect. As the meaning is deepened it allows the message to take root as it speaks of the irreversible risks of brain and lung damage.  I find it effective to use disease as an analogy because for many that can bring memories and emotions of when people they knew had similar issues.
             A direction that may have made the pathos more powerful would be to follow a single child through the journey of infection, to a visual outward effect. Because of the way the video is presented it does leave a sense of childish fear because it does it in such a dramatic context that it seems to be an almost fictional thing infecting the general population. Because of this contrast of both real intensity and an almost make-believe enemy you get a confusion of whether or not to be genuinely concerned. In terms of convincing power, the video does still fulfill the need for a sense of pathos.
             This video also comes together as the logos builds on that pathos as it uses facts to intensify the it. These facts hold a huge convincing power themselves, bringing in the real facts and effects of vaping to give you an objective view of why it’s such a negative decision for you and your life. It lists the horrible substances that go into your system and then states what research has found to be each the side effects that go along with the addiction.
           In just a short video The Real Cost, was able to put so much information it seems that right after the powerful logos, this was the second focus for the video. In taking a specific view on how convincing the information presented is, the viewpoint must be examined, and it must be determined if it has enough evidence to sway the argument in favor of the anti-vaping agenda. It starts with the one of the arguments that most induces fear is that it can physically change your brain, which gives the video immediate power. Then it lists the details of each of the continuing on-going effects from chemicals entering into the bloodstream and lung damage. With the negative effects having apparent long- and short-term effects —with no positive effects in sight— it becomes very convincing because there isn’t really a counter argument for it other than from those who have already “Caught the Disease”.
             The Kairos of the video being about an epidemic is also very powerful right now. It may not have been at the time of the videos release but if they were to now rerelease it, it would be perfect. The video is focused on an epidemic and as the world is being put into a quarantine because of the epidemic. They recently put this video back into circulation and have changed their home page to be centered around the video, spreading the message that vaping really is an epidemic. Simply from the standpoint of Kairos this is a huge boost to the rhetoric power in the video. People are stuck in their homes, being scared to go outside for food right now and vaping, the very thing their trying to attack is an on going epidemic that is hurting so many people and it is a voluntary to receive it.
             Another reason the Kairos of this video is so relevant right now are the reasons it is so dangerous in the first place. Right now, the virus that is affecting the world is spread through the air and is causing troubles with the respiratory system and those with pre- existing conditions are at high risk for catch the disease and dying from it. The long-term long problems and destructive chemicals spoken of in the video are among the causes of these pre-existing conditions. Because of all of these things that are going on the Kairos of this video (maybe wasn’t great at the time) but is now full of power.
The Ethos of the video is really where I feel the video comes in lacking. It doesn’t really give an appeal any form of authority, it states that its information comes from “researchers”, but it doesn’t really give a full source. The video also really doesn’t use anyone else as something to lean on. The only stretch that they seem to make is in the audio the way that it is presented it leans on the old public announcer and alarms bringing up the appearance of being official and real.
           In order to create more of a sense of ethos throughout the video the creator could have employed several different methods. The one that I think would have been most simple is listing a specific place or organization for their source in the video rather than just saying that it came from “researchers”. In doing further research they have so many resources that the publishers of this video have on their website are extensive with over 20 sources and studies to back up the claims in the video and more that have come since its postings. Something else that could have largely helped their standings among those who respond best from ethos would be to have the one giving the voice over role to someone who is recognizable and trusted from a famous sports player, a beloved actor, but most convincing a world renowned  scientist/ doctor. With this sense of familiarity it would have a much more personal effect on the viewers, seeing that not only does this big corporation want to stop them from vaping but someone they may look up to(or at least have a chance to respect) has a genuine concern for their wellbeing.
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abrahambyneni · 5 years
What happens if you discover you have cancer right away?
In the course of the most recent quite a few years, the endurance rate for most sorts of bosom malignant growth have expanded because of before location, new focused on treatments, and mix treatment modalities. As we've talked about before at Oncobites, malignancy is anything but a solitary malady. Things being what they are, numerous unmistakable subtypes exist even inside the classification of "bosom malignant growth".
The most well-known subtype of bosom malignant growth is driven by the hormone estrogen and the outflow of the estrogen receptor (these are regularly alluded to as estrogen receptor positive, or ER+). For estrogen-driven bosom malignancies, the recommended treatment may incorporate medications to square estrogen motioning to the disease cells (hormone treatment) with or without chemotherapy. While chemotherapies are answerable for dragging out the lives of numerous malignant growth patients, they are likewise liable for some disagreeable symptoms.
Chemotherapy works by focusing on quickly partitioning cells and executing those cells by harming their DNA or hindering the phone forms that phones use to fix harmed DNA. Malignancy cells are commonly quickly isolating, so they are specially focused by chemo, however so are typical, solid, quickly partitioning cells like creating platelets, the cells that line within your mouth and gut and broadly, hair follicles. While balding is the most obvious reaction of chemotherapy, different impacts of chemo on solid cells can prompt queasiness, weariness, frailty, intellectual changes, and different side effects that fundamentally decline patients' personal satisfaction. Despite the fact that a large number of these reactions are present moment, chemo can likewise cause long haul harm to organs like the heart and kidneys and, once in a while, can even add to the improvement of auxiliary malignant growths.
Chemotherapy has clear advantages in the treatment of malignancy yet in addition has evident dangers so it ought to be utilized just when suitable. So how do specialists know what patients are suitable to treat with chemo? Over the most recent 15 years, doctors have had the option to bridle propels in DNA sequencing innovation (and an abatement in the expense of sequencing) to distinguish significant changes in tumors. There are presently numerous tests that specialists can use to tell whether their patients' tumors have transformations in a board of prognostic qualities.
Utilizing these tests, specialists can stratify patients into one of three hazard classes by the likelihood that their estrogen-driven bosom malignant growth will advance or return subsequent to being dealt with. Following quite a while of examining these patient populaces and their reaction to treatment, specialists have verified that okay patients just should be treated with hormone treatment, though high-hazard patients improve when treated with hormone treatment and chemotherapy. In any case, the best treatment for mid-hazard patients has since quite a while ago stayed a riddle. On the off chance that mid-hazard tumors act progressively like high-chance tumors, at that point these patients ought to be treated with both chemotherapy and hormone treatment. In any case, if these tumors are progressively similar to okay tumors, treating these patients with chemotherapy means presenting them to pointless symptoms. So what is the best strategy for patients with center hazard tumors?
To address this inquiry, an enormous, planned clinical preliminary of ladies with ER+ bosom disease randomized 6,711 center hazard patients to get either hormone treatment or hormone treatment in addition to chemotherapy (the low and high-chance patients in the accomplice were treated with hormone treatment or hormone treatment in addition to chemo, separately). These patients were then pursued for a normal of 7.5 years. The creators found that for the midrange hazard bunch there was no contrast between those that got just hormone treatment and those that got both chemo + hormone treatment for every deliberate endpoint. In clinical preliminaries, endpoints are the deliberate results for understanding wellbeing and infection movement. In this examination, the creators estimated infection free endurance, sickness repeat, event of a second essential malignancy, and generally speaking endurance and found no distinctions in these measures for the mid-chance gatherings treated with hormone treatment alone or with the expansion of chemo.
So I'm not catching this' meaning for patients? The aftereffects of this examination propose that for these particular gatherings, ladies with ER+ bosom tumors are resolved to be of low or middle of the road chance, the most well-known subgroups of bosom malignant growth, hormone treatment alone works similarly just as hormone treatment in blend with chemotherapy. Wiping out pointless chemotherapy for the mid-chance gathering could have significant repercussions for expanding the personal satisfaction for these patients, just as diminishing expenses to the human services framework.
Ref: Adjuvant therapy services - Plexusnx
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Upcoming conferences, talks, campaigns and events
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/upcoming-conferences-talks-campaigns-and-events/
Upcoming conferences, talks, campaigns and events
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1) Tallaght University Medical center has a series of approaching public wellbeing talks, covering subject areas these as brain wellbeing, managing bronchial asthma, caring for the carer, diabetes and menopause, in affiliation with the TUH Affected individual Local community Advisory Council. The talks are totally free to go to and are open to all associates of the public. Forthcoming talks contain: Mon, Sep sixteenth – Mind Overall health. Speakers: Prof Sean Kennelly, Expert Geriatrician and Joshi Dookhy, State-of-the-art Nurse Practitioner candidate in Memory Evaluation & Assist. Trustus Day Centre, New Seskin Court docket, Whitestown Way, Tallaght, 11am. Tue, Sep 17th – Taking care of Bronchial asthma. Speaker: Prof Stephen Lane, Expert Respiratory Health practitioner. Tallaght Library, 11.30am. Wed, Sep 18th – Mental Overall health & caring for the carer. Prof Brendan Kelly, Expert Psychiatrist. Tallaght Library, 6pm. For whole timetable and additional details, see tuh.ie
2) To celebrate its 21st anniversary, Europa Donna Ireland, The Irish Breast Cancer Campaign, is holding an details night on Tuesday, September 17th at 7pm in the Trinity Metropolis Resort, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. Prof Liam Gallagher, director of the UCD Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Study, UCD, and director of the Irish Cancer Modern society Collaborative Cancer Study Centre BREAST-Predict, will communicate on 21 many years of progress in breast most cancers: in Ireland and beyond. No entry price and all are welcome. For additional information, call [email protected]
three) Purple Home Cancer Assist Centre will be functioning the 6-7 days Stanford Cancer Flourishing and Surviving Programme – starting off on Tuesday, September 17th (6.30pm-9pm). This is a self-management programme for most cancers survivors with the goal of increasing high quality of existence to far better handle every day wellbeing. The subject areas on the system in Bray, Co Wicklow contain: Techniques to deal with challenges these as annoyance, exhaustion, discomfort & isolation & inadequate snooze Living with uncertainty Exercise routines for protecting & increasing toughness, overall flexibility & stamina Making selections about treatment method and complimentary therapies Speaking correctly with relatives, mates, & wellbeing industry experts and Nourishment & healthy taking in. To sign up, call Purple Home on (01) 286 6966 or electronic mail [email protected].
4) As part of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) MyHealth Lecture series, a discussion on ‘Cannabis and Youth Overall health – The Evidence’ will be held on Wednesday, September 18th from 6.30pm-8pm at Desmond Auditorium, RCSI York Street, Dublin 2. The speakers and panellists contain: Alex Berenson (creator of Notify Your Kids: The Real truth about Cannabis, Mental Disease, and Violence), Prof Mary Cannon, Prof Norman Delanty, Dr Garrett McGovern, Prof Susan Smith. Chair: Miriam O’Callaghan. This is a public lecture. To sign up (or to stick to the livestream), see rcsi.com
five) Ireland’s Most significant Coffee Morning for Hospice Alongside one another with Bewley’s is the yearly fundraiser for hospice and property treatment products and services nationwide and takes area this calendar year on Thursday, September 19th. You pick out which hospice and homecare group you want to support and request your attendees to donate what they can. For additional details, see hospicecoffeemorning.ie, electronic mail [email protected] or get in touch with 1890 998 995.
6) The Digital Hub, St James’s Medical center and the Mercer’s Institute for Prosperous Ageing (MISA) are hosting the Artificial Intelligence in Health care Technological know-how 2019 conference on Friday, September 20th from 9am to 4.30pm. Supposed for clinicians, healthcare industry experts, engineers and scientists, the party is developed to deliver the non AI qualified with a fundamental being familiar with of AI principles and a road map to the application of AI in healthcare. The party – at Mercer’s Institute for Prosperous Ageing, St James’s Medical center, Dublin eight – will commence with an introduction from Lorcan Birthistle, CEO at St James’s. Tickets (€40) offered at eventbrite.ie.
seven) Challenge 21, a 21km walk/jog/run, will acquire area on Saturday, September 14th in Monaghan (Sliabh Beagh, Knockatallon) and on Sunday, September 15th in Dublin (Booterstown to Howth) and Portlaoise (Togher Woods) to raise funds for the Down Syndrome Centre. For additional details, or to purchase tickets (€10-€21), go to eventbrite.ie or electronic mail [email protected]
eight) Croí, the coronary heart ailment and stroke charity, is urging patients to know and appear out for the indicators of Coronary heart Valve Condition and request their GP for aid, in a campaign launching on Monday, September sixteenth, marking European Coronary heart Valve Condition Recognition 7 days. Signs and symptoms these as breathlessness, dizziness, inflammation of arms or toes and exhaustion are occasionally mistaken to be previous age when in reality they are indicators of Coronary heart Valve Condition (HVD).
nine) The first yearly Aware Living and Working Meeting will acquire area on Friday, September 20th at the Law Modern society of Ireland at Blackhall Location, Dublin seven from 10am-4.30pm. The goal of the conference is to aid make equilibrium concerning wellness, get the job done and the natural environment, with subject areas covered including wellness programmes at get the job done. For more details and tickets, see eventbrite.
10) Mothers and fathers, healthcare companies and educators will arrive jointly on Sunday, September 22nd, at the yearly Cork Autism Meeting, “Autism: No Restrictions, Just Possibilities”, at the Clayton Silversprings Resort, Tivoli, Cork. Aspects and registration at autismcork.ie or get in touch with 089 239 8900.
11) ARC Cancer Assist Centres, which presents support to persons with most cancers and their cherished ones from its drop-in centres across Dublin, is organising a talk on “Returning to Operate soon after Cancer” at its centre at sixty five Eccles Street, on Tuesday, September 24th, from five.30pm to seven.30pm. The talk is open to all all those who have been identified with most cancers, as nicely as to employers wishing to support their staff in obtaining back again to the planet of get the job done. To reserve a totally free area, or for more details, call Amy on 01 215 0250 or electronic mail [email protected]
12) The 19th European Congress of Neurosurgery, from September 24th-twenty eighth, will be held at Convention Centre Dublin. The European Affiliation of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) is an impartial federation of European countrywide neurosurgical societies and an affiliation of person neurosurgeons from all over the planet. About 1,700 individuals are anticipated at the yearly congress. For additional details, tickets and charges, see eans2019.com
13) The Trinity Translational Medication Institute are hosting the Trinity St James’s Cancer Institute eleventh Intercontinental Cancer Meeting ‘Advances and Foreseeable future Directions in Personalised Medicine’ on September 24th-25th. The conference – at the Trinity Translational Medication Institute, Trinity Centre for Overall health Sciences, St James’s Medical center – is meant for wellbeing industry experts, most cancers clinicians and clinical scientists, scientists doing the job in most cancers and write-up-doctoral researchers in medicine and science. Tickets €50-€200. For additional information and to sign up, see ti.to/tcdAlumni/eleventh-tcd-international-most cancers-conference-2019
14) Mates of Breastfeeding Awards Gala & tenth Anniversary Celebration takes area at Clontarf Castle Resort in Dublin on Saturday, October fifth. The award catagories deal with famous people, healthcare industry experts, breastfeeding mums, breastfeeding support volunteers, organizations, and journalists. Tickets from Eventbrite.
15) The Yearly Medical Occupations Day takes area Saturday, October fifth at Dublin’s Aviva Stadium. The party is a joint initiative concerning the Overall health Company Executive, The Forum of Irish Postgraduate Medical Instruction Bodies and the Irish Medical Council. The totally free party functions vocation setting up seminars, presentation, workshops, vocation clinics and details stands for every single postgraduate coaching body. Attendees will study about coaching programmes offered and have the possibility to communicate with senior trainees and consultants to locate out what existence is like doing the job in the distinct specialties. Register at medcareers2019.eventbrite.ie
16) Now in its ninth calendar year, the yearly Terrific Pink Run with Glanbia – which raises funds to support Breast Cancer Ireland’s analysis and consciousness programmes – takes area in 3 cities this calendar year, with an overseas location that includes for the first time. The 2019 series will commence on Saturday, October fifth in Chicago’s Diversey Harbour, just before transferring to the Phoenix Park, Dublin on Saturday, October 19th and then Kilkenny Castle Park the following day (Sunday, October 20th). More than 35,000 females, males and little ones have crossed the finish-line in Ireland due to the fact the party began in 2011. Entry price for the 5km/10km walk, jog or run is €5-€25. For additional information and to sign up, see greatpinkrun.ie
seventeen) The inaugural St Kevin’s Way 25km Challenge will acquire area on Sunday, October sixth, with the goal of raising €50,000 for children’s charity Barretstown. The walking route is as a result of the scenic hills and various landscapes of Wicklow, with individuals welcome to enter separately or as part of a team of four. Registration on the day will be held in The Brockagh Centre, Laragh. The registration price is €50 for an person or €175 for a team of four. All all those collaborating are questioned to raise an added €100 for donation to Barretstown. For additional information, go to barretstown.org/gatherings/st-kevins-way-problem or call Donna at (045) 864 115 or [email protected].
18) To mark Environment Mental Overall health Day on October tenth, Conscious is to host a countrywide conference on the “Future of Depression & Bipolar Disorder” in University College Dublin on Saturday, October twelfth from nine.30am. Among the speakers on the day will be consultant in liaison and perinatal psychiatry, Prof John Sheehan, who will tackle the subject of managing depression and bipolar condition in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Scientific psychotherapist Dr Joanna Fortune will appear at the impression a parent’s mental wellbeing can have on little ones and adolescents, and consultant psychiatrist Dr Declan Lyons will target on the older technology and why clinicians battle to diagnose late-existence depression. The conference takes area in the O’Reilly Corridor, UCD. For additional details, see awareconference.com
19) The Pigsback 5k/10k Run in assist of the Marie Keating Foundation takes area on October 13th at the Dublin’s Phoenix Park. No matter whether you are an experienced runner or simply just want to get out for a walk, it’s time to lace up and be part of the combat towards breast most cancers. Tickets (€25) can be uncovered at mariekeating.ie/gatherings
20) A countrywide party for persons with form 1 diabetes takes area on Saturday, October 19th in The Purple Cow Resort, Dublin. Speakers contain diabetes blogger Chris Aldred (The Grumpy Pumper) and Endocrinologist Dr Kevin Moore. The target of this day is on the psychological impression of living with form 1 diabetes. Tickets €30-forty five. For additional details, see thriveabetes.ie.
21) Ag Eisteacht is functioning quick intervention coaching courses for frontline staff doing the job in wellbeing, social treatment and community roles. The In a position (Adopt a relational technique, Develop, Hear and Empower) model develops practitioners’ capacity to construct interactions and to handle their boundaries for their possess wellbeing and wellbeing. A 3-day system (on November 18th and December 4th & fifth) takes area at Northridge Home Instruction Centre, Castle Street, Blackrock, Cork. The Dublin coaching (on October 22nd and November fifth & sixth) will be at The Wisdom Centre, 25 Cork St, Dublin eight. Tickets €250-€300, via Eventbrite. You can also call Ag Eisteacht on 021 4536556 or electronic mail [email protected]
22) Forum 2019, a countrywide conference on demise, dying and bereavement, takes area on Thursday, October 24th at Dublin Castle. Organised by the Irish Hospice Foundation, this year’s guest speaker is Dr Kathryn Mannix, creator of With The Finish In Head. Participate in just one of eight workshops and interact with panels on the theme ‘Dying is Everyone’s Business.’ More information at hospicefoundation.ie or (01) 679 3188.
23) Diabetes Ireland is hosting a totally free Overall health & Wellbeing Event for persons living with, and at hazard of, acquiring diabetes. The party will contain exhibitors, workshops, diabetes merchandise, the most current technological know-how and totally free tests, and takes area at Limerick Strand Resort from midday-5pm on Sunday, November tenth. Registration is not needed.
– For inclusion in these listings, electronic mail [email protected] with Overall health Board in the issue line
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foxhenki-blog · 5 years
The Sun King's Princess
Welcome to the first installment of my new project, the Myconomicon. We all know the benefits that psychedelic mushrooms have on magical practice and general health and wellbeing. I feel that we are leaving a lot on the table, however, by not exploring the esoteric / alchemical powers of the rest of this vast kingdom. That is what the Myconomicon will seek to do, to explore the kingdom of mushrooms and to reveal the archetypes and magical tech inherent in the vast majority of non-psychedelic fungi.
This is an anti-imperialist exercise, at its core. Take, for example, this quote from the introduction of Chanterelle dreams, amanita nightmares:
“Our [mycophobic] beliefs have deep roots in British culture, in the words of British mycologist William Hay in his 1887 book — British Fungi, ‘the individual who desires to engage in the study of wild mushrooms must face a good deal of scorn. He is laughed at for his strange taste by the better classes, and is actually regarded as a sort of idiot… No… hobby is esteemed so contemptible is that of the fungus Hunter or toadstool eater.” (Marley, xxi)
Mycophobia is a disease of the intellectually colonized.
The Myconomicon is a grimoire, and a grimoire needs spirits, such as the Russian King Borovik, the ruler of the mushroom kingdom (Marley, 6). Borovik isn’t our principle daimon, however. The top spot is reserved for the Old Woman of the Woods, herself, Baba Yaga. ‘Chantrelle dreams…’ (among many other texts) cites her influence when it states that:
“In one [folktale], Baba Yaga captures and intends to eat a hedgehog sitting atop a mushroom and eating another mushroom. The hedgehog convinces Baba Yaga that he can be more useful in other ways, and changes into a small boy who leads the hag to a magical sunflower… In another legends, Baba Yaga puts the hero in touch with magic creatures (spirits), Lesovik and Borovik, who live under a mushroom and provide the hero with magical gifts… Whether depicted as benign or malevolent, Baba Yaga often appeared with mushrooms.” (Marley, 7)
Russia, as a nation, is one of the most mycophillic people on the planet. It is safe to assume that Baba Yaga, their High Empress of the Dark Arts, is not only concerning herself with a psychedelic toadstool but with the entire spectrum of useful mushrooms. For this quality alone, we can heretofore assume that Baba Yaga is the principle spirit of the Myconomicon.
Mushrooms can be communicated with. The ancients whispering to them and asking where their brothers and sisters might be hiding (Marley, 72), as one example. Mushrooms are spirit-forms. Mushrooms are, in fact, the perfect spirit-form for chaos magic. Anna Tsing, cohort of Donna Haraway and the author of the book, The Mushroom at the End of the World, states that:
“The uncontrolled lives of mushrooms are a gift and a guide when the controlled world we thought we had fails.” (Tsing, 2)
Mushrooms are a model for exploiting chaos. She goes to note that:
“When Hiroshima was destroyed by an atomic bomb in 1945, it is said the first living thing to emerge from the blasted landscape was a matzoh talkie mushroom.” (Tsing, 3)
Making it clear that if we are to survive the swift approaching apocalypse of dominant Western culture and adapt well to the new surroundings, that mushrooms are our best guide.
I was once chastised by a powerful wizard for taking what was he viewed as a ‘devotionalist’ approach to mushrooms. I would like to counter any further arguments in that vein with a few notes from our recent past as cultural beings. Our ancestors, those that we already pull so much of our magical tech from, gathered around mushrooms and treated them with much devotion. Elio Schaechter, in his work, In the Company of Mushrooms, points out that some of the earliest human settlements around the Lascaux caves in France — those brought to the masses through Werner Herzong’s documentary, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, are in areas that are still today rich in wild mushrooms. He goes on to assert that all European countries attribute magical and spiritual powers to mushrooms (Schaechter, 4), and again, that is all mushrooms, not just the Amanitas. The author also states that:
“Mushrooms and truffles (pitriyot and kemehim in Hebrew) are mentioned together several times in the Talmud… According to the Babylonian Talmud (Berakoth 40b), eating mushrooms is not to be preceded by reciting the blessing reserved for vegetables; rather, a more generic prayer is called for: ‘Blessed art Thou O Lord, our God King of the universe, by whose word everything is created’ The reason for this difference is that mushrooms are not ordinary plants because ‘they do not draw their nourishment from the ground but from the air,’ which explains why they possess no true roots and ‘are fed by other plants.’” (Schaechter, 5)
What this says to me is that the prayer to mushrooms addresses God directly, and not the ‘spirit’ of the plant. Another interpretation for this could be the mushrooms are a direct extension of the divine or the cosmic. Meanwhile, traveling from Babylon to Michoacan, we find the belief that mushrooms aren’t plants, or of the plant kingdom, but are instead considered ‘flowers of the earth’ by the indigenous peoples there (Schaechter, 6). This is a similar sentiment, that mushrooms are a physical manifestation of the creator, of Mother Earth. Further South, the Yanomamos have one word for eating meat and mushrooms and another for eating all other things (Schaechter, 24). The mushroom is flesh, it is, like the jaguar, an entity possessed of a spirit.
Our first spirit form is a princess and a direct descendant of Helios. She is commonly referred to as Agaricus blazei Murrill, the Royal Sun Mushroom of Brazil. The princess has, until relatively recently, enjoyed an existence free from human contact. Brazil is by-and-large a mycophobic country. The consumption of mushrooms being restricted to small ethnic enclaves (typically Japanese) or sometimes to those of higher status whose cultural education has exposed them to mycophilia (Dias et al, 546). This Princess is from a place where mushrooms and their consumption are connected directly to class. Further, it is stated that there is no use of mushrooms in Brazilian traditional medicine (Dias et al, 546) and that what interest there is now, is directly related to our spirit-form and her work. With Mycophobia in Brazil extending into traditional healing rituals and their vast herbal lore, which could be due to class and colonialism, as the indigenous peoples of the area no doubt had some mushroom lore, we see that the colonized mind often has mycophobia as one of its more overt symptoms. Agaricus blazei positioned herself to be carried to the mycophylic culture of Japan (there being a great number of Japanese, both foreign and native born, in Brazil) where she could continue her journey to heal the world with her magic and, in turn, come back and break the colonized minds of her home.
She was discovered in Piedade, in the state of São Paulo, by the Japanese researcher Furumoto and when arriving in her adopted home of Japan, she was given the name Himematsutake. Research into her properties only continued while Furumoto was alive, however, and after his death the spirit-form found her journey stalled until she was able to find more suitable subjects in the form of Japanese businessmen, who then funded research into her anti-tumor magics (Dias et al, 546). Her Japanese name, ‘Himematsutake’ breaks down to ‘Hime,’ meaning Princess. We can infer that the Royal Sun Mushroom (her common name in Brazil [and also a brand name with capitalist interests attempting to control her journey]) is regal, female and youthful in her characteristics. The later co-opting of her journey by several business interests connect her, archetypally, to the exploitation of young women by capitalism.
The Princess of the Sun King evolved inexplicably during her journey. It is known that the original mushrooms found by Furumoto had an aroma and flavor that was so strong that they were difficult to consume. Somewhere in the journey to Japan, however, they developed a more pleasant smell and a lighter coloration and grew to a larger size (Dias et al, 546). This is evidence that the Princess of the Sun King evolved to match the tastes of her new chosen home and culture, Japan. How else do you explain her shedding of her feralness and matching the aesthetic and culinary tastes of the Japanese, so that her popularity could spread?
Today, Agaricus blazei Murrill is produced at a rate of 660,000 lbs of dried body annually and is consumed by at least 500,000 individuals daily for her antitumor, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, liver protecting, antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, antiatherosclerosic, antiallergic and immunomodulating effects (Wang et al, 1-2)
She is, in true princess fashion, an expensive mushroom to grow and so research continues to find a way to provide her with her optimum environment (Firenzuoli et al, 4). When she lived in the wild, she was a litter-decomposing fungus that was often found on forest edges and in manures. Today, as we will see in a bit, her journey continues on enriched composts and various pasteurized substrates (Firenzuoli et al, 4). She also enjoys being young and has engineered her gifts to only come forth once she has aged. Once her cap has opened and her fruiting body is more mature, the nutraceuticals contained inside of her have the strongest concentrations of ‘beta-glucans’ (Firenzuoli et al, 5), sugars found in her cell walls.
Remember back when we mentioned that after her chosen human, Furumoto, joined her in the spirit world, that her journey paused and was only picked back up due to a thirst for anti-cancer medicines? It is reported that originally, her beta-glucans were not toxic to tumors and only through further cultivation did tumorcidal properties evolve (Firenzuoli et al, 6). This is more evidence of the spirit-form evolving to meet the expectations of the humans studying it, learning their needs and meeting them. Moreover, these antimutagenic effects can be accessed by us through as simple a method as leaving the dry fruiting body in water at room temperature for a couple of hours (Firenzuoli et al, 6).
If you are interested in assisting the Sun King’s Princess with her journey, and in turn, receiving the benefits of her magic for yourself, you can easily obtain your own culture of Agaricus blazei Murrill. Research has shown that she can be moved to fruit using the same composting method that is used for the cultivation of the common button mushroom, but as a ‘devotionalist,’ I would council you to work to give her the offerings that she prefers. She has been reported as happily colonizing the spent mushroom substrate where Oyster mushrooms had previously grown, and that vermicompost is preferable to her (Gonzalez, Abstract). She has also been shown to prefer at least a 30% mix of nyjer seed in her substrate (Gonzalez, 1332). She might take awhile to spawn, 60 days in some cases, so be prepared for a long petition for her manifestation. The Princess of the Sun King rewards patience, however, and is known to produce a second flush some 110 days after spawning, as well (Gonzalez, 1336). She also has been shown to enjoy a bed of rice straw as her primary substrate with additives such as calcium carbonate, rice bran, diammonium phosphate and gypsum. Most importantly for this subtropical royalty, is the temperature that you keep her at, for both mycelia and fruiting bodies prefer a temperature of 77˚F with a relative humidity of at least 90%.
As the daughter of the Sun King, Himematsutake is the sister to Circe — and all of the other daughters of Helios. Any rituals or incantations proper to her can be adapted for this spirit form as well. If one is interested in pulling this spirit-form into one’s life and doesn’t know where to begin, the Myconomicon provides the following sigil to assist with her manifestation:
Her sigil is also good for the banishing of capitalist enslavement of young girls either through trafficking or corporate branding campaigns. It is also beneficial for bringing oneself into alignment with her healing properties and for mentally preparing the way for fighting cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, viruses, and general allergies and inflammation.
Sigil courtesy of Ghostly Harmless’ Sigilizer
Dias E S, Abe C and Schwan R F (2004) Truths and myths about the mushroom Agaricus blazei. Scientia Agricola (61, 5). pp 545 - 549
Firenzuoli F, Gori L and Lombardo G (2008) The medicinal mushroom Agaricus blaze Murrill: Review of Literature and Pharmacy-Toxicological Problems. eCAM (5, 1) pp 3 - 15.
Gonzalez Matute R, Figlas D and Curvetto N (2011) Agarics blaze production on non-composted substrates based on sunflower seed hulls and spent oyster mushroom substrate. World Journal of Microbiological Biotechnology. (27) pp 1331-1339.
Jatuwong K, Kakumyan P, Chamyuang S, Chukeatirote E and Hyde K D (2014) Optimization condition for cultivation of Agaricus subrufescens hybrid strains. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology and International Conference. pp 244-252
Marley, G. A. (2011). Chanterelle dreams, amanita nightmares: The love, lore and mystique of mushrooms. White River Junction, Vt: Chelsea Green.
Schaechter, E (2014) In the company of mushrooms. Harvard University Press
Tsing, A. L. (2017). The mushroom at the end of the world: On the possibility of life in capitalist ruins. Princeton University Press.
Wang H, Fu Z and Han C (2013) The medicinal values of culinary-medicinal royal sun mushroom (Agaricus blaze Murrill). Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine pp 1-6
The mushroom Image is from Linda Bryan Sears and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
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Thousands of mental health professionals agree with Woodward, NYT op-ed author: Trump is dangerous
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/thousands-of-mental-health-professionals-agree-with-woodward-nyt-op-ed-author-trump-is-dangerous.html
Thousands of mental health professionals agree with Woodward, NYT op-ed author: Trump is dangerous
Bob Woodward’s new reserve, “Fear,” describes a “nervous breakdown of Trump’s presidency.” Earlier this year, Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” provided a comparable portrayal.
Now, an op-ed in The New York Moments by an nameless “senior White Residence official” describes how deeply the troubles in this administration operate and what effort and hard work is expected to protect the nation.
None of this is a shock to all those of us who, 18 months in the past, put collectively our have public services reserve, “The Perilous Situation of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health and fitness Professionals Assess a President.”
My concentration as the volume’s editor was on Trump’s dangerousness due to the fact of my region of abilities in violence avoidance. Approaching violence as a community health problem, I have consulted with governments and international companies, in addition to 20 a long time of partaking in the personal assessment and treatment of violent offenders.
The e book proceeded from an ethics meeting I held at Yale, my dwelling institution. At that meeting, my psychiatrist colleagues and I mentioned balancing two important duties of our career. First is the duty to discuss responsibly about community officials, particularly as outlined in “the Goldwater rule,” which involves that we refrain from diagnosing devoid of a own assessment and without having authorization. 2nd is our obligation to guard general public well being and safety, or our “duty to warn” in scenarios of threat, which generally supersedes other regulations.
Our conclusion was overwhelmingly that our responsibility to culture and its protection, as outlined in our ethical rules, overrode any etiquette owed to a general public determine. That determination led to the collection of essays in the reserve, which contains some of the most distinguished thinkers of the field which include Robert J. Lifton, Judith Herman, Philip Zimbardo and two dozen other individuals. That decision was controversial amid some associates of our industry.
We now know a terrific offer about Trump’s psychological condition based on the voluminous information and facts he has offered by way of his tweets and his responses to genuine situations in real time. Now, this week’s credible studies guidance the fears we articulated in the e book over and above any question.
These reviews are also constant with the account I been given from two White Home personnel customers who known as me in October 2017 for the reason that the president was behaving in a method that “scared” them, and they considered he was “unraveling”. They had been calling for the reason that of the book I edited.
Once I verified that they did not understand the situation as an imminent hazard, I referred them to the emergency home, in buy not to be bound by confidentiality procedures that would apply if I engaged with them as a managing medical professional. That would have compromised my purpose of educating the community.
The psychology guiding the chaos
The author of the New York Moments op-ed can make very clear that the conflict in the White Home is not about Trump’s ideology.
The issue, the creator sees, is the absence of “any discernible first principles that information his selection producing . . . his impulsiveness [that] final results in 50 percent-baked, sick-informed and from time to time reckless selections that have to be walked back again, and there getting practically no telling whether he may possibly modify his thoughts from 1 minute to the next.”
These are definitely psychological indications reflective of emotional compulsion, impulsivity, bad focus, narcissism and recklessness. They are similar to individuals that Woodward describes in a lot of examples, which he writes were achieved with the “stealthy machinations employed by people in Trump’s inner sanctum to test to command his impulses and protect against disasters.”
They are also steady with the class we foresaw early in Trump’s presidency, which concerned us enough to outline it in our ebook. We tried out to alert that his condition was worse than it appeared, would improve worse above time and would inevitably become uncontainable.
What we observed were indicators of psychological instability — symptoms that would finally engage in out not only in the White Household, as these accounts report, but in domestic cases and in the geopolitical sphere.
There is a robust connection among fast dangerousness — the chance of waging a war or launching nuclear weapons — and extended societal dangerousness — guidelines that power separation of youngsters from family members or the restructuring of world-wide relations in a way that would destabilize the environment.
Getting worse
My existing concern is that we are presently witnessing a additional unraveling of the president’s psychological point out, especially as the frequency of his lying boosts and the fervor of his rallies intensifies.
I am concerned that his mental challenges could induce him to acquire unpredictable and most likely severe and unsafe actions to distract from his lawful challenges.
Mental wellness industry experts have normal treatments for evaluating dangerousness. Additional than a individual job interview, violence likely is greatest assessed as a result of past heritage and a structured checklist of a person’s qualities.
These qualities consist of a history of cruelty to animals or other folks, hazard taking, habits suggesting decline of control or impulsivity, narcissistic persona and latest psychological instability. Also of concern are noncompliance or unwillingness to endure exams or procedure, accessibility to weapons, lousy romantic relationship with major other or partner, looking at oneself as a target, deficiency of compassion or empathy, and absence of problem more than repercussions of damaging functions.
The Woodward reserve and the New York Periods op-ed confirm lots of of these traits. The rest have been evident in Trump’s actions outside the White Residence and prior to his tenure.
That the president has satisfied not just some but all these conditions should really be cause for alarm.
Other methods in which a president could be harmful are by means of cognitive indicators or lapses, since functions this sort of as reasoning, memory, focus, language and discovering are critical to the duties of a president. He has exhibited indications of decrease listed here, much too.
On top of that, when a person shows a propensity for huge-scale violence, these kinds of as by advocating violence from protesters or immigrant family members, contacting perpetrators of violence such as white supremacists “very wonderful people” or demonstrating oneself vulnerable to manipulation by hostile overseas powers, then these factors can advertise a significantly extra common society of violence.
The president has previously demonstrated an alarming escalation of irrational actions all through occasions of distress. Other folks have observed him to be “unstable,” “losing a step” and “unraveling.” He is probably to enter such a condition all over again.
Violent functions are not random occasions. They are finish solutions of a very long system that comply with recognizable designs. As psychological overall health industry experts, we make predictions in phrases of unacceptable concentrations of chance rather than on the basis of what is particular to materialize.
Trump’s impairment is a familiar pattern to a violence specialist these as myself, but supplied his degree of severity, a person does not want to be a expert to know that he is harmful.
What up coming?
I consider Woodward’s guide and the revelations in the New York Instances op-ed have placed wonderful stress on the president. We are now moving into a time period when the stresses of the presidency could speed up simply because of the advancing special counsel’s investigations.
The degree of Trump’s denial and resistance to the unfolding revelations, as expressed in a recent Fox interview, are telling of his fragility.
From my observations of the president more than extended time through his community presentations, direct feelings by means of tweets and accounts of his shut associates, I feel that the question is not whether or not he will appear for interruptions, but how before long and to what diploma.
At least various hundreds of psychological wellbeing specialists who are customers of the Nationwide Coalition of Anxious Mental Wellbeing Industry experts share the perspective that the nuclear start codes ought to not be in the hands of anyone who displays these ranges of mental instability.
Just as suspicion of crime need to lead to an investigation, the severity of impairment that we see should really guide to an evaluation, preferably with the president’s consent.
Mental impairment should be evaluated independently from felony investigations, making use of professional medical requirements and standardized steps. A sitting down president may well be immune to indictments, but he is subject matter to the law, which is rigorous about public safety and the proper to procedure when an individual poses a threat to the public because of psychological instability. In the circumstance of hazard, the client does not have the proper to refuse, nor does the health practitioner have the suitable not to consider the man or woman as a patient.
This evaluation may perhaps have been delayed, but it is nonetheless not much too late. And mental health specialists have in depth practical experience assessing, restraining and managing individuals substantially like Trump — it is pretty much schedule.
This is an up to date variation of an post originally posted on September 7, 2018 it displays new data about the author’s call with White Household employees.
Bandy X. Lee, Assistant Clinical Professor, Yale University of Medicine, Yale College
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oscarmnorden-blog · 6 years
3 Steps to Identify Supplements that Lack Scientific Evidence for their Reported Benefits
This article demonstrates to you a basic yet dependable technique to distinguish supplements that don't have
logical help for their charged advantages.
Stage 1:
which is a National Library of Medicine (United States) site where you can scan for articles distributed in peer-
checked on logical diaries.
Why check PubMed? Since the National Library of Medicine painstakingly chooses just top notch diaries that offer
an incentive to therapeutic researchers around the globe. Choice criteria are definite on this page:
Stage 2: Once on the PubMed site, scan for the bland (logical) name of the supplement being referred to.
Supplement producers must rundown the logical name for their supplement's fixings on the mark and in promotions.
Supplements regularly contain numerous fixings yet normally just a couple of give the indicated benefits. Those
are the fixings you need to assess - they are frequently similar ones the maker features in promotions. For more info about Tamanu Face Oil Serum click here.
Stage 3: This is the progression some supplement organizations don't need you to know. Before you tap on the
"Inquiry" catch at PubMed.org, restrict your pursuit to thinks about that use the correct research system with the
correct populace.
The correct research philosophy is a randomized controlled trial (the twofold visually impaired, fake treatment
control aggregate plan fits under this classification) and the correct populace is people.
Indicating human subjects is critical in light of the fact that you need to know whether the fixings in a
supplement have been appeared to create the publicized advantages in genuine live people - not simply in rats
squeezing levers for sustenance pellets or for a "situation consider" with one individual.
It is not necessarily the case that essential science investigate, which is frequently directed at first with
creatures, is insignificant. Despite what might be expected, such research normally fills in as a critical
building hinder for resulting clinical research with people. In any case, essential science inquire about does not
give logical proof to a supplement's gainful wellbeing consequences for individuals. Just research with human
subjects, utilizing randomized controlled trials, can offer such proof.
On the PubMed.org look page, tap on the "Points of confinement" tab situated under the "Hunt" box. You will see
various drop-down menus. In the first place tap on the Publication Type menu and afterward select Randomized
Controlled Trial. Next tap on the drop-down menu named, Humans or Animals and tap on Humans.
An Example
Morinda citrifolia is the logical name for a prominent fixing in a healthful supplement. To begin with look on
PubMed for Morinda citrifolia, without putting Limits on your inquiry.
What number of results did you get?
The tally was 69 at the time I composed this article. Looks amazing, huh?
In any case, now look for Morinda citrifolia after first putting Limits on the inquiry as portrayed above, with
the goal that you get just those investigations which give more authoritative logical confirmation to the
beneficial outcomes of Morinda citrifolia.
What number of diary articles did you discover seeking with as far as possible? I discovered 1.
In this manner, out of 69 articles found on PubMed.org, just a single gives some proof to Morinda citrifolia's
useful impacts. Furthermore, those outcomes were acquired with a certain patient populace. Consequently, so as to
reason that logical confirmation exists for Morinda citrifolia's adequacy, researchers would need to direct extra
randomized controlled trials with different patient populaces.
The basic research strategy depicted in this article will enable you to decide whether a given supplement has
adequate logical confirmation for its indicated benefits.
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alisonfloresus · 7 years
Social Media and Health Care Professionals:Strengths, Weaknesses, and Best Practices
Multiple social media products are readily available for health-care professionals (HCPs), such as social media websites, blogs, and forums, microblogs, wikis, media-sharing websites, as well as virtual reality and video gaming environments. These types of resources may be used to develop or even improve professional network together with education and learning, organizational advertising and marketing, patient health care, patient guidance, in addition to community wellness plans.
Yet, they even show possible hazards to health care consumers and HCP’s about poor-quality information and facts, harm to professional image, breaches of personal privacy, violation of personal and professional boundaries, as well as licensing or even legitimate issues. Therefore, medical care establishments together with specialized establishments must issue correct guidelines to avoid these kinds of challenges.
What is social media?
The meaning of “social media” is wide and continuously changing. The phrase usually describes online tools that enable us and organizations to collect and connect; to share information and facts, thoughts, private mail messages, pictures, along with other subject matter; in addition to, in some instances, to join with many other end users instantly.
Social media websites offer a number of attributes that do various functions for the specific end-user. They could involve blogs and forums, public networks, video and photo-sharing websites, wiki, or even all sorts of supplementary media channels, which is often gathered by function, helping purposes for instance:
Social network (MySpace, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter) Specialized networking (LinkedIn) Mass media sharing (YouTube, Flickr) Content generation (blog sites Tumblr, Blogger as well as micro-blogs Twitter) Knowledge/information aggregation (Wikipedia) Virtual reality in addition to video gaming (Second Life)
Important statistics on Social media sharing in social media by the common people has improved rapidly in the last 9 years. In the U.S., the percentage of grownups employing social media has enhanced from 8% to 72% since 2005. The usage of social networking is common across every age group as well as occupations which are persistent across the world. In 2012, Facebook members totaled more than one billion people around the globe, a number that corresponds to one-seventh of the world’s human population. Additionally, every day one hundred million existing Twitter members send out greater than sixty-five million tweets, as well as viewing of 2 billion video clips on YouTube. Social media are usually associated with essential political incidents, for instance, the Arab Spring movement, and too prevalent societal developments, such as reducing concentration spans and decline of print press.
Medical Professionals indulgence in social media
Social media offer HCPs with resources to communicate information and facts, to discuss the health-care plan and practice concerns, to publicize healthy habits, to interact with the community, or to teach and communicate with patients, caregivers, trainees, and co-workers. HCPs could use social media to conceivably enhance health and well-being results, build a specialized community, improve personal understanding of news and discoveries, encourage patients, and even offer health information and facts to the public.
A study of over four thousand medical professionals carried out by the social networking website QuantiaMD discovered that at least 90% of health professionals use some kind of social networking for personal things to do while just 65% use these websites for commercial reasons.
Strengths of Social Networking in Medical Care
1. Professional Exposure
The most favored social networking websites for health care professionals are those where they can take part in web-based groups, tune into specialists, and also meet people and correspond with fellow workers about patient concerns. One more instance of expert networking among HCPs is crowd sourcing, which includes using the know-how and expertise of a network to resolve issues or even collect facts and views.
2. Professional Education
The connectivity features offered by social media are getting used to enhance healthcare training. The substantial use of social media by eighteen to thirty-year-olds has encouraged the adaptation of medical curricula to reveal the transforming behavior as well as the tradition of inbound scholars. Social networking is becoming extensively used in undergraduate pharmacy curricula. 33% of pharmacy courses has revealed utilizing Twitter in a certain capacity. A study conducted in the year 2011 discovered that 38% of pharmacy teachers harness Facebook for educating, with fifty percent confirming they will decide to utilize social media sooner or later.
3. Organizational Marketing and advertising
Medical care institutions, such as clinics, specialist communities, drug manufacturing organizations, patient advocacy organizations, as well as drug store advantages organizations, are utilizing social media for a lot of uses. Functions consist of interacting with the local community and patients; improving organizational visual appeal; promoting services and products; creating a place for getting reports regarding actions, offers, as well as fund-raising; offering a route for patient information as well as training; and also offering customer support and assistance.
4. Patient Care and attention
This really is gradually becoming recognized by clinicians as well as medical care services. For instance, Georgia Health Sciences University offers patients with access to a system known as Web View, that allows the individuals to get to their physicians to make inquiries or even ask medication refills.
5. Patient Education and learning
Social networking could also enhance patients’ use of health-care information and facts and other academic resources. In the U.S., 8 out of 10 online surfers look for health and wellbeing data on the internet, as well as 74% of them people use social networking. By means of social networking, health care consumers may enroll in digital organizations, take part in an investigation, obtain monetarily or even ethical assistance, plan objectives, and even monitor individual development.
6. Community Health Programs
Social media site is creating large worldwide networks which could immediately distribute information and facts and also mobilize a wide range of users to help more progress towards community health objectives . The CDC sustains a lively existence on Twitter and Facebook to monitor “tweets” which may reveal an influenza epidemic in order to reveal updates regarding such occurrences.
Weaknesses of Social media:
1. Low-Quality Information
The main problem of health data found on social media websites as well as other web sources lacks caliber and trustworthiness. Creators of health info available on social media site websites are frequently unidentified or perhaps are recognized by restricted information only. Additionally, the health care data could be unreferenced, deficient, or even casual. Whereas evidence-based remedies de-emphasize anecdotal stories, social media site is inclined to highlight these, depending upon single patient incidents for common health care knowledge.
2. Harm to Reputation
A serious threat linked to the usage of social media site is the publishing of amateurish content that may echo unfavorably on HCPs, college students, as well as associated colleges. Any conduct which is construed as incompetent consists of violations of patient’s personal privacy; the usage of profanity or discriminatory vocabulary; visuals of intimate suggestiveness or perhaps intoxication; as well as negative opinions about patients, a company, or even an institution.
3. Breach of patient’s privacy
Issues about the use of social media by HCPs often focus on the harmful consequences as a result of the abuse of patient’s privacy. The patient’s permission is a crucial matter to look at while using social media.
4. Violation of the Patient-HCP Line
HCPs who communicate with their clients on social networking could be violating the patient-HCP boundary line even though patients start the web interaction. A current research discovered that the patients usually reach out by sending “friend” requests to their doctors on Facebook. In spite of this, not many doctors reciprocate or even react, as it is usually regarded as ill-advised for an HCP to communicate with an individual via a basic social media site community forum like Facebook.
5. Licensing Problems
The usage of social media may also unfavorably influence an HCP’s experience and licensure. State medical organizations are authorized to restraint doctors, such as striking restrictions or even suspending or perhaps revoking licenses. All these charges could be meted out for unprofessional conduct, like the improper usage of social media, sexual misbehavior, breaches of patient’s personal privacy, the neglect of prescribing rights, and misrepresentation of testimonials.
6. Legal Concerns
The prevalent usage of social media has initiated completely new judicial difficulties. Several constitutional privileges are applicable to social media, such as the freedom of speech, independence from search as well as seizure, in addition to the right to personal privacy; yet, all these legal rights could be effectively challenged.
In 2009, a U.S. County Court upheld removal of a medical scholar for violating the school’s honor policy by making obscene comments about the ethnicity, gender, and even faith of patients under her treatment.
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/06/24/social-media-and-health-care-professionalsstrengths-weaknesses-and-best-practices/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/162216517330
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FCC: cellphones don't bring about growth, yet we may investigate it in any case The Commission is hoping to return to the '96 rules for appropriateness.
On Friday, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski sent an email to this four kindred chiefs asking for that the FCC return to the tenets that decide radiation presentation levels in cellphones. Three of the five officials need to support his demand before the FCC formally starts talking about phone discharges and mind tumors, however the email alone is sufficient to mix up debate.
The FCC barely needs to mix the pot on this: "Our activity today is a normal audit of our guidelines," FCC representative Tammy Sun told Bloomberg. "We are certain that, as set, the outflows rules for gadgets represent no dangers to purchasers." The question, it appears, is if existing cutoff points are adequate, especially as to kids, who are progressively getting to be bearers of mobile phones themselves.
The FCC last went by its remote emanations benchmarks in 1996, setting limits for "electric and attractive field quality and power thickness for transmitters working at frequencies from 300 kHz to 100 GHz," and in addition confined assimilation from convenient gadgets (cellphones and listening devices and so forth). The guidelines depended on the discoveries of the EPA, the FDA, "and other government wellbeing and security offices."
"As far as possible for gadgets worked in uncontrolled conditions are 0.08 W/kg for entire body normal presentation and 1.6 W/kg for spatial pinnacle SAR [Specific Absorption Rate]," the FCC decided in 1996. For reference, an iPhone 3G achieves, "a most extreme SAR of 1.39 W/kg when held at the ear," said a 2009 report from Wired.
Be that as it may, in the course of recent decades much has been made of growth hazard in mobile phones and different remote gadgets. A Canadian University refered to wellbeing concerns when it quit including WiFi get to focuses in 2006. Individuals guarantee cellphone and tech sensitivities. San Francisco has a law requiring mobile phones producers to distinguish the particular ingestion rate that a human body would get from every gadget.
Still, notwithstanding government organizations and lawmakers acting for new guidelines and directions, there's been minimal logical proof that mobile phone radiation is creating disease or different variations from the norm in people. However in May 2011, the Council of Europe and the World Health Organization recorded mobile phones as conceivable cancer-causing agents.
In 2011, Ars Science Editor John Timmer composed that reviews taking a gander at the dangers required with cellphone radiation have to a great extent neglected to give authoritative answers on the grounds that, "every one of them have noteworthy methodological constraints, as they depend on things like self-revealed use designs, which are frequently problematic." He goes ahead to compose:
On the off chance that the study of disease transmission is blended, the science isn't. There's no very much portrayed system by which non-ionizing radiation can instigate long haul natural changes, despite the fact that it can bring about here and now warming of tissues. Given the nonappearance of a component and the equivocal populace thinks about, there is no evident confirmation of a long haul wellbeing danger to mobile phones.
The National Cancer Institute still keeps up that no obvious proof backings non-ionizing radiation can bring about cancer.Of course, there's cash included as well. In the event that the FCC wants to return to its 1996 tenets, the commission could confront a ton of campaigning from abroad handset creators. "Any adjustments in the tenets will affect handset sellers," said CW Cheung, the Asia-Pacific head of counseling for telecoms at Ovum, told Bloomberg. "As most merchants are based outside the U.S., it could likewise turn into an exchange issue."
While free reviews since 1996 have been uncertain, maybe it's not a terrible thought for the FCC to return to a just about 16-year-old arrangement of tenets, basically on the grounds that they've turned out to be dated. In the '90s the FCC stated, "We will apply the MPE [Maximum Peak Exposure] limits we are embracing to certain portable and unlicensed gadgets that, in spite of the fact that not ordinarily utilized inside the quick region of the body, can utilize higher power and might be generally near the body of the client and to adjacent people. Cases of the last are cell 'pack telephones.'" Considering nobody claims a sack telephone nowadays, a refresh to the vernacular won't not be such an awful thought.
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millermartin · 7 years
Compare and contrast Robert Southey’s impression of New Lanark with Owen’s account of his reforms at New Lanark
Within this essay, one is going to compare and contrast the visitor Robert Southey’s impression of New Lanark as an institution with that of Robert Owen, the creator of the reforms at New Lanark, and hopeful for reforms worldwide. This essay will consider Owen’s aims and ambitions for New Lanark and how he applied them within the community. This will make an interesting comparison with an outsider’s perception of the project. Owen’s Statement Regarding the New Lanark Establishment combines a ‘business prospectus’ and visualization ‘for social provision at New Lanark’ (p118 Block 4). This essay articulates from a playground for the children to the layout of the houses. The statement is an excellent prelude to Owen’s A New View of Society. Southey’s impression on the reforms and whether they were successfully put into action will be analysed here. Clearly, this essay will determine what Southey and Owen understood of character formation, of which is incorporated dominantly within both essays. Due to the limited word count, character formation will be the main focus. Character formation can be understood as the objective and scientific methods of enlightenment. As a concept it explores different aspects of a person’s character from a societal point of view, for example: Domestic, educational and working lifestyles. Both essays highlight how the Enlightenment and Romanticism overlapped dramatically in the period. Owen speaks of the ‘importance of environment, education, and ultimately co-operation’ (p107 Anthology II). One is going to compare this view alongside the romantically driven Southey.
Character formation is defined by Owen within A New View of Society as how to create peace and tranquillity within the workforce and society. Southey compares favourably with Owen’s character formation in one sense. Demonstrating this by agreeing with the ‘Leeds Poor Law Guardians’ whom ‘produces a highly positive report on what they saw’ at New Lanark (p94 Audio-visual Book). Continuing this, Southey witnesses how ‘the evils incident in such a system would be infinitely less than those which stare us in the face under the existing system’ (p94 Audio-visual Book). This coincides with Owen’s reform which he believed to have ‘constitute[d] a very improved society’ (p123 Anthology II). He demonstrated this with showing how ‘their worst habits are gone’ (p123 Anthology II). Therefore, showing how Owen believed that character formation did improve upon society.
Southey contrasts to Owen’s view of how character formation firstly created happiness, but also to be filtered into communities outside New Lanark. Southey exemplifies this by comparing New Lanark to slavery; with Owen as the slave master and his workers and their children as his slaves. He advocated this in detail as Owen being a ‘part-owner and sole Director of a large establishment, differing more in accidents than in essence from a plantation’ (p93 Audio-Visual Book). Furthermore, Southey validated the similarities with the demonstrative control of being ‘under his absolute management as so many negro-slaves’ (p93 Audio-Visual Book). Moreover, Southey believed that Owen’s reform on the formation of character was in fact a detrimental effect upon character. He demonstrated this by stating that ‘his system would be, as far as possible, the destruction of all character’ (p94 Audio-visual book). This differs from Owen’s account of his reforms in order to create moral character formation. Not only did Owen believe in his ‘mutual confidence and kindness’ (p122 Anthology II), but also that to ‘train up a child from infancy in the way he should go; for that is most easy process for the formation of character’ (p125 Anthology II). Therefore, instead of viewing his institution as controlling and an absolute power, Owen believed his reforms were to improve upon character formation.
             The notion of happiness, which is demonstrated amongst Owen’s reforms are compared within Southey’s impression of New Lanark. Owen wished to increase the ‘general happiness of society’ through his reforms (p112 Anthology II). He wished to do this as ‘increased happiness can be effected by guising human characteristics away from the path of evil’ (p112 Anthology II). Southey comments on how the children appeared happy and ‘crowded around Owen to make their bows and their curtsies, looking up and smiling in his face’ (p93 Audio-visual book); demonstrated pleasure and genuine caring emotion towards Owen, he contradicts this later in his response to his visit.
Education is the most dominant principle within Owen’s reforms and this is true within Southey’s impression of New Lanark. Highlighting how the reforms worked as Southey witnessed the admirable changes. Its enlightened need to improve the inaccuracies within society led Owen to impart moral behaviour amongst the young in order to eradicate bad behaviour. He believed in the moulding of children into any form which they were taught. The wellbeing of children, such as to be ‘fed, clothed and educated’ were on of Owen’s key reform; a well-rounded child would grow into a morally acceptable adult (p117 Anthology II). Owen’s second essay provides evidence how children ‘founded on a correct knowledge of the subject, may be formed collectively to have any human character’ (p114 Anthology II). He believed that children should be ‘taught reading, writing, and arithmetic’; which highlights the enlightened view which Owen held of education (p121 Anthology II).
Contrasting to this is Southey’s impression of New Lanark. Although he agreed that education was paramount, he was discouraged by the regimental state in which the children were made to perform. The education sector within the establishment, according to Southey, were recorded as the children ‘turned to the right or left, faced about, fell forward and backwards’ (p92-3 Audio-Visual book). This demonstrate how Owen tried to regulate the children’s learning, as the military has always been believed to hold high standard. By incorporating this within the children’s education, their standards would also be high. As a follower of the Romantic notion, Southey believed in free will. Henceforth, this controlling regimental performance appeared foreign and incomprehensible. Southey does acknowledge the importance which Owen places upon education. However he did not approve of the methods in which Owen applied this in New Lanark. This is because the romantic notion believed in the development of individual’s imagination. Henceforward, this identifies the contrast which Southey had towards Owen’s reforms on education, as it dramatically reduced the children’s right to expression imagination due to the regimented structure.
Domestic principles of the workers were a paramount reform which is conversed within Southey’s impression and Owen’s reforms. Within this theme, there are more comparisons than contrasts, which highlighted how Owen’s reforms were affectively applied within New Lanark. Owen brought attention ‘to the domestic arrangements of the community’ (p122 Anthology II). This not only included the cleanliness of streets and housing, but also the behavioural issues within a person’s character which needed addressing. An example of this is ‘drunkenness’ which according to the reforms ‘disappeared’ (p120 Anthology II). In comparison, Southey never mentions within his impressions of New Lanark about the social behaviour that occurred before the reforms. Demonstrating therefore how the reforms worked to improve the living conditions within New Lanark. Similarly, Southey observed the cleanliness stating that the ‘rows are cleaner than the common streets of a Scotch town’ (p91 Audio-Visual Book). Furthermore, Southey commented how there was ‘no unpleasant smell in any apartments’ and that they appeared ‘thoroughly clean and so carefully ventilated’ (p92 Audio-visual book). Showing here is Southey’s impressed attitude towards Owen’s commitment to the cleanliness within the town, making better living conditions for his workers.
Finally, contrasting to Owen’s reforms, is that Southey mentions a reform which is missed. Demonstrating here is how Owen was looking after the characters of his society through his generosity. Henceforth, to not appear to boast, Owen chooses not to mention these in his reforms. Owen had ‘credit there to the amount of sixteen shillings expenses of what he called the moral part of the establishment’ (p93 Audio-visual Book). Not only does this show Owen’s generosity, but also his genuinely caring nature towards his workers, contributing to his principle about happiness.
To conclude, Southey, in the majority, agreed with Owen’s reforms. Southey witnessed the reforms in practice upon his visit to New Lanark. Not all reforms are covered by Southey, such as the adapting of previous behaviour. This could be interpreted as Owen’s reforms successfully creating a peaceful and happy community, free of sin. Character formation is depicted within both Owen’s reforms and Southey’s impression of New Lanark as Southey acknowledges how Owen attacked the formation of character. This theme has been split into education, notion of happiness and domestic conditions. These themes all highlight how Owen managed to adapt the town of New Lanark into the perfect idle town, one to be admired worldwide. Southey contrasts Owen’s beliefs that his principles could be spread outside of New Lanark, as one needs an absolute power in order to control the society. The power of Owen which Southey witnessed at New Lanark closely correlated to aspect of slavery. This contrasts Owen’s need for creating a happy and free community. New Lanark was in fact a small minded community which was led and highly controlled by the not so admirable Robert Owen according to Southey; instead of the happy, community based on high morals that was original claimed.
Lavin, C. and Donnachie, I. (ed) (2007) From Enlightenment to Romanticism Anthology, The Open University, Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp.107-144
Donnachie, I. (2004) Robert Owen From Block 4, Industry and Changing Landscapes, The Open University, Milton Keynes, pp. 97-153
A207 (2005) Audio-visual Notes, Milton Keynes, The Open University, pp. 89-97.
DVD 2, Band 2: New Lanark: A New Moral World?
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