#the eraklyon saga
redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
Ready or not, here I come!
Enchanted moments - season 2
Chapter 8 - From dusk till dawn
We're still in Eraklyon and it's going to be a looong night. Dinner gets political, villains are not so evil, a princess isn't pleased with her rescue team.
And leave a comment to let me know your opinion if you want <3
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supercap2319 · 8 months
"Sky, I don't think you should handle the candy bucket this year." Y/N told him as they hung decorations around the house.
Sky looks up from his box of ghost lights and frowns. "Why not? I thought I did great last year."
"Sky, Blue eyes. You ate all the candy in the bucket. I found you passed out on the floor covered in chocolate wrappers. Let's not forget how bad the bathroom smelled after you threw up."
"That's a bloody lie!" Sky protested.
"Don't make me have a flashback."
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partiallypearl · 3 months
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I loved my friend. She went away from me. There’s nothing more to say. The poem ends, soft as it began,— I loved my friend.
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skloomdumpster · 3 months
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atrxides · 4 months
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silrah x work song by hozier Fate The Winx Saga (2021-2022)
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 2 months
A little danger, pt. 16
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A little danger - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Sky of Eraklyon x mind!fairy
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, violence, sexual innuendos, descriptions of blood/wounds/death
———— PART 16 ————
Laying on the bed, Y/N is silently staring at the ceiling as Sky sleeps. She spent hours trying to retrieve his memories, to bring them forth from darkness but it only caused them both pain and nosebleeds. After the fifth try, Sky insisted it was best to stop. Y/N agreed. 
For now, at least.
Stella texted her in the morning, letting her know Queen Luna had arrived. Surprisingly, she informed her that the students don’t remember Bloom’s role in Rosalind’s death, but the Queen does. She succeeded to some degree, after all. Not as useless as she believed she was. 
The girls will try to convince the Queen to release Bloom later in the day, Stella acting as a layer of defense. The others will find where Farah was buried. 
That should go over well.
Part of her wishes she could seek her grave as well, to get some much needed closure, but Sky is here. He’s alive and Farah isn’t and the person who did her harm is already dead, so what is the point. Revenge is off the table, all that remains is sadness and Y/N has plenty of sadness in her life. 
Glancing at Sky, she envied how peaceful he seemed. Not even an inkling of worry or heart-wrenching sorrow as he’s asleep. It’s ridiculous, but it angers her. How is it she’s the one saddled with all the rage, sadness, and worries? Somehow, Y/N is meant to take the brunt of this horrible thing that’s happened to them and she will. As long as there’s a chance to bring Sky back, the actual Sky she knows and loves, she’ll take anything life has to offer. 
“I feel you staring,” Sky murmurs and she sighs.
“Here we go again.”
“I don’t mind,” he smirks, eyes still closed. “I know I’m easy on the eyes.”
“Is there an off switch for the cockiness?”
Chuckling, he raises his brows and glances at her before his gaze falls to his hardened member. “There might be.”
Rolling her eyes, she gets up. Head in her hands, she groans. “I can’t believe the dick is back.” It felt like they made some progress after their talk last night, but this made her believe it was all an act. 
“It’s a natural process,” Sky defends.
“How do you even know that? You remember pizza and morning wood, but I’m not even a footnote?”
Shrugging playfully, he smirks, “Food and their dicks, kind of the most important part of any man’s life.”
Turning away, she pinches the bridge of her nose. “Guess I’m the idiot thinking I was an important part of your life too.”
Heading into the bathroom, she slams the door behind her. 
Licking his lips, Sky sits up. “Guess I’ll just…handle it myself.”
Yanking the door open, Y/N glares at him. “If you jerk off anywhere near my bed I will lobotomize you!”
Rolling his eyes, Sky scoffs. “You’re all bark and no bite.”
Filled with anger, Y/N’s eyes glow with a soft, violet light. Sky cocks his head at her determined expression, raising his eyebrows as she extends her hand toward him. As if caught in a gentle breeze, he feels himself lifted from the ground, his body floating weightlessly in the air. Holding his breath, he looks down, marveling at the realization.
“I’m flying!”
Clicking her tongue, she scowls before pushing him against a wall. “Actually, I’m biting.” Adding light pressure to his neck, she smirks. “I’m not one to be played with.”
Instead of fear, a sense of wonder fills Sky’s heart as he gazes at Y/N. The way she commands the room, the tempered way she speaks even in anger, and the gentleness of her power despite his arrogance is mesmerizing. He’s captivated by the purple hue surrounding her, wishing she’d release him and allow a single touch just so he knows he’s not imagining things and this is real. That she is real.
When she finally lowers him to the floor, he lands with a soft thud, his eyes never leaving hers. Without any words, he closes the distance between them, cupping her face with a tenderness she missed greatly.
“I’m not playing with you, I promise.” Licking his lips, Sky’s eyes flicker to hers for mere seconds before focusing on the remnants of purple in her gaze. It’s dear to his heart despite reason, as if it speaks to some part of his soul he’s lost.
Swallowing thickly, she closes her eyes. “It hurts.” Returning his gaze, she sighs. “You have no idea…the weight of what we lost last night is suffocating me. And you’re here, but not really. Sky, you’re a stranger with a fascination, not the man who loves me.”
“You can reverse it,” he shrugs meekly as her hands pull his away from her face. “You’ll bring me back to who I was and it will be fine.”
Looking away, she covers her mouth and he realizes she’s holding back tears. “Would you want that?”
“What do you mean?”
Letting out a heavy breath in response, she sits on her bed. “A lot has happened to you Sky. A lot that I know you’d rather not have to deal with. Maybe that would be the best thing for you?”
Frowning deeply, he shakes his head lightly. “That can’t be true.”
“It is,” she responds instantly. “I’ve never seen you this carefree before, not since we were kids!”
Getting on his knees, he rests his hands on her thighs carefully, as if awaiting her reaction. “You say I loved you.”
Nodding, her lips quiver. He’s right before her, he’s touching her and his eyes are filled with confusion. Somehow, she’s managed to break him in less than 24 hours…he was a clean slate, happy! If he went with Stella, he’d still be content instead of lost like a child.
“If I loved you as much as you say, I don’t think any amount of heavy shit that would come with loving you would matter.”
“You only say that because you can’t remember what it was. It broke you. I broke you.”
Before Sky can say anything, his phone rings, startling them both.
“What the fuck is that?”
Taking the phone from his jacket, Y/N answers, putting it on speaker.
“You’re calling a guy who has no memories. That’s a new level of stupid even for you.”
“Figured you’d fix him by now with your fairy shit,” Riven remarks. “Saul’s calling all the specialists. The Solarians found Sebastian’s hideout. It’s not far from here.”
“And he clearly left Sky out for obvious reasons.”
“His memory might be wiped, but his muscles remember the training,” he clarifies. “We have to take these guys out. End this war before it begins. If he’s capable of fighting, he should come.”
“How do I know if I can fight?” Sky asks, ignoring the disgruntled look on her face.
“Have Miss Sunshine bring you down and we can check it real fast.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea. Saul won’t let him come anyway,” Y/N insists. “Even if he can fight, he has no idea what he’s fighting.”
“Blood witches are evil, control people like puppets whilst enjoying killing us and the fairies. There, now he knows.”
Grimacing, Y/N shakes her head. “It’s too dangerous. If he’s coming, I’m coming too.”
Raising her brows, she sets her lips in a thin line. “Since when do either of you think you have any choice in the matter?”
“Since they nearly took your magic last time, which would have given them all the power they need to kill us all!”
“Listen,” Y/N licks her lips, “I’ll bring Sky, but if he goes with you, I’m not staying behind. So, it’s really your choice.”
Once they got to the grounds, Y/N was hoping Sky wouldn’t show any physical capabilities. If he was just an ordinary man, he’d stay with her away from the fight. This would make her life so much easier, she’d be able to breathe again and maybe find a way to have him fall in love with her all over again – without the memories of their past that so deeply affected their lives. She’d force herself to let it all go and just enjoy him as he is, to truly live this time around. 
But that didn’t happen.
Sky successfully blocked every attack Riven utilized against him, having Riven pinned to the ground so effortlessly that it seemed as if he was better at this than before.
“He’s coming with us,” Saul states. “He’s perfectly capable of fighting, and you can do the same here.”
“Bloom is gone, Y/N. Her sentence is harsh and she’s out of the picture for now.” Staring at Sky throwing Riven over his shoulder, Saul shrugs. “Unless you save her.”
“But Sky –“
“Will be with me. I will keep him safe as I’ve always done in the past.”
Wrapping a protective arm around Y/N, Saul kisses her temple. “Queen Luna is a powerful fairy, but your power is ancient. She can’t fight you and Bloom openly, so she’s manipulating events to take you out of the game one by one.” Giving her a pointed look, Saul raises his brows. “Do not let her.”
Glancing at Sky, Y/N nods. “I have to talk to him first.” 
“I understand.”
“And if something happens to him, Saul, I swear to you I will burn The Otherworld to the ground.”
Despite the severity of her threat, Saul smiles. “I’d help you.”
Shielding her eyes from the sun, she draws in a shuddered breath as catches Sky’s gaze on her. It wasn’t an accidental glance or a shy glimpse, he was staring at her unapologetically as if he knew she was undeniably his. 
Yours truly.
Sky frowns in confusion, rubbing his forehead. His eyes widen slightly before putting his shirt on, hastily walking toward her.
“I’ll leave you to it,” Saul taps her shoulder, reassuring her he will protect Sky.
With his shortened breathing, Sky places his hands on his hips. Towering over her, he quirks an eyebrow. “You know, I could have sworn I heard you just now.” There’s a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes, a glimmer of bewilderment dancing in the blue-green depths. “But your lips weren’t moving,” he manages a wry smile. “More like…your voice echoed in my head? Does that make any sense?”
A pang of guilt tugs at her heartstrings, her lips parting slightly. “Yes,” she sighs. Biting her lower lip, she struggles to find the right words to express her remorse because she’s done it again – Sky hated intrusions of this sort, so how does she explain she messed up without him running from her.
“I’m sorry,” she decides an apology would be most sincere. “It’s not a conscious thing most times. Seems like it happens with you often though, I still don’t know why.” Pinching the bridge of her nose, she turns away from him. 
Curling his fingers around her wrist, Sky turns her to face him. There’s a subtle, but undeniable intimacy in the gesture, one that sends a shiver of warmth coursing through her veins. “Don’t turn away from me like that. Okay? I don’t like it. In fact, I really don’t like when you decide how I perceive things. I don’t know how I reacted to stuff before, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to be the same. You said it yourself, I’m a stranger right now, so don’t assume I’ll go off the rails about things I don’t even remember.”
In response, she moves her hand, mirroring his gesture, holding onto his wrist, their position resembling the solemnity of making an unbreakable vow.
“I’ll stop assuming,” she promises. “I’m sorry I keep projecting all my problems and insecurities onto you. I think I’ve always done that and it’s exactly why we broke up.”
“See, some things are best left forgotten. I don’t really want to remember that. Sound painful as fuck.”
Pursing her lips, she tugs at the zipper of his jacket with her free hand. “Yeah. It is.”
Narrowing his eyes at her, he cocks his head ever so slightly. “What is it?”
“You’re trying to say something. Just say it.”
Exhaling as she smiles, Y/N drags her palm into his hand, holding it tightly. “Saul wants you to go with them. He’s the closest thing both of us have to a father. I trust his judgment.”
Raising his eyebrows, he chews his lips. “Alright. That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
Nodding, she forces a smile. She has to be strong and project confidence and assurance for Sky’s sake, but there’s nothing other than anxiety in her heart.
Her lips curve upwards, but the smile doesn't reach her eyes. It's a facade, a mask she wears to hide her true emotions. She can feel the tension radiating off Sky, his sharp gaze probing her facade, searching for the truth hidden beneath her carefully constructed facade.
“I won’t be coming with you.” 
“Oh.” Inhaling sharply, he nods. “Well, that’s understandable. You’re a fairy, I’m the specialist. Riven made it pretty clear my role is to protect fairies.”
Summoning all her strength, she steadies her trembling breath and nods in affirmation. “That’s the bare basis of it. But there are layers to it. Plenty of layers, especially for us.”
“Peel a few for me before I leave?”
Cupping his cheek tenderly, she holds her breath as he leans into her palm. “I’m your fairy, Sky. It’s not just a random pairing they made in class, we are connected in a deeper way. When we have to defend each other, we are deadly.”
“Do others have their fairy?”
“Some do,” she shrugs. “It’s a rare thing.”
“Are other fairies joining this fight?” Sky tightens his hold on her as she shakes her head.
“Mind fairies are the only ones effective against Blood witches, but we don’t have many at this school. One of my friends lost her magic the last time we faced them…I nearly lost mine and we cannot afford mine to be taken away, no matter how much I wish it.”
As the words sink in, Sky's eyes widen in disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of what Y/N has just revealed. For a moment, he is frozen in stunned silence, his heart clenching with a mixture of shock and anguish. 
“You wish for that?” He can't fathom the idea of Y/N willingly giving up her magic, the very essence of who she is. It's as if she's offering to sacrifice a part of herself, a fundamental aspect of her identity, and the thought fills him with a profound sense of sorrow.
“Why would you –“ With a heavy heart, Sky reaches out to Y/N, his fingers trembling as they brush against her cheek. He searches her eyes, silently pleading for her to reconsider, to see the beauty and wonder of her magic in the way he does. He’s barely seen a fraction of it and he’s already hooked. 
Riven’s voice interrupts the exchange. “Get your ass going! We are leaving!”
“We’re not done talking about this,” Sky states firmly, but there is a glimmer of understanding, a flicker of empathy for the pain that must be driving Y/N to such drastic measures. He can see the weariness etched into her features, and in that moment he realizes that wish stems from a place of profound desperation - a longing to be at peace. If he’s part of the reason, then he can’t imagine what a dick he truly is to have her questioning this beautiful part of her soul he’s inexplicably drawn to. 
“NOW”, Riven shouts.
Huffing, Sky frowns as she pulls away from him. “Stay safe,” she smiles. 
Come back to me.
Glancing over his shoulder, he drags a hand across his face before accepting the sword Riven holds out for him. “We’re coming back in one piece, right?”
Riven scoffs, “I sure hope so.”
Watching them drive off, only catching a small wave from Sky, Y/N feels as if her heart might give up. They’re not good apart, especially not in a fight. Together they survive, but apart? It’s never a good thing.
“Now that they’ve gone, could you spare a few minutes for me?”
Y/N's breath catches in her throat as she lays eyes on Farah, her mind struggling to process the impossible standing before her. A ghost of her past in the flesh, returning to haunt her.
“This isn’t real.” Shock and disbelief wash over Y/N in waves, leaving her trembling and disoriented. She blinks rapidly as if trying to dispel the illusion before her eyes, but Farah remains steadfast and real, a reassuring smile playing on her lips.
“I’m here.”
Unable to find the words to express the emotions raging within her, Y/N simply reaches out to Farah, her hand trembling as it brushes against her arm. It's a gesture of disbelief, a wordless acknowledgment of the miracle that stands before her. Embracing her, she lets the tears flow freely.
Holding her tightly, Farah runs a soothing hand over her back. “I’m sorry darling, but we don’t have much time.”
Pulling away, sniffling, she frowns. “What does that mean? I just got you back!”
“You didn’t. Not truly.” Brushing away her tears, Farah smiles sweetly. “I did not survive the attack. When I realized what Rosalind was going to do, I drew on as much magic as I could, and called on the natural world to preserve me.”
With trembling lips, Y/N shakes her head. “I don’t have long, but I do have time for one final lesson. For both you and your friends.” Farah turns around, waving her hand lightly. The girls followed shortly after, forming a tight circle. Bloom’s with them, much to Y/N’s confusion. Didn’t Saul say she was gone? Isn’t that the reason she was told to stay behind?
“When I was your headmistress, I shielded you from the harsh truths of the world. I believed that positive emotions were the cornerstone of powerful magic. Rosalind felt the opposite. That strength was only forged in those harsh truths. We were both wrong. To unlock true magic, you must make peace with all your emotions. The reckless joy of the positive and the despair of the negative. There is beauty and power in both. I'm so proud of each of you. And of the women you're becoming.” 
Tucking her hair behind her ears, Y/N folds her arms. “Using my emotions in my magic has only ever caused others to get hurt. It’s not that simple.”
“Y/N, shall we take a walk?”
Walking toward the woods, Y/N grumbles. “Are you sure it’s not Bloom you meant to invite?”
Farah chuckles. “Bloom has gotten all the wisdom she needed from me. You still need a little more.”
“It’s always been this way,” Y/N remarks. “She’s the star pupil, even when she sets someone on fire. I’m the one needing extra lessons and work no matter what I do.”
“Darling, you’ve got it all wrong.” Farah stops. “The reason you needed extra care is because you’ve locked yourself in a shell out of fear. You’ve been so afraid of your powers, hating it, running from its potential, but this kind of power can’t be locked away. The shell cracks eventually and you have extremely powerful magic escaping it in terribly, uncontrolled ways. Y/N, what happens when a dam begins to break?”
“The water trickles through the cracks, slowly at first…but then there are all these pressure leaks that increase the speed damage to the structure of the dam…and when it breaks and the water comes out all at once, it’s certain to take out everything in its vicinity.”
Tilting Y/N’s chin with her index finger, Farah smiles. “Don’t you understand? You’ve created a dam that’s breaking and instead of letting the river run free, in its natural state, you’ve created a dam and pressure leaks, and when it breaks entirely, it will annihilate everything.”
Clenching her jaw, Y/N trains her gaze on her feet. “So I’ll explode one day...like I always thought?”
“It’s never too late to detonate,” Farah wraps an arm around her, moving her forward as they continue the walk. “Embrace your emotions, even the ugly ones. The fear, the anger, the grief, all of it is a part of you and you are in control. Those emotions do not control you or your magic, not if you don’t let them.”
Biting her lower lip mercilessly, Y/N looks up at Farah. “I’ve been so angry at you. So, so angry.”
“You couldn’t have known –“
“I’m a mind fairy, I should have seen it! If I was in control, I’d have known…maybe I could have even stopped it.”
Grabbing her by the shoulders, Farah frowns. “Stop! You are very powerful, darling, but you’re not all-powerful. There are things we can’t see coming, no matter how hard we try. You can’t save everybody. It doesn’t work like that. Don’t ever blame yourself for what happened to me…I don’t.” Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Farah sighs. “You are my favorite student. I know you’re afraid of your power, but you have to use it. One way or another, those you love will need you to fight.” Offering a smile, she takes a step back. “I believe in you. You have the power to protect this realm, to save it from those who wish chaos upon it.”
“Rosalind said something similar to Bloom once,” Y/N presses her lips in a thin line.
“How about this, then? Don’t think about saving the world. Focus on saving your world. When you have that in your heart, you can’t go wrong.”
Sniffling, she nods. “You waited until they were gone. He would have loved to see you.”
“Saul would understand. Our friendship was dear to me, you can tell him that.”
Lifting her head to the sky, Y/N wipes the tears slowly forming their path on her cheeks. “I hate saying goodbye.”
“I’m glad we have the chance to do it properly,” Farah wraps her arms around her, letting her cry while the sun goes down. As the last ray of light dies down, Y/N’s arms wrap around herself, realizing Farah is gone…this time for good.
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theundercoversquid · 2 years
Head Scratches
Pairing: Sky of Eraklyon x Reader
Summary: You play with Sky’s hair while he naps
Warnings: fate the winx saga
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Sky’s head rested on your chest as he napped. His arm slung across your hips as the rest of him is laid either on you or pressed against you.
To be fair, he needed it. After all the training he was being put through. And the extra training he was putting himself through. You were happy your boyfriend was finally catching up on some much-needed sleep.
In one hand, you held a book. And the other gently ran through Sky’s hair. Massaging his scalp as you went.
Removing your hand from Sky’s head, you move to turn to the next page in your book.
But the moment your fingertips left Sky’s scalp, he let out a disgruntled sound. Grumbling in his sleep as he pushed his head further into you.
Lightly chuckling, you flipped the page before returning your fingers to Sky’s head. Causing him to let out a happy sigh as he relaxed again. Content that your hand was back on his head.
Smiling at your adorable boyfriend, you made a mental note to bring it up to him when he woke up.
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Grumbling Sky’s eyes fluttered open.
Grinning sleepily up at you, Sky moved to sit up. Shuffling around until his head was resting on your shoulder as he looked at what you were reading.
“You are adorable, you know that don’t you?” you questioned Sky. Putting the bookmaker in your book, placing it on the bedside table next to you.
“Why?” Sky questions, wary of where this was going.
“You wouldn’t let me take my hand off your head.” You told Sky, Smiling down at him. “Whenever I would take my hand off your head, you would whine and nuzzled your head into me until I put it back. It was so sweet.”
At your words, Sky’s cheeks dusted a light red and a smile spread across his face.
Leaning down, you placed a light kiss on his nose. “It was adorable.” You assure him. “After all you have been through. And are putting yourself through you need some TLC.”
“As long as you are the person giving the the TLC.” Sky grinned admiring you.
“Always.” You assure him. Placing a kiss on his head. Because you most certainly weren’t planning on going anywhere.
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artistamateurieuse · 7 months
May I offer you some romcom!au saundreas?
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(plus bonus ten year old Sky because I couldn't stop myself)
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rivusa · 7 months
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just-barrow · 2 years
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"Let's face it Danny Griffin your dads are nutters"
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
Anyway ... chapter’s out!
Enchanted moments - season 2 
Chapter 9 - Royal apologies
Last night's problems are todays messes. We leave Eraklyon for Solaria and big announcements are made official.
Here’s the last instalment of the Eraklyon saga (3/3)
I really hope you like it! I had so much fun while writing it!!!
Let me know what you think about it <3
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supercap2319 · 2 months
Y/N sighed in relief. The Ogre and its ghouls were gone. For how long? Y/N couldn't say, but for now, they were gone. He glanced to his right as Stella's brightly colored wings disappeared. "He was getting on my bloody nervous." She said.
The Hunter Troll was taken care of, too. It was in a giant chasm in the ground thanks to four young men wearing armor and weapons at their backs. They appeared to be Y/N's and his sister Bloom's age, but probably a little bit older if he had to guess. He locked eyes with one of them with gorgeous blue eyes as Stella started to introduce said blue eyes and his friends.
"Bloom? Y/N? These are the specialists from Alfea I was talking about." Stella said.
"How's it going?"
"How are you doing?"
"Meet Riven." Stella indicated to a young man with light brown hair and blue-ish green eyes. He had a mischievous smile, and Y/N could tell right away that this guy was a troublemaker.
"Brandon." She indicated to the tallest male of the group. He flashed Stella a smile. "How's it going, Princess?" From his tone and Stella's body language, it was obvious that that they had the hots for each other.
She moved on to the next guy. "Timmy." The young man with reddish brown hair and blue eyes smiled at Y/N and Bloom, giving the twins a friendly wave and shy smile in the process.
The final one was the one who Y/N locked eyes with. The one whose hair was a golden coiffed peak of a helmet. He was cute and definitely had that heroic vibe you see in movies and TV shows. The summer tan and muscular muscles underneath his shirt were a good indication that this cute guy definitely didn't miss a workout in his life.
"The blonde one is Prince Sky of Eraklyon."
Y/N's eyes widened. "Wait, he's a prince? Where's his crown?" Y/N blurted out.
Bloom blushed with embarrassment in front of the cute guys, who smirked and laughed at Y/N's question. Sky turned to him with a smirk, showing a row of perfect teeth. God, Y/N hated him already. "I left it at home in my giant castle."
"You have a castle, too?"
"Nah, I'm just fucking with ya, mate." Sky smirked.
"Ass." Y/N smiled. "Who knew you had jokes, Blue eyes."
Sky chuckled. "I have a name, you know."
"Don't care. Blue eyes suits you." Y/N smiled.
Brandon cleared his throat. "I hate to break up the flirting, but we gotta get this guy back to Silva." He pointed towards the Hunter Troll.
"Right. Specialists? Let's move." Sky said in his most commander voice he could.
They cuffed the troll and opened a portal and sent the creature through, as they all said their goodbyes one by one. Sky turns to Y/N and smirks. "I sure hope I'll see you at Alfea."
"You can count on it, Prince Sky." Y/N smiled.
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partiallypearl · 1 month
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Don't have a kid to hide a kid to hide again, be sure
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skloomdumpster · 6 months
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I’ll be your slaughterhouse, your killing floor, your morgue and final resting.
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 8 months
A little danger, pt. 13
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A little danger - Series Masterlist
Pairing: Sky of Eraklyon x mind!fairy
Warnings: angst, swearing, violence, sexual innuendos, descriptions of wounds/death
———— PART 13 ————
It’s almost funny just how much time Y/N spent wishing her powers gone, yet when her wishes are finally heard she can’t reconcile the emptiness. The power that occupied a space inside her chest, wrapped around her heart in an eternal embrace she could always rely on, is now absent. Warmth her power generated had retreated, leaving her a shaken mess with cold seeping into her bones.
“You can’t hide in your room forever”, Stella opens Y/N’s closet, her eyebrows raised as she inspects the contents. “The wounds will heal, but your closet might need some help.”
“My fashion sense is superior to yours”, Y/N remarks lightheartedly.
Scoffing, Stella grabs a black dress off the hanger. “This is a monstrosity!”
“It’s my feel-good dress!” Y/N steals it back, holding it close to her chest. Sky used to love this dress: each thread, each stitch carries memories.
“You look badass in it”, he smirks. “Makes me think about all the things I’d like to do to you.”
Chuckling, Y/N places her hands on her hips. “Do tell”, she purses her lips. “Maybe we can come to an agreement on some of them.”
Blushing, Sky bites his lip. “Well, for starters”, he moves closer, pushing her back into a wall gently. “I’d make it so you’re near me”, he speaks quietly, his voice low and dark. Suddenly, he turns her around, pressing her hips into the wall as his fingers graze her tights, slowly pulling up the hem of her dress. “And then I’d kiss your neck”, his lips graze her ear before they find a home on the left side of her neck, nibbling lightly on the soft flesh. With his hands making way forward toward her inner thighs, Y/N lets out a few short breaths in anticipation. As his fingers brush her wet panties, Sky peels away from her body.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She asks, her eyes narrowing as his smile turns into a grin.
“Class”, Sky shrugs, heading to the door. Pausing, he turns to her with a cocky smirk. “But it’s good to know how wet I can get you in a matter of minutes.”
Throwing a pillow at his head, she growls as he ducks just in time and laughs at her. “JERK!”
“I’ll make it up to you”, he promises. “As long as you wear the dress.”
Stella’s gaze softens. She can tell how hard it is for Y/n, how lost her friend seems. Y/N is navigating in the dark, but Stella has the power to change it. “You’re getting that look on your face again.”
“What look?”
“The ‘I miss Sky’ look which can also be seen as the ‘I’m constipated’ look.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N places the dress back on the hanger. “I do not miss Sky and I am not constipated.”
“You’re emotionally constipated and you definitely miss Sky”, Stella insists. “No need to lie to me.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N grimaces. “I miss my power.” Admitting it out loud seems like a crime, as if she’s saying she misses being an out of control monster that hurt people. Placing a hand over her heart, she chokes up. If she could put it into words, the pain that has taken a hold on her since it happened, she would. It’s as if someone locked her in a windowless room and shut off the light. The last time she felt any flicker of her power was when she was walking away from Sky. It’s the hardest thing she’s ever had to do – but it’s for his own good.
Nodding, Stella forces a smile. “It’s a good thing you’ll get it back.”
“There’s no guarantee”, Y/N frowns.
“Well, if you helped us with the Blood witches, maybe we’d have a guarantee.”
“I’m useless against them. Especially now,” Y/N remarks bitterly.
“At least you’re not cleaning toilets like Musa,” Stella tries to lighten to mood. “She’s become the janitor.”
Y/N gives a weak smile, appreciating the pep talk, but it’s not going to fix her struggles. “I’m not getting involved. But I could do with a short walk, if you’re so insistent.”
Stella nods, offering a reassuring smile. “I’ll take it!”
Glancing at her closet again, Y/N nibbles on her bottom lip as her eyes focus on the black dress. Sky did keep his promise that night. He kept it so good that she could hardly walk for two days after that. Shaking her head, she takes it in her hands again and gives it a good look.
“I look damn good in this dress and you’re about to eat your words.”
She was right. Stella had nothing but praise for the dress once it was on Y/N’s body. It fit her as if it was tailored to every curve Y/N has, something quite a few students noticed as they passed by her.
“I swear this was the fifth guy willing to risk his life and give you his number”, Stella exclaims. “If Sky gets his hands on them, they’ll be begging for a quick death.”
“Why?” Y/N presses her lips in a thin line. “He’s not my boyfriend anymore. There’s no reason for him to scare off others who’d like to get to know me.”
“He loves you”, Stella reminds her. “He’s never going to be okay with other men trying to get into your pants. Or under your dress in this case.”
Stopping by the lake, Y/N stares into the distance. “I’m not so sure you’re right about that.”
“Of course, I am! It’s Sky! The guy worships you!”
Crossing her arms over her chest, Y/N shakes her head. “He was scared of me,” she admits quietly. “He’s just hid it better than everyone else.”
“If that’s true, why has he been staring at you ever since we came out here?”
Glancing over her shoulder toward the specialists training, Y/N meets Sky’s gaze. The emptiness inside her aches. She can hardly breathe as her jaw clenches and the lump at the back of her throat grows. Shivering with the cold spreading through her, Y/N turns away.
“Are you shivering in this heat?!” Stella frowns.
Without a word, Y/N continues to walk but in a few steps her walk becomes a sprint until she reaches her dorm. Closing the door behind her, she locks it before falling to the floor. Gasping for breath, she claws at her throat as the sobs make their way through her and out into the world, filling the room with loud, barely human cries as Y/N comes to realize one thing she cannot admit out loud – it’s not her power she’s missing, it’s him. The echoes of their last argument haunt her every time she closes her eyes. Her fingers tremble as she clutches onto the black dress, a painful reminder of a time where Sky was by her side and the love that used to fill her heart wasn’t a hollow ache. She’s pushed him away, finally. It took a while but she won, he finally let her go. Sky watched her walk away and for once he didn’t follow.
Isn’t this what she always wanted? Isn’t Sky’s devotion an inconvenience? Wasn’t she always picking apart everything he’s ever said or done to justify her need to push him away?
As Y/N was breaking down under the weight of her emotions for the first time since their split, Sky was on the other side of the door, listening. He ran after her, desperately wanting to make sure she’s alright.
He didn’t see her in almost two weeks since their split, relying on updates about her state from Stella and occasionally Musa, hell even Riven saw her before he did. This time he wanted to talk to her personally, last thing he expected was to hear the gut-wrenching sound of her sobbing on the other side of the door. He’s listening, unable to tear himself away.
She might as well be in a different dimension to him now, that’s how distant she feel to him. Absolutely no bridges can be made when she refuses to even see him. But, if he’s being truly honest, he hasn’t sought her out either. In the time they’ve been apart, Sky focused on himself. More importantly, Sky focused on honing his skills and pushing away the pain of losing her.
Saul and he have both been iced out by Y/N, which had weirdly enough brought them closer together, fostering an unlikely bond Y/N would likely approve of.
He can walk away now, pretend he doesn’t hear the love of his life crying her heart out, but he doesn’t. His love for her won’t allow it. Instead, he sits with his back resting against the door frame, unable to stay away any longer, and finally speaks.
“Beatrix told me I should have let Andreas kill Saul.”
Silence falls heavy on his shoulders. The cries have stopped, stifled by the sound of his voice, but he can feel her tears still flowing. Just because she’s not bawling, doesn’t mean he can’t feel every tear she spills over him.
“Accused me of doing it on purpose, using Saul as an excuse”, he chuckles bitterly, still in disbelief over the ridiculousness of the accusation. “I think she forgets he was my dad too.”
Sniffling, Y/N unlocks the door. Sky shifts in surprise, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Part of him expected that perhaps him speaking would entice her to open up.
As she opens the door, she remains seated on the inside, crisscrossed. Her eyes are brimming with tears, red from irritation, and her face is blotchy, but she doesn’t seem to care about that. Her own pain is unimportant when Sky is hurting – something she’s always done.
“I knew you’d do that”, he sighs. Sitting with his legs crossed on the outside, he sniffles too. “I shouldn’t have followed you.”
“But you did”, she states.
“Do you know the girls tried using some sort of a convergence crystal to give Musa her power back?”
“It didn’t work”, she shrugs meekly.
“Maybe it would work if you were with them.”
Biting her lip, she frowns. “I don’t have any power to help anyone.”
“We both know that’s not true”, Sky gives her a pointed look.
“I don’t know what you mean”, she defends.
“Yes, you do.”
Y/N shakes her head. “Have you been drinking? I can smell the booze on your breath.”
“Why ask questions you know answers to?”
“Because I hoped you’d tell me I was wrong.”
“You are wrong”, he quips. “You’re wrong for ending things with me.”
“You don’t need me.”
Letting out a heavy breath, Sky runs a hand through his hair. “It’s not about need, Y/N. It’s about wanting and loving and I both want and love you. I’m just tired of chasing you and being met with a million of these doors and invisible lines I cannot cross.”
He’s tearing himself raw for her, the ache in his chest so unbearable it’s like the very air is suffocating him. It’s all he can do – be honest and be present.
“You’re right”, she says quietly serving as a knife to his already bleeding heart. “So, give it a rest.”
“I killed my dad”, Sky spits out through gritted teeth. “I had to wonder if you’re going to survive too and to hate myself for being the reason you were even there to begin with.”
“I made my choice that night because I wanted to make sure you’re safe”, Y/N remarks. But when she continues her voice is laced with regret and bitterness. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save Andreas too. I was weak. And now I’m nothing.”
“You’re never nothing”, Sky’s quick to correct her. “To me, you’ll always be everything.”
Nodding, she doesn’t reply. What’s the point? Whatever she says, he’ll counter it with the exact opposite…the opposite she doesn’t believe in. It’s like talking to a wall.
“I did hear you”, she whispers, her voice breaking as truth spills from her lips. “It was a flicker of power, but I haven’t felt it since. It’s quiet”, she points to her temple. “Nothing happens in here anymore.”
“You miss it?”
“All the fucking time.” Tucking her hair behind her ears, she sighs with sorrow and longing. “And I miss you.”
“You don’t have to miss me”, his words are a desperate plea. “Say the word and I’ll cross this barrier”, he points to the doorstep, the barrier she had set.
“The problems we had aren’t so easily solvable.”
“Had”, Sky repeats with hope.
“I’ll get my magic back”, Y/N furrows her brows. “I know I will.”
“Is that what you want?” Sky swallows thickly, barely keeping himself together as he realizes just how fractured their seemingly unbreakable love is.
“In that case, I hope you do get it back.” Sky looks down, finding it hard to keep eye contact. His heart is bleeding for this girl who seems to be tearing herself apart. They can fix each other, but she doesn’t allow that.
Nodding, she sniffles tears cascading down her cheeks. Wiping them away, she forces a smile. “Saul says you two are finding common ground.”
“We’ve got a problem.” Saul walks up to Sky. “You were drunk, weren’t you? Last night? That’s why you don’t remember.”
“Are you gonna lecture me?”
“No”, Saul sighs heavily. “You know, when I thought I killed Andreas, I got drunk for two years straight.”
“You were just a baby then. Y/N’s mom tried to sober me up and then you got older and I realized I had a job to do.” Pausing, Saul licks his lips, the memories are still vivid. “I’m still here, Sky. Still trying to do that job.”
“I know”, Sky sighs. “But I can’t train. Every time I pick up my sword I’m…”
“Back there. I know. It will pass. It’s going to take time and it will not be easy, but when it comes time when you need to fight to protect someone you love, you will fight.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“I picked my sword up for you, Sky. You’ll pick it back up for someone too.”
“Y/N”, he nods, the thought of her giving him strength. “If someone threatened her, I wouldn’t hesitate.”
“What does she have to say about it all? Have you even talked to her?”
“I haven’t even seen her since she walked away from me. She’s avoiding me.” Sky shrugs, attempting to hide the true depth of pain he’s been in. “What would I tell her? That I was hoping I would have some sort of redemption with my dad? With her? That we’d have a future?”
“See, that’s your problem. You try to predict your future, but we’re soldiers Sky. We don’t get to make predictions.”
Scoffing, Sky takes a step back, frustrated. “That’s fucked up.”
“Life’s fucked up. And guess what? It doesn’t give a shit about your plans. Once you come to terms with that, you become unshakable.”
How can he ever come to terms with that? To accept he might never have the life he wants with Y/N? That all those nights they spoke sweet nothings to each other about their plans are best to be forgotten?
Sky wants a proper life: he wants to marry Y/N, to have kids together, to be able to breathe without living on borrowed time.
“All great fighters are unshakable, Sky. We make peace with those we love every day, because we know tomorrow it could all be gone.”
“So, I’m meant to go through life in a constant state of uncertainty?”
“Readiness”, Saul corrects
“And how did that work for you when you lost the one you love? Huh? You’re still mourning her, watching over her daughter. You’ve mourned my father for all this time and yet you think it made you unshakable?” Tapping Saul’s shoulder, Sky forces a smile, a fragile façade. “You think it works, or that it works for you, but that’s not the life I want to live.”
“We’re trying”, Sky nods. “It comes with ups and downs.” ‘Would be a lot easier if you were around.’
Swallowing thickly, she musters a fragile smile. “I know it’s hard, especially with all the what if’s about Andreas, but Saul has always been there for you,” her voice cracks. “He’s not your blood, but he is your family.”
‘You’re my family.’
“You just need to take time to heal and it’s gonna be fine.”
Pressing his lips in a thin line he nods faintly. “Time…yes.” A sad smile tugs at his lips as his eyes glide across her body. “You look really beautiful in that dress.”
Y/N reaches over the threshold, a trembling hand hesitating before Sky notices. But he does notice and he doesn’t hesitate, taking her hand in his before she has time to change her mind.
For a moment, they both half expected a jolt of electricity to shake them both upon contact, to reignite the spark that once held them so close. But it never comes. Nothing really happens…except Y/N doesn’t feel cold anymore. The empty spot in her chest is filled, even if for a few fleeting moments.
Because the sound of an explosion that caused them to separate had left her feeling empty again. In that moment, the world feels impossibly fragile, teetering on the edge of an abyss.
Sharing a worried look with Sky, Y/N’s the first to speak, fear and confusion evident in her eyes. “What the fuck was that?!”
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starkcontrasts · 2 years
GOD the fact that silva knew andreas calling his father's sword "an unbalanced piece of shit" was because andreas was jealous he gave it to sky. the fact that silva said that shit WITH HIS CHEST to their shared child just like "yeah your dad's a jealous fuck, i can finally tell you that now that we're being honest abt him, also yeah he's got anger issues on top of anger issues. two of many reasons why we broke up" i am gagginggg he said and i will put him in his place!! his grave!!
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