#the double ingo & fnaf post was an accident & I'm miffed about it
emdotcom · 2 years
Okay! Looked through the queue, here's the art schedule, take it as you will.
9-14, Wednesday: Gemsona
9-15, Thursday: Gymsona
9-16, Friday: Double post, both Pokemon. Less about the games, more about those creatures!
9-17, Saturday: Herobrine & Sbeve Minecraft
9-18, Sunday: Double post again, FNAF & Ingo Hot
9-19, Monday: FNAF Security Breach
9-20, Tuesday: FNAF gijinkas. Just 2. Not particularly popular characters, either. Real weird take on one of 'em.
9-21, Wednesday: FNAF Pirate AU
From then on: When we hit this Thursday, I will flip a coin, & if it lands on heads, I delete anywhere between 1 to all of my Tumblr blogs & do not ever, ever remake them. If it lands on tails, I take no further action & never speak of this again.
All of these taking place at the regular 5-6pm, central time.
Regular posts in between, folks, so you're also getting the same bullshit you've grown accustomed to, I'm just also making you look at my art, as well
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